

words have meaning
this is a Lynchage ,
this is a Pogrom,
this is a bunch of fascist hooligans, who took a beating in a brawl they initiated

#War #Israel #Fakenews, #DominantMedia, #lynching, #Pogrom, #history, #Amsterdam, #2024, #Football, #Hooigans #Fachist, #Israelis, #Provocateurs

#Orwell #1984

Giving meaning back to words in the post-truth era Fr

Almost all of France’s political class has switched over to Trumpism. Reality no longer holds sway, facts, truth and evidence are no longer of interest. Only the rewriting of facts counts: imposing “one’s” narrative.

Words like lynching and pogrom have a meaning, a history, a depth, which deserve to be known and studied, so that these acts never happen again. But such weighty words are not used lightly or to discredit a cause. If only out of respect for the victims. A few punches thrown at far-right hooligans used to brawling and glorifying genocide is not, and never will be, a lynching or a pogrom.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)


Aufgeheizte Stimmung in Amsterdam nach Fußball-Krawallen

Niederlande - Aufgeheizte Stimmung in Amsterdam nach Fußball-Krawallen

Nach den Ausschreitungen in Amsterdam kommt die Stadt nicht zur Ruhe. Untersucht werden die Übergriffe auf israelische Fans, aber auch deren Anteil daran.#Niederlande #Amsterdam #Fußball #Krawalle #Israelis #Juden #Maccabi #Antisemitismus
Aufgeheizte Stimmung in Amsterdam nach Fußball-Krawallen


So there were "antisemitic attacks" on #Maccabi football fans in #Amsterdam, #Israel premier #Netanyahu even speaks of a "pogrom" and Maccabi "fans" refer to the 7. October. However, more and more video footage emerges of what really happened and Owen Jones has compiled some of it.

So what happened?
- on Wednesday Maccabi hooligans climbed buildings to rip down Palestinian flags on multiple occasions
- they chanted genocidal slurs ("Kill all Arabs", "Why are there no schools in Gaza? Because there are no children")
- they blatantly ignored the minute of silence for the flood victims in Spain
- they chased and attacked Amsterdam citizens after the game with sticks, pipes and whatever they found

But when the people of Amsterdam are fed up and the Maccabi hooligans find out that Amsterdam is not #Gaza and they can not just do as they please, then it's suddenly antisemitic pogroms? Right...

Sky News DELETES Truth About Israeli Football Hooligans On Rampage In Am... https://youtube.com/watch?v=pTFovHpft5M&si=YsZkMhMqY7QQYJVo



Ă  propos des violences de jeudi soir Ă  Amsterdam... Pas si simple :

« Le Middle East Eye parle pour sa part d’un «chauffeur de taxi arabe» qui aurait Ă©tĂ© agressĂ© «par ce qui semblerait ĂȘtre une foule de supporteurs israĂ©liens» mercredi soir. Et rapporte que, le mĂȘme jour, «un groupe de supporteurs israĂ©liens» avait Ă©tĂ© filmĂ© sur la place du Dam en train de chanter «Fuck you Palestine». Lors de la confĂ©rence de presse ce vendredi midi, la cheffe de la police Ă  Amsterdam a confirmĂ© que mercredi «les partisans du Maccabi ont retirĂ© un drapeau d’une façade» et qu’ils ont Ă©galement «dĂ©truit un taxi» et «incendiĂ© un drapeau palestinien».
Jeudi avant la rencontre, d’autres Ă©vĂ©nements, toujours en lien avec le conflit israĂ©lo-palestinien, ont eu lieu dans la capitale nĂ©erlandaise, faisant grimper encore le niveau de tension. Plusieurs vidĂ©os montrent des groupes (non identifiables) s’atteler Ă  dĂ©crocher des drapeaux palestiniens suspendus Ă  des fenĂȘtres par des habitants, certains chantant au passage Ă  nouveau des «Fuck you Palestine». Sur d’autres vidĂ©os, on voit un grand groupe de supporteurs du Maccabi descendre des escalators en chantant Ă  tue-tĂȘte, en hĂ©breu : «Que Tsahal gagne et nique les Arabes». »

#antisémitisme #racisme #violence #Amsterdam