

Warehouse is a neat Flatpak tool to show additional useful info about Flatpak apps

An application screen listing various Flatpak apps installed on a system, with a popup screen in the foreground showing more detailed info for a selected app, such as User data location, Name, Description, App ID, Version, Branch, Arch and Origin.
Quickly see info for installed Flatpak apps and runtimes (runtimes are hidden by default, but there’s a toggle to display them). It displays the same detail as the flatpak list command but in a GUI, and includes buttons to copy each snippet to your clipboard – handy!

Warehouse lets you clear user and app data for installed Flatpak(s) without having to remove them, which can be a handy way of ‘resetting’ an app back to its defaults.

The app is also able to scan for data left from previously uninstalled Flatpak apps.

So not exactly an all-in-one Flatpak management tool, but it has some quite useful features, making it worth installing. It is especially useful for doing some clean-ups and finding where the user data is stored. It also helped me identify some End-Of-Life Flatpak apps that I still had installed.

See https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2023/10/warehouse-flatpak-tool-for-linux

#technology #Linux #Flatpak #opensource
#Blog, #flatpak, #linux, #opensource, #technology


Tiens... #Jami sur pc #Linux #LinuxMint #Mint ? Ça donne quoi ?
Moi, je viens d'essayer d'installer le #flatpak car il n'y a rien d'autre.... ben j'ai beau cliquer sur le bouton "lancer", rien ne se passe.. même si je redémarre le bouzin...
.... Même si je supprime et réinstalle... idem.
Qui fait l'essai ?


Que choisir : Paquet #Système ou #Flatpak ( #Flathub) ?

Sur #Linux #Mint, la #logithèque me propose souvent les deux.
Exemple avec Kdenlive :

-- Image "flatpak" :

Du peu que je sais, je préfère la version système.
Prend moins de place, de ce que je sais ou crois savoir, pas besoin de tout réinstaller..
Mais ensuite ?
-- est-ce moins à jour ?
-- moins "moderne" ?

Et flatpak, que faut-il en retenir ? Ou de quoi faut-il se méfier ?

Pour #kdenlive, un truc bizarre est l'image associée au téléchargement dans la logithèque : l'image du "flatpak" fait moderne, celle du "système", ancien, basique...

-- Image "système" :


taw00/element-rpm: SHUT DOWN NOTICE ! (Element.Desktop)


Bislang setze ich unter #Fedora #Element als Desktop-Variante ein und nutze dafür das #RPM Build von #taw00. Vielen Dank auf diesem Wege für die großartige Arbeit hier!

Heute morgen habe ich mir mal die Zeit genommen, den Fehlermeldungen beim Update nachzugehen, die seit Fedora 36 auftreten.

Hhmpff! Scheinbar hat Todd schon vor einem halben Jahr hingeschmissen und ich stehe ohne Updates da.

Was nun? Muss ich wirklich das fiese #Flatpak nutzen?!?

Was ich nicht brauche:
*Vorschläge für alternative Clients oder andere Distro
*selber Bauen
*anderes Protokoll
*Diskussionen über die Vorzüge von Flatpak




Mozilla Firefox is slow even if hardware acceleration is enabled?

Try enabling gfx.x11-egl.force-enabled in about:config to force the use of EGL1 and then restart the web browser.
If this works, enabling layers.acceleration.force-enabled can boost your performance even more by enabling OpenGL alongside EGL. 2
This also works on Flatpak if the security permissions are correct (use Flatseal3 if needed).

Tags: #linux #gnulinux #sysadmin #gpu #gpu-linux #gpuacceleration #egl #opengl #x11 #xorg #mozilla #firefox #hack #flatpak #flatseal



Dieses #Flatpak war mir immer schon suspekt. Deswegen habe ich am Wochenende mal ordentlich aufgeräumt. Dachte ich jedenfalls.

# flatpak list

# du -h --max-depth=1 /var/lib/flatpak/
4,0K    /var/lib/flatpak/app
65M /var/lib/flatpak/appstream
4,0K    /var/lib/flatpak/runtime
1,2M    /var/lib/flatpak/oci
280K    /var/lib/flatpak/exports
4,0K    /var/lib/flatpak/.removed
994M    /var/lib/flatpak/repo
1,1G    /var/lib/flatpak/

Irgenwie ist es mir jetzt noch suspekter.


Gain unprivileged access to an overlapped directory in Flatpak


/usr and other hierarchies on the host cannot be accessed from Flatpak, because they conflict with the sandbox. Instead, you are presented with a fake, overlapped filesystem hierarchy. Currently, Flatpak alone has no working options to solve this issue, as configuration overrides have no effect on those special filesystem hierarchies. As Linux does not support directory hard links, this is a serious nuisance!


Luckily, there is a workaround to safely access the original directory without having root access, if your sysadmin (or you, if you own the system) installed the bindfs package.

The bindfs command uses a FUSE filesystem to mirror the contents of a directory to another directory:

bindfs /overlapped ~/.overlapped

If high performance is needed:

bindfs -o multithreaded /overlapped ~/.overlapped

If security (read-only access) is needed:

bindfs -o ro /overlapped ~/.overlapped


TASK: access the documentation on a Debian system from a Flatpak app.

user@localhost:~$ mkdir .doc
user@localhost:~$ bindfs -o ro,multithreaded /usr/share/doc .doc
user@localhost:~$ ls .doc

…will grant you fast, read-only access to /usr/share/doc by visiting .doc in your user home.
ls .doc will list the contents of /usr/share/doc, while .doc is not a symlink but a simple directory created by you.
You can now eg. use the Flatpak version of Mozilla Firefox to browse file:///home/yourusername/.doc and it will let you read the files in /usr/share/doc, which are normally inaccessible under Flatpak.

Note: this is not an official workaround, I've found by accident. If you know better alternatives please feel free to comment so other users can benefit. Thank you.

Tags: #linux #gnulinux #debian #flatpak #sandbox #virtualization #security #hacking #filesystem #fs #docs #sysadmin #sys #documentation