

Yesterday my daughter fell asleep at 18.00 (quite early for her!) so I took the chance to do some cooking! Besides a meal of air-fried tofu, a spinach with mushroom curry with coconut cream, and a oven-baked potato with Brussels sprouts dish, I took the chance to work on some projects that were in my cooking to-do list.

Here you can see the result. My first ever try doing vegan Kimchi, and a classic of mine: Vegan cinnamon rolls!

Doing the Kimchi was a lot of fun. I got 5 Chinese cabbages for free using the Olio app, so doing Kimchi had been in the back of my mind for days now. I thought I wouldn't be able to do it, because I didn't know where in Amsterdam I could find Gochugaru, a korean Chili powder that is key to the recipe. To my surprise, yesterday while buying tofu and tempeh at my local Toko shop, I found they also sold Gochugaru! I didn't have any more excuses, so I also got some rice flour (the only other ingredient I was missing) and went back home to do the salting of the cabbages to start prepping for the Kimchi.

Parallel to the Kimchi prep, I also prepared some dough using powdered yeast for quick fermentation. I had some pecan nuts and lots of coconout oil at home, so I had all I needed for my classic vegan cinnamon buns recipe.

After 6 hours of cooking, all was ready. What I didn't foresee was that I should have worn gloves to prepare the Kimchi! turns out Gochagaru can really burn your skin if you are in contact with it too much. I have never followed recipes with measurements. I just eye-ball and guestimate everything. Maybe I used too much... After everything, my hand were burning like I had put them on acid. But it was worth it! The Cinnamon buns are delicious, and I can wait to try my first attempt at Kimchi :)

At the back, you can see my sourdough as well. It's in the fridge now, for slow fermenting. I will use it today to make some sourdough savory pancakes :D

#story #recipe #Kimchi #vegan #CinnamonBuns #Toko #Gochugaru #KoreanFood #Cooking #olioapp #FoodSharing #Amsterdam


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Nordstadtblogger - 2021-09-11 16:00:28 GMT

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