

Daniel Perry, convicted of murder, wrote of wanting to kill protesters, Muslims, Black people, new court docs show

Daniel Perry, who was recently convicted of murdering a Black Lives Matter protester and is making national headlines in the wake of Gov. Greg Abbott saying he wants to pardon him, sent private messages for years containing racist memes and defending the killing of protesters and Muslims, a newly unsealed set of court documents shows.

The 76 pages filed by Travis County prosecutors also reveal messages dating back years in which Perry, an Army sergeant, talked about killing people — several times referencing a desire to kill Muslims.

In a 2019 message, for example, Perry wrote it was "to [sic] bad we can't get paid for hunting Muslims in Europe."

The documents released Thursday were filed on March 27, when prosecutors announced their intent to introduce messages and posts they'd gathered from Perry's cellphone. Some of Perry’s messages were presented during his trial, including a May 31, 2020, social media post where he said he might have to kill people. But the newly unsealed filing contains dozens of other posts and messages that weren’t presented publicly.

More: https://www.houstonchronicle.com/politics/texas/article/daniel-perry-messages-violent-racist-posts-17896036.php

#GregAbbott #DanielPerry #texas #justice


Tumult bei Pressekonferenz zu Schulmassaker in Texas | DW | 25.05.2022

Bei einer Pressekonferenz zu dem Amoklauf an einer Schule ist es zu einem Eklat gekommen. Der demokratische Politiker O'Rourke attackierte den texanischen Gouverneur scharf für dessen Haltung zu den laxen Waffengesetzen.#USA #Texas #Uvalde #Schulmassaker #Waffengewalt #GregAbbott #BetoORourke #NRA #PräsidentJoeBiden
Tumult bei Pressekonferenz zu Schulmassaker in Texas | DW | 25.05.2022


Texas Governor Greg Abbott, as of now, is scheduled to speak at the NRA-ILA’s Annual Leadership Forum alongside former President Donald Trump on Friday, May 27 in Houston TX.

This follows the devastating elementary school shooting that left more than a dozen children dead on Tuesday in Uvalde, TX.

The NRA-ILA Leadership Forum is one of the most politically significant and popular events in the country, featuring our nation’s top Second Amendment leaders in government, the media, and the entertainment industry.

#NRA #GregAbbott #Texas #school #shooting



Tote bei Amoklauf an Schule in Texas | DW | 24.05.2022

Bei der Schusswaffenattacke in einer Grundschule in dem US-Bundesstaat sind mindestens 14 Kinder und eine Lehrkraft getötet worden. Auch der Angreifer sei tot, teilte der texanische Gouverneur Greg Abbott mit.

Bei der Schusswaffenattacke in einer Grundschule in dem US-Bundesstaat sind mindestens 18 Kinder und drei Erwachsene getötet worden. Auch der Angreifer sei tot, teilte der texanische Gouverneur Greg Abbott mit.#USA #Texas #Uvalde #Schulmassaker #Grundschule #GregAbbott
Tote bei Amoklauf an Schule in Texas | DW | 24.05.2022