

Warum die USA an ihrem Waffenrecht festhalten

Waffenrecht in den USA - Die Freiheit, eine Waffe zu tragen

Ist das individuelle Waffenrecht in Amerika wirklich im Second Amendment verankert oder hat der Supreme Court entschieden? Ein Blick in die Geschichte.#USA #NRA #Waffenrecht #Waffenbesitz #Waffengesetze #Waffenlobby #DonaldTrump #Männlichkeit
Warum die USA an ihrem Waffenrecht festhalten


What the #NRA never tells you

1) The bad guy with the gun gets the first shot and the good guy with the gun only shoots second, if that.

2) The bad guy with an AR + #BumpStock gets the first magazine of shots and the good guy with a pistol only gets one second shot, and other shots one at a time.


Why is the ACLU Representing the NRA Before the US Supreme Court?

The ACLU has always stood up for free speech – no matter the speaker.

If the bad guys rights can be violated, so can ours.


For more than 100 years the American Civil Liberties Union has defended the right to free speech – no matter the speaker, and regardless of whether we agree with their views.

#nra #free-speech #american-civil-liberties-union #aclu #scotus #supreme-court #supreme-court-of-the-united-states


The NRA is Slowly Dying

In 2013, Wayne LaPierre, head of the National Rifle Association, boasted that the advocacy group was experiencing unprecedented growth and was on track to have 10 million members.

Ten years on, that's not how things have worked out. In fact, the NRA's membership has shrunk to less than half that, according to some reports, and with declining membership have come declining revenues. That's a cause for celebration among anti-gun groups, who have told Newsweek it is proof that Americans are increasingly outraged by gun violence.

The truth is not quite so simple—but it is clear that the NRA is fading fast from what was once a central position in U.S. politics.

Rest of story click HERE
#NRA #dying


Why is the war in #Ukraine important? "If we can get rid of Putin, so much of the destabilization of democracy goes away."

The rise of evangelical Christian movements is not organic, Mike explains on this week's episode of #MikeDrop. Instead, it is a sophisticated, well-funded effort with ties back to Moscow.

#MikeDropEpisode32 #MikeMadrid #Russia #Santos #NRA #CPAC

The conversation starts at 55:50.


The #Black #NRA: Comment la #NAAGA change la conversation sur les #armes à feu en #Amérique

La National Rifle Association a traditionnellement été associée à un certain type de personne: rurale, masculine et définitivement blanche. La National African American Gun Association, ou NAAGA, change tout cela, mais bien qu’ils soient te plus grand groupe d’armes à feu minoritaire au monde, il est probable que vous n’en ayez jamais entendu parler.

-> La NRA noire (Suite dans l'article)

NAAGA : National African American Gun Association : https://naaga.co/

Le journal d' #Arte-tv en parle ce soir 16/08 : https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/106142-162-A/arte-journal/

Je comprends que les afro-américains en arrivent à s'armer aussi. Comme le disent des gens interviewés dans le flash info d'Arte, ils se font tirer dessus...

Mais sinon, les #USA... Je ne sais pas où ils vont... mais ils y vont.... C'te folie....
#Tuerie #Racisme


The #Democrats & their #UniParty "#Republican" enablers are setting a #trap for Constitutionalist #gun owners.

"Red Flag" #laws are intended to target #Constitutionalist Americans via #Internet #surveillance, sending #law enforcement to confiscate #guns from people who are passionate about their #rights & will use their guns to defend those rights from infringement.

When Constitutionalists defend their rights against #infringement of them through the use of "Red Flag" laws, Democrats will falsely claim these incidents are #proof "Red Flag" laws #work & then use them to #disarm #Americans with impunity.

#redflaglaws #redflaglaw #redflags #redflag #usa #2ndamendment #2a #righttobeararms #trap #subterfuge #con #setup #usconstitution #rinos #shallnotbeinfringed #nra