

A Tech #News Site Has Been Using #AI To #Write Articles, So We Did The Same Thing Here

Source: https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/katienotopoulos/cnet-articles-written-by-ai-chatgpt-article

The use of AI in #journalism raises questions about the #transparency and #ethics of such a practice as well as the potential impact on the authenticity and accuracy of news. Additionally, it also raises concerns on the implications this might have on #SEO and #Google searches. The lack of response from #CNET regarding their use of AI in writing articles has only added to the concerns and sparked a wider conversation about the future of journalism and the role of AI in it.

Now we only need AI to give likes and write comments. Then we need AI for outrage and start shitstorms and AI that appeases and is diplomatic. Then we can play the #internet completely automatically. We ourselves can then sit back and no longer have to go through all the #madness. What a wonderful world this could be... 😉

#chatgpt #technology #press #future #humanity #question #problem


Hrm... i'm ever again tickled with the thought, that i would love to more or less rebuild a very old BBS i was cosysop of..

It was a #CNet #Amiga (#Pro) based bbs, on a #Amiga #4000 sporting a nice #Phase5 CyberStorm #MKi #060/50 turbocard and some other bits of fanciness to finally support 6 POTS dialins + 1 ISDN and at times we even hat a PPP uplink to the internet even with a #JoinLink conference yo you could chat across the internet on both BBS as if it was one bigger BBS....

Heck i miss those times and i miss how close we as users from local dialins were connected .. and had regular parties .. where we ever again had to find a new location for the next "usertreff" because the last host/club owner ..... let's say .. had some complaints.. ;)

I've tried to contact the actual licence owner of #CNet #Amiga #Pro to buy a fresh license..

I still have some amiga hardware here .. but well .... i can't afford to run them .. just because of the electricity cost..

But uhm .. i still have a raspi, which can emulate a _WAY_ bigger amiga as ever existed in hardware... Let's talk about MC68080 CPU in virtual Ghz Speeds. Virtually unlimited ram (realistically 1gb is way to much for a amiga) ... And instead of slow SCSI hard discs and CDROMS (which still are here) ... heck we have gigabytes of space on _WAY_ faster storage, even if it's emulated...

So .. yeah i probably need to search down a lot of stuff and components to get all that back together to at least a reminiscent version of the good old days....... I just still wait for some ppl giving me a license for the mailbox software........


#RetroComputing #OldBytes #Amiga #BBS #CNet #Pro