

#Ukraine Considers Banning #Telegram if App is Confirmed as “Threat to National Security”

The Ukrainian parliament has been studying a bill since last week that threatens to shut Telegram down. 

The measure, which has proven very unpopular but has garnered the support of deputies from four political groups in the Rada – 72% of Ukrainians use Telegram as their main source of information, a study found last year.

Ukrainian citizens can currently consult Telegram without limits, as opposed to surfing the internet or following news outlets regulated by Kiev’s media law. 

PS. #France has quietly pushed blocking of telegram channels, the same in #Sweden and #Germany. But the app itself is still not banned here.

#Democracy #Censorship #Politics #Europe


There is a level of inhumanity that makes a person so hateful to mock the tragic death of a handicapped child who died of starvation.

Yazan Al-Kafarna, a 9-year-old Palestinian boy with cerebral palsy, was tragically killed due to the compounded effects of malnutrition and a lack of access to essential medical supplies, including food and oxygen.

Israelis took to #Telegram to mock the 9-year-old and make fun of photos that were captured of the boy in his final moments on this earth.

#Gaza #Inhumanity #Yazan #FoodAsWeapon #Genocide #Israel


French government has sendt an order to all internet providers to block telegram channels of French speaking groups with connection to "terrorist groups" (any group criticizing Israel) and demanded that french #VPN servers to follow the order as well.

#Denmark and #Sweden had already done similar actions to block groups affiliated or supporting #Hezbollah of #Lebanon, Palestinian resistance groups and Iraqi militia Aaa well.

It's funny when regimes like #IRI or #Russia did the same, the western media called them for dictatorship but in the beacon of #democracy, it's perfectly fine to muzzle those exposing crimes of Israeli genocodal regim.

#Telegram #Francd #Censorship #Gaza #zgenocide


L'interview de V. #Poutine par T. #Carlson sur #Telegram, en français

01:16 - l'origine des relations de la #Russie avec l'Ukraine ;

24:31 - sur le nouveau système de sécurité en Europe ;

25:56 - « L'Occident a plus peur d'une Chine forte que d'une Russie forte » ;

32:44 - sur le soutien de l'Occident au séparatisme dans le Caucase du Nord ;

38:12 - sur l'expansion de l' #OTAN à l'Est ;

44:08 - sur les raisons du coup d'État en Ukraine et l'implication de la CIA ;

49:43 - sur les accords de Minsk : « Ils nous ont embobinés » ;

54:05 - sur les néo-nazis en #Ukraine ;

01:10:17 - qui a fait exploser #NordStream ? ;

01:25:28 - sur les perspectives de rétablissement des relations avec les #États-Unis ;

01:35:20 - sur #Zelensky et les néo-nazis ;

01:47:25 - sur Elon #Musk et l'intelligence artificielle ;

01:50:10 - sur le journaliste américain Evan #Gershkovich arrêté en Russie ;

02:04:15 - sur la guerre civile et les Ukrainiens qui se sentent russes.


#telegram #History

Telegram is an instant messaging application founded by the Russian brothers Pavel and Nikolai Durov. The history of Telegram dates back to 2013 when the application was officially launched.


Neues aus der Verschwörungsszene über #Überschwemmung

In #Norddeutschland läuft gerade das Projekt #Sintflut 2.0

Je nach dem wen man fragt sind folgende Gruppierungen Schuld:
1) Klaus Schwab und der sogenannte "Great Reset" wegen Bevölkerungsreduktion. Man will die Gegend entvölkern damit Sylt nicht so überlaufen ist mit Punks.
2) Der #Vatikan wegen Sintflut in der #Bibel.
3) Die Echsenmenschen.
4) ...

Mit dem Klimawandel hat das alles absolut nichts zu tun lauf Verschwörungsideologen, denn man muss #Klima von #Wetter unterscheiden und Überschwemmungen hat es früher schon gegeben, steht alles in der Bibel.

#Problem #Verblödung #Verarschung #Telegram #Verschwörung #Aua #OMG #WTF


#Ukraine publishes photos purporting to show a Russian #Kinschal air-launched ballistic missile launched using the #Patriot defense system.

The state emergency service posted photos on its #Telegram channel showing a crane removing the remains of a rocket from the ground. "In #Kiev, engineers neutralized the warhead of an enemy Kinschal air-to-air hypersonic missile," the agency explains.

It was previously announced that ten Kinschal rockets had been shot down.

#Russia #UkraibeWar