

#House #Music #Radio - The #Rave #Cave #Live #31 - 07/04/2024 - #Oldskool House&Rave , #Ravehouse


The Rave Cave live on house music radio - Oldskool house, acid, early 90s rave, euro / #italian house , #bootlegs, #mashups, piano , #breakbeat, ravehouse. Anything with that early house / rave vibe really!


U.S.U.R.A. - Open Your Mind
Infinity - Dirty Love
Jaydee - Plastic Dreams (David Morales Remix)
Peejay - Acid Trip
Peejay - Make Some Noise
Selector - Move Your Body
Dream Frequency - Good Times (Eternity Mix)
FPI Project - Risky (Heart Saver & Dj Gleb Remix)
Ideal - Hot (Simon Storer Remix)
Happy Clappers - I Believe (Dub Secret Remix)
Tourman, Aureja & Black Feeling - Sentiment ft. Aureja (Acid Mix)
Rave Addiction - Angus McDonald
DJ Mystery - Brainstorm (Full On Rave Mix)
The Prodigy - Charly (Joey Avila Remix)
The Prodigy-Everybody In The Place (Marcus Wedgewood Re-Rub)
The Clepto-Maniacs - Positive Feedback ( Nick Higginson Ravehouse Bootleg Remix )
Rhythm Section - Dreamworld ( Nick Higginson Rave House Bootleg Remix )
Clarke & East - Destroyed
Clarke & East - Make Some Noise
DJ Mystery - I Feel Like Dancin
Fear-E - KRS
Hypersonic - Dance Tones (Stoned Mix)
Illegal Dave - P.W.R.
Congress - 40 Miles (Stu Air Bootleg Remix)
Deborah Aime La Bagarre - Global Unlimited

#musique #music



la politica di austerità - PER SCELTA - peggiore di tutta la storia d'Italia è quella del governo Meloni. L'attuale governo non può dire di non avere i soldi per attuare politiche sociali: i fondi europei ottenuti dal governo Conte nel PNRR sono chiaramente distrutti a programma.
Il punto è che l'Italia avrebbe potuto contare sui fondi europei per grandi cose contro la povertà e per investimenti economici nel lavoro e nella riconversione ecologica. Invece, dolorosamente assistiamo al peggiore governo della storia della repubblica, in cui non c'è neppure l'alibi della mancanza di soldi. Per la prima volta nella storia assistiamo allo spettacolo in cui i politici ci dicono che dobbiamo tirare la cinghia e invece sappiamo che non è vero, perché IL GOVERNO RICEVE PIÙ SOLDI DI QUELLI CHE VUOLE SPENDERE PER NOI

(col governo Monti e la Fornero, almeno, ci veniva rimproverato - come colpa nostra - che "non ci sono soldi", MA QUESTO GOVERNO NON HA SCUSE: DERUBARE I POVERI PER ARRICCHIRE I RICCHI È UN PROGRAMMA CHIARO E LIMPIDO)

#italia #italy #italians #italian #austerità #uomodelmonti #globalizzatori #m5s #pd #sinistra #politica #politics #sveglia #comunisti #libertari #anarchici #libertà #liberta


[...] Even trees understand me! Good heavens, I lie under them too, don’t I? I’m just like a pile of leaves.
However, I have never clogged myself with the praises of pastoral life, nor with nostalgia for an innocent past of perverted acts in pastures. No. One need never leave the confines of New York to get all the greenery one wishes—I can’t even enjoy a blade of grass unless I know there’s a subway handy, or a record store or some other sign that people do not altogether regret life. [...]

Frank O'Hara, "Meditations in an Emergency"

[...] Persino gli alberi mi capiscono! Santo cielo, mi sdraio sotto di loro, no? Sono proprio come un mucchio di foglie.
Comunque, non mi sono mai impantanato negli elogi della vita pastorale, tantomeno nella nostalgia di un innocente tempo andato fatto di atti perversi nei pascoli. No. Uno non ha bisogno di uscire dai confini di New York per avere tutto il verde che desidera - Non riesco a godermi neanche un filo d’erba se non so che c’è una metropolitana a portata di mano, o un negozio di dischi o qualche altro segno che la gente non rimpiange del tutto la vita.

#poetry #poem #ohara #translation #Italian #English #PastoralLife


🦺 Es war eine lange Nacht für das @MSF_Sea Team & die Gäste: Nach der 1. Rettung führte die #GeoBarents in der Nacht 3 weitere Rettungen durch, alle vom ital. #MRCC🇮🇹 koordiniert.

An Bord der #GeoBarents sind jetzt 196 gerettete Menschen, darunter 47 unbegleitete Minderjährige.




According to 'War and Peace', German’s self-assurance is worst of all.

Pfuel was one of those hopelessly and immutably #self-confident men, self-confident to the point of martyrdom as only Germans are, because only #Germans are self-confident on the basis of an abstract notion— #science, that is, the supposed knowledge of absolute #truth. A #Frenchman is self-assured because he regards himself personally, both in mind and body, as irresistibly attractive to men and women. An #Englishman is self-assured, as being a citizen of the best-organized state in the world, and therefore as an Englishman always knows what he should do and knows that all he does as an Englishman is undoubtedly correct. An #Italian is self-assured because he is excitable and easily forgets himself and other people. A #Russian is self-assured just because he knows nothing and does not want to know anything, since he does not believe that anything can be known. The German’s self-assurance is worst of all, stronger and more repulsive than any other, because he imagines that he knows the truth—science—which he himself has invented but which is for him the absolute truth.

Even though I know the truth, I'm not sure that one can generalize like that.



Erneut haben die ital. Behörden @MSF_Sea #LaSpezia als sicheren Ort zur Ausschiffung der 13 Geretteten zugewiesen Das sind mehr als 632sm o. 3,5 Navigationstage - offensichtlich eine gezielte Maßnahme, um die #GeoBarents 7 Tage lang von der SAR-Zone fern zu halten!


#Italian #rescue



Die 26 am Dienstag geretteten Menschen konnten heute in #Brindisi🇮🇹 von Bord der #GeoBarents gehen, dem von den ital. Behörden zugewiesenen #PoS. Nach dieser schwierigen Erfahrung wünschen wir ihnen mit @MSF_Sea alles Gute für ihren Neuanfang in #Europa!


#Italian #Europe


Wie von den ital. Behörden angeordnet, wurden am späten Abend 100 Gerettete vor #Sizilien von der Guardia Costiera⚓️🇮🇹 an Bord genommen, um sie an Land zu bringen.
Die #GeoBarents ist jetzt unterwegs nach #Brindisi wo die anderen 339 Menschen von Bord gehen sollen.

via @MSF_Sea


#Italian #Sicily


Pytition (Logiciel pour créer des #pétitions)

Sur #Framalibre : https://framalibre.org/content/pytition

Pytition est un #LogicielLibre permettant d'héberger des pétitions sur le #web.
L'utilisation des #données personnelles liées aux pétitions est un enjeu fort, car elles permettent de constituer d'importantes bases de données, et qu'elles traitent souvent de sujets sensibles, notamment politiques.

Parmi les fonctionnalités proposées par #Pytition, on trouve :
- L'absence de toute technologie de #traçage,
- L'export des signatures au format #CSV,
- Une interface multilingue, (ok pour #English #French #Français #Italian #Occitan)
- La possibilité de prévisualiser la page de la #pétition avant de l'ouvrir au #public,
- La possibilité que plusieurs organisations proposent des pétitions sur la même #instance

Voir le Home : https://github.com/pytition/Pytition/wiki
Exemple : https://petition.antipub.org/ avec plein de pétitions #StopPub #RAP contre la #publicité à #signer !!!

Pour info :
#Framapétitions est mort, vive Pytition !
Par #Framasoft : https://framablog.org/2019/10/25/framapetitions-est-mort-vive-pytition/

Rappelez-vous qu'en #France, une pétition n'a aucun pouvoir de contraindre en quoi que ce soit, alors le minimum en la signant, c'est que cette pétition ne vous nuise pas, en révélant par exemple votre positionnement #politique à une entité telle qu'une société privée à but lucratif, ou pire...

#Alternative #Change #Avaaz #Logiciel #Libre #ViePrivée #Surveillance #Contrôle #Social #Lutte #Luttes #Pouvoir #Citoyen #Association #Assoc