

Meidas Touch

For a while there's a feeling of no smoking gun, of innuendo, but then he gets into the actual clips of Donald in his world. I always thought Trump's statement about Epstein liking them young implied that he, Trump, was not actually a pedophile. He just happily played and partied in a world that delighted in pedophilia. The clips roll on and by the time you listen to Trump's own voice revealing his attitudes you no longer care whether there's direct evidence on the pedophilia angle.

This is what the GOP offers up for President of the United States. This is the man revered by Christian Evangelists. This is the man that Americans may well elect as their next leader.

We live in a seriously twisted country.


#Trump #politics #president #USA #pedophilia #exploitation


#HackersCardgame.ch wishes a pleasant #GoodMoring #CyberVietnam

LowTec Variante für einigermassen #RevisionsSicheresBackup von wichtigen Daten.

Beweise auf Datenträger mit #HardwareSchreibschutz [0], kann man sogar am gehackten Computer stecken lassen

ACHUTUNG: möglicher Folge-Schachzug, mir schon 2x ein vierköpfiges bewaffnetes Sonderkommando in mein Schlafzimmer [1] zu schicken, einmal "ich sei Alkaida #Terrorist" das andere Mal "ich sei Suizidal". Das traumatisiert nicht nur Frauen sondern auch Mändlein wie mich langfristig. Bei mir gab es in der Kindheit irgendwelche #Pädophilie-light die mit mir gemacht wurde, danach werden diese Dinge nach dem SEK reaktiviert.

Ziel ist es in einen #Cyber-Krieg zu zeihen und noch weniger Jüngere für sich in einen Krieg zu schicken, sondern Ziel ist es die Jüngeren vor solchem zu beschützen und bei denen wo es schon zu spät ist zu helfen dass diese Traumata behoben oder mindestens mitigated werden können. Seit 100en von Jahren schickt man vor allem die Jungen in Kriege für den Profit der Alten, das ist BESCHEUERT!

[0] Forensicher Festplatten Controller für Arme

[1] TraumaBased MindControl, kontext Sexuelle Integrität

#Linux #Windows #OSX #FreeBSD #NSA #NDB #MND #BND #Psychologie #Hacking #CCC #surveillance "#terrorists" #pedophilia #QAnon #Anonymous

Greethings to @anonymiss


The War on Clown World

One side bans #wickedness. The other side bans any insufficient enthusiasm for wickedness. It’s not really that hard to determine who the #good guys are, and who the #evil servants of #Satan are:

Russian media watchdog Roskomnadzor officially approved on Wednesday an expanded set of criteria for what is to be considered ‘#LGBTQ #propaganda’, which can be grounds to #block access to #websites.

This comes after the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications issued an order to broaden and specify the definitions of #LGBTQ #propaganda and #pedophilia online.

The new set of norms will come into effect on September 1, and will be valid for the next six years, according to the document, which was published on #Russia’s official internet portal of legal information.

Under the order, Roskomnadzor will be authorized to block access to websites that feature content depicting children imitating or taking part in sexual activities, child genitalia in a sexual context, information about obtaining, creating, or sharing #child #pornography, as well as content aimed at #provoking #sexual #attraction towards #children or #justifying #sexual #relations with #minors.

In case you don’t understand why I am very, very pleased to be among the #Unauthorized, all I can say is that if you’re not persona non grata among the #wicked of #ClownWorld, you really need to contemplate whether you are truly on the side of the Good, the Beautiful, and the True or not.

Because Clown World is at war with everything good, everything beautiful, and everything true.