

Who Will Care for the Growing Population of #Adults With #Autism?



Autism Tsunami: The Cost of the Aging Autism Population

Big Pharma Sees Dollar Signs in Autism #Treatment
The global autism treatment market is expected to reach $11.42 billion by 2028, up from $9.01 billion in 2021.14 James Lyons-Weiler, Ph.D., author of “The Environmental and Genetic Causes of Autism,” told Children’s Health Defense:15

“For decades, the increase in autism was denied, and any discussion of the treatment of autism was met with the same derisive forces that would malign and mischaracterize the parents and physicians trying to give these kids a better day.

Now that Pharma has recognized the scale of the clinical population of people on the spectrum and is charting a translational path toward their profits, it’s finally considered OK to admit the increase and to rush headlong into treatment programs. I say to the parents of kids with autism, and to adults with autism: Beware Pharma.”

Yet, many people with autism end up on a cocktail of drugs, oftentimes unnecessarily. Among children with autism, 1 in 6 are taking antipsychotic drugs, for instance.16 Tommey said:17

“Before you know it, you’ve got this whole cocktail of drugs that do not work. It is not sustainable to have that many drugs in you and survive. They’re seeing it as a money-making opportunity. It is a huge, #barbaric #money-making #machine 
 and somehow we’ve got to stop this.

It is everybody’s problem what we have done to these adults 
 with autism and what the future is going to hold. It’s going to be a really desperate situation. It already is a desperate situation, but it’s going to get a lot worse.”


Internet Archive seit drei Tagen Opfer "zielgerichteter und böser" DDoS-Attacken

Seit Sonntag ist das #Internet #Archive Ziel von #DDoS-Attacken, die Zugriffe erschweren. Der Betreiber nutzt die #Angriffe, um auf eine andere #Gefahr hinzuweisen.

Das Internet Archive ist seit dem Wochenende das Ziel von "nachhaltigen, wirkungsvollen, zielgerichteten, anpassungsfĂ€higen und vor allem bösen" DDoS-Attacken. Das hat der Betreiber des #Internetprojekts in einem Blogeintrag öffentlich gemacht und erklĂ€rt, dass der Zugriff auf die Dienste, darunter die #Wayback #Machine, weiterhin unzuverlĂ€ssig sei. Die Sammlungen an Inhalten, die das Internet Archive vorhĂ€lt, seien "glĂŒcklicherweise" sicher, aber die anhaltenden Zugriffswellen wĂŒrden die Seite immer wieder aus dem Internet kicken. Der Betreiber nutzt die Gelegenheit aber gleich, um auf #Gerichtsverfahren hinzuweisen, die #US-Verlage gegen das Archiv angestrengten. Die seien deutlich gefĂ€hrlicher.



#Top 12 #songs with #DrumMachine intros - #EspenKraft


Top 12 hit songs with #drum #machine #intros. #Roland, #Oberheim, #Linndrum, #Korg, #E-mu, #Alesis, they all made #DrumMachines that would rock the world and artists like Phil Collins, Queen, Tears for Fears, Human League, Prince, Michael Jackson, Bruce Springsteen (yes, even him) soon started using them.

00:00 Intro
00:15 Sexual Healing Roland #TR-808
00:30 Take Me Home Roland #TR-909
00:47 Steppin' Out Korg #Kr-55
01:04 Radio Ga Ga #Linndrum
01:23 Blue Monday Oberheim #DMX
01:37 Shout E-mu #Drumulator
01:58 Don't You Want Me? Linn #LM-1
02:14 Streets of Philadelphia Alesis #HR-16
02:32 In the Air Tonight Roland #CR-78
02:48 Need You Tonight Roland #TR-707
03:02 Clear Boss #DR-55
03:17 Top Gun Anthem Roland #TR-808

#musique #music #synth


La #MasterSystem, chronique de l'arrivée forcée de #Sega dans le monde des #consoles de #jeu - #Sakharu


La naissance de Sega est fascinante par ce que rien ne laissait prĂ©sager une telle montĂ©e en puissance, d’une #entreprise de #machine Ă  sous durant la guerre jusqu’à devenir l’un des plus gros mastodontes du #JeuxVidĂ©o, bourrĂ© de coups de tonnerre, de pĂ©ripĂ©ties et d’opportunisme, jusqu’à carrĂ©ment crĂ©er sa propre #console de jeu qui lancera le dĂ©but du duel iconique entre #Nintendo & #Sega et qui poussera carrĂ©ment Sega Ă  crĂ©er la console la plus puissante de sa gĂ©nĂ©ration, sur laquelle vont se former des #dĂ©veloppeurs de #lĂ©gende et qui malgrĂ© des dĂ©buts difficiles renaĂźtra de ses cendres de maniĂšre inattendue jusqu’à en devenir l’une des consoles les plus atypiques du #jeuvidĂ©o, voici l’ #histoire de la #naissance Ă©trange de Sega crĂ©Ă© par un #amĂ©ricain dans le #Japon occupĂ© et en parallĂšle l’histoire de la Master System, l’une des rares consoles Ă  avoir rĂ©ussi Ă  conquĂ©rir l’ #Europe dans un marchĂ© ou les #micro-ordinateurs Ă©taient pourtant roi.

00:00:00 ‱ Une naissance difficile
00:13:29 ‱ Changement de cap forcĂ©
00:22:28 ‱ DĂ©but d'une rivalitĂ© iconique
00:32:52 ‱ "My name is Sega"
00:43:33 ‱ Le jour de gloire est arrivĂ©e



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King Charles diagnosed with cancer
Mira Finch argues that with the history & scale of the #Royal P.R. #machine it should be assumed that all happenings,including the release of an "obviously photoshopped" pic., are being stagemanaged.
to the end of an "controlled demolition " of the monarchy.

"Rumours and theories abound, and a very obviously photoshopped image of Kate and kids released to the public to "reassure" us of her wellbeing has done nothing but fuel further speculation and doubt, given all the anomalies in the image (Charlotte's missing sleeve, a full flowering tree in March, Louis' weird hand).

It is my contention that all these apparent ructions in the Royal Family are being strategically stage-managed for a reason, and that they are not happening by accident: the Royal PR machine is one of the most sophisticated in the world, with centuries of experience, and they don't do things by accident.

Thus, we can be sure that they want us suspicious and speculating, they want us questioning the health and viability of key high-profile Royals, and they want our faith in the monarchic institution to exponentially decline."
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