The hexagon of ideas: After X, what's next?
After X is invented, how can you use it to invent new stuff? And remember, you don't have to have invented X to use it.
The techniques suggested here are:
Generalizing to another dimension (X to Xd).
Fusion of the dissimilar (X + Y).
Finding all nails for a hammer (X).
Finding all hammers for a nail (X).
Adding an adjective (X++).
Doing exactly the opposite (X).
Odd--I see 5 wheels.
♲ Old Book Illustrations - 2024-04-23 03:53:17 GMT
One-wheeled vehicle (J. O. Lose of Patterson, N. J. One-wheeled vehicle. N° 325,548. Patented September 1, 1885.).
From "Cycling art, energy and locomotion" by Robert Pittis Scott, Philadelphia: 1889 #invention #technology https://www.oldbookillustrations.com/illustrations/one-wheeled-1885/
Innover : pour quoi faire? | #coopération #religion #science #recherche #technologie #philosophie #innovation #disruption #pouvoir #puissance #domination #rythme #temporalité #misoneisme #invention #créativité #création #destruction #acceptabilité #risque #économie #pivot #progrès #contradiction #paradoxe #intensité #croissance #faust #prométhée #mazarin #machiavel #proust #bacon #simondon #schumpeter #spengler #bontems #bestof
Nuclear battery that produces power for 50 years unveiled by Chinese firm
Beijing-based Betavolt said its nuclear battery is the first in the world to realise the miniaturisation of atomic energy, placing 63 nuclear isotopes into a module smaller than a coin.The company said the next-generation battery had already entered the pilot testing stage and will eventually be mass produced for commercial applications like phones and drones.
“Betavolt atomic energy batteries can meet the needs of long-lasting power supply in multiple scenarios, such as aerospace, AI equipment, medical equipment, microprocessors, advanced sensors, small drones and micro-robots,” the firm said in a press release.
Betavolt said its first nuclear battery can deliver 100 microwatts of power and a voltage of 3V, while measuring 15x15x5 cubic millimetres, however it plans to produce a battery with 1 watt of power by 2025.
Their small size means they could be used in series to produce more power, with the company imagining mobile phones that never need to be charged and drones that can fly forever. Its layered design also means it will not catch fire or explode in response to sudden force, Betavolt claims, while also being capable of working in temperatures ranging from -60C to 120C.
Wow! This technology is intriguing, its amazing what the human mind is capable of creating. Such battery is full of potential in its practical application. If they manage to get the production price down and expand the production quantity, expect to see this type of battery to be used in lots of gadgets. Imagine the possibilities this can create. Battery for life so to speak 😀
#News #Technology #Nuclear #Battery #Chinese #Power #Invention
Nuclear battery that produces power for 50 years unveiled by Chinese firm
Carl Ward demonstrates his invention
... a pedal-powered monocycle with legs instead of a wheel. The purpose of the invention is to allow a person to sit while walking. Los Angeles, California, 1971.
#invention #sitting while #walking #CarlWard
En 1934, des physiciens de l'université de Purdue ont déclaré que le corps entier pouvait être maintenu au frais pendant les périodes les plus chaudes grâce à un réfrigérateur miniature qui s'attache au poignet à la manière d'une montre.
Le réfrigérateur est un peu plus grand qu'une montre-bracelet et contient une pastille de glace sèche (dioxyde de carbone solide). En s'évaporant, la glace sèche forme un gaz invisible. S'échappant du boîtier, ce gaz a le même effet que de l'eau froide versée sur les poignets. Il abaisse la température du sang dans les artères et ce sang refroidi est transporté vers toutes les parties du corps.
Le boîtier métallique est isolé du poignet par du caoutchouc, car la température de la glace sèche est de 109 degrés au-dessous de zéro et son contact avec la peau entraînerait de graves brûlures. Avec une isolation adéquate, il n'y a cependant aucun risque que cela se produise. L'appareil peut donc être porté en toute sécurité.
Bien avant les montres connectées, donc, et... mais pourquoi n'ont-ils pas poussé cette recherche pour l'actualiser ? oO'
▶ Emmanuel #TODD est #anthropologue, #démographe et #historien. Il revient à nouveau sur Élucid pour analyser cette fois-ci le #déclin de l' #Europe, et plus exactement, l' #abandon soudain et #violent du #pouvoir de la part des " #élites" #européennes, au profit d'une #puissance extérieure, à savoir les #États-Unis.
00:00:00 - 00:01:43 : Zapping
00:01:43 - 00:08:49 : Présentation, raisons de s'intéresser aux élites
00:08:49 - 00:13:43 : Abandon du #projet #européen au profit des États-Unis
00:13:43 - 00:25:02 : #Évolution de l' #évasion #fiscale et #conséquence sur la #mentalité des élites
00:25:02 - 00:29:12 : #Apport et #lacunes de l' #école #française " #pikettiste"
00:29:12 - 00:32:38 : Perte de #rationalité dans le projet #occidental
00:32:38 - 00:37:23 : #Irrationalité des élites, #invention des #menaces
00:37:23 - 00:48:56 : #Déchéance des États-Unis et de l'Occident
00:48:56 - 01:01:00 : Les #divergences #abyssales au sein de l' #UE
01:01:00 - 01:05:14 : #Absurdités #géopolitiques, folie des élites européennes
01:05:14 - 01:11:11 : Le #désastre de l' #euro
01:11:11 - 01:14:25 : État des lieux de la #France
01:14:25 - 01:22:44 : La #soumission de l' #Allemagne
01:22:44 - 01:24:17 : Le cas particulier de la ##Hongrie
01:24:17 - 01:26:53 : La #décomposition avancée de l' #Angleterre
01:26:53 - Question finale
Friday 7th December 1888
John Boyd Dunlop, a Scottish inventor, was issued a patent for his pneumatic tyre. In 1887, when his 9-year-old son had complained of the rough ride he experienced on his tricycle over the cobbled streets of Belfast, Dunlop had devised and fitted rubber air tubes held on to a wooden ring by tacking a linen-covering fixed around the wheels. Due to the major improvement in riding comfort, Dunlop continued development until he patented the idea.
#Cars #Bicycles #Motoring #Automotive #Invention #PneumaticTyre #OnThisDay
Le saviez-vous ?
René Couzinet, un ingénieur vendéen ami de Jean Mermoz, a inventé la soucoupe volante. 🛸
#Histoire #Invention #Aéronautique #Génie #Méconnu
Le saviez-vous ?
La première pompe à incendie est dérivée d’une pompe servant à lessiver les maisons. 🔥
Elle a été importée d’Allemagne par un laquais de Molière. 👨🚒
#Histoire #Invention #Feu #Extinction #Acteur
Star Trek #Discovery Kind of Forgot There Were No Replicators in the 23rd Century
watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYYgR6PoKT0
#science #problem #story #StarTrek #Replicator #food #invention #fail #future #Inconsistency #space
#Intel has patented the #Zen #microarchitecture from #AMD
source: https://nitter.eu/underfox3/status/1511697355145367564
@Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊) #fail #patent #economy #competitor #wtf #omg #cpu #technology #invention #news #capitalism #politics #justice
What is the E-Cat?
E-Cat stands for “Energy Catalyzer” and is an invention considered by many to be one of the most important technological developments of of our age. It is an energy production device invented by Italian-American inventor Andrea Rossi who has been developing of the course of over two decades, and has now come to a point where he is ready to make a formal introduction of a recent version of the E-Cat in a video conference that will be video streamed worldwide on November 24 2017 on his company’s website Ecat.com starting at 12 noon US Eastern Time.
How Does the E-Cat Work?
While there is considerable secrecy surrounding the exact technical specifications of the E-Cat, patent disclosures state that powdered nickel metal, lithium and lithium aluminum hydride (LaAlH4) are combined to produce large amounts of heat, far in excess of possible chemical reactions, through a currently little understood low energy nuclear reaction (LENR) process inside a reaction chamber.
In this process, when an external energy source is applied to the E-Cat device, large amounts of thermal energy (heat) are produced, much more than the energy input into the device. The exact nature of the energetic stimulation that Rossi applies to his E-Cat devices in order to “catalyze” the energy output is a closely kept trade secret.
Potential uses
The energy produced by the LENR reaction of the E-Cat (which Andrea Rossi calls the “Rossi Effect”) is in the form of heat which can be used for any number of purposes, including the production of steam, which is the principle way that most electricity is generated at power stations today, whether fossil fuel or nuclear.
The significance of the E-Cat as an energy source is that it can produce energy at a much cheaper rate and much more cleanly than other sources on the market. The major ingredients, nickel, lithium and hydrogen are common elements and readily available at low cost, and inside the E-Cat are consumed in very small quantities. There is no release of CO2 or other greenhouse gases from the E-Cat from fuel combustion. Unlike traditional nuclear fission power, no radioactive materials are involved, and no radioactive waste is produced. ... ...
Presentation of the Ecat SKLep (Dec 9, 2021)
#ecat #device #energy #invention #AndreaRossi
When #IAM says #Innovation & #Invention it just means #patents which isn't the same thing https://www.iam-media.com/global-guide/innovation-invention-yearbook/2022 see http://techrights.org/wiki/index.php/IAM
These affairs show that the #patent system became all about #profiteering and privatisation, nothing at all to do with #discovery and #invention https://www.patentdocs.org/2022/01/cvc-substantive-preliminary-motion-no-1-for-priority-benefit.html see http://techrights.org/2018/06/24/more-patents-on-life-and-nature/