One person like that
#BDS #israel #genocide #boycott #boicote #Palestine #Palestina #Gaza #war #NaomiKlein
Voir ou revoir la Stratégie du Choc - The Shock Doctrine de Naomi Klein (une Américaine). (site aucun traqueur)
Lire ses tweets sur le Net (twitter/X - Nitter).
Suivre son activité, ses prises de position à propos du conflit israélo-palestinien.
#StratégieDuChoc #NaomiKlein #KleinNaomi #ShockDoctrine #TheShockDoctrine #Guerre
Wenn Israel schwach ist und Jüdinnen und Juden ermordet werden: Müsste es im persönlichen politischen Koordinatensystem nicht irgendwo jucken?#Hamas #NaomiKlein #Pogrom #KolumneErnsthaft? #Kolumnen #Gesellschaft #Serie
Die Linke und die Barbarei der Hamas: Sie verstehen den 7. Oktober nicht
We spend the hour with acclaimed journalist and author Naomi Klein, whose new book #Doppelganger, out this week, explores what she calls “the mirror world,” a growing right-wing alternate universe of misinformation and conspiracies that, while identifying real problems, opportunistically exploits them to advance a hateful and divisive #agenda. Klein explains her initial motivation for the book was her own alter ego, the author Naomi Wolf, for whom she has often been mistaken. Both Naomis entered public consciousness in the 1990s with books critiquing corporate influence, but in recent years Wolf has become one of the most prominent vaccine deniers and purveyors of #COVID-19 #misinformation — making the ongoing confusion about their identities a source of frustration. “It’s very destabilizing,” says Klein, who still urges people to seriously engage with the dangerous ideas propagated in mirror worlds, rather than simply look away. “It’s so hard to look at the reality that we are in right now, with the overlay of endless wars and #climate disasters and massive inequality. And so, whether we’re making up fantastical conspiracy theories or getting lost in our own reflections, it’s all about not looking at that reality that is only bearable if we get outside our own heads and collectively organize.”
#politics #altRight #manipulation #fake #news #propaganda #USA #pandemic #destabilization #democracy
Interesting article and a counterpoint to much of the hype.
Nous Sommes les Soulèvements de la Terre | 45 personnalités répondent à l'Appel
5 personnalités répondent à la tentative de dissolution des Soulèvements de la Terre : “On ne dissout pas un mouvement, on ne dissout pas une révolte, on ne dissout ni l’espoir, ni le courage. On ne dissout pas une idée dont l’heure est venue.” ►► Aidez-nous à faire entendre ce message en partageant cette vidéo !
Et signez la tribune des Soulèvements, nous sommes déjà 70'000 :
#OnSeSoulève #SoulèvementsDeLaTerre #Écologie #Politique Outre tous les soutiens, celui de #NaomiKlein
#disaster #capitalism #crisis #exploitation #privatization #environmental #climatechange #global-warming #hurricanes #earthquakes #haiti #puerto-rico #economic #security #relief #politics #joaquinvillanueva #jaquigermain #naomiklein #klein