

#napster #history

In 1999, Napster, created by Shawn Fanning, became one of the first popular peer-to-peer file-sharing platforms. Napster allowed users to share their music files directly with each other, bypassing central servers.


"In 2017, during an interview with Axios, Parker expressed concerns about the role of Facebook in society, saying that it 'exploit[s] a vulnerability in human psychology' as it creates a 'social-validation feedback loop.' Parker stated that he was 'something of a conscientious objector' to using social media."

Parker. Sean...Parker. Billionaire former President of Facebook. That Sean Parker.

#deepthoughts #saysalot #socialnetworks #socialmedia #napster #causeandeffect #midnight #interesting #bigtech #smalltech #networks #society #hmm #howboutthat


#Metallica's #BlizzCon #Performance Ruined By #Twitch

source: https://www.gamespot.com/articles/metallicas-blizzcon-performance-ruined-by-twitch/1100-6487855/

BlizzCon veterans Metallica returned for this year's only-only BlizzConline festivities, but the thrash metal band's performance was ruined by a most unlikely culprit: Twitch. Right in the middle of one of its songs, the audio was replaced by some easy listening bell music, presumably to avoid having #Blizzard banned for a false #DMCA notice.


Several commenters online have pointed out the irony of this happening to Metallica. The band, particularly drummer Lars Ulrich, has been heavily critical of #online #music sharing, and the band had a high-profile case with #Napster back in 2000.

#copyright #fail #filesharing #internet #news