

Remember him?

Because sure the media doesn't care about his death.

It wasn't like he was a fascist idlamophobe standing up against Putinname Navalny, because then he would have been all over the news and the whole "civilized west" leaders would be on TV and media condemning the criminals who killed him.

He will be just another nameless victim of the Israeli never ending crimes against Palestinian people.

Now move on and watch the latest BS about US election.

#palestine #WarCrime #WestBank #NeverForget #NeverForgive #palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics


«Колорадо Эвеланш


«Колорадо Эвеланш🏔️» на своих официальных страницах [твиттер и фэйсбук] вспоминают страшные события, которые произошли 11 сентября 2001 года в США

🔖twitter@avalanche: «We Remember» #NeverForget

#Hockey #NHL #ColoradoAvalanche #USA #NewYork #Теракт #RIP #ВечнаяПамять

#lang_ru #хоккей #нхл #колорадоэвеланш #nhl #coloradoavalanche #vk_colorado_avalanche


His little heart couldn't cope with the stress of the Israeli bombinga and gave up while he was holding up his ears to cover the horror of explosions of US provided bombs.

No one will remember his name, no government leader sill show his image as proof that this war is unjustifiable and criminal.

He is one of the 15000+ children of Gaza murdered by IDF and even in his death, he is being ridiculed and laughed at by "civilized westerners" and the maaaitisraeli troll army.

I hope toue children can sleep well tonight, all of you who still support this genocidal regime and the ongoing starvation and terror of millions of innocent people. In Gaza and the occupied #WestBank

#Children #NeverForget #NevedForgive #Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow
PA. Instagram removed the post shortly after I screen captured it.


The only pig who got convicted for My Lai massacre have died.

All the other monsters were let go unpunished and it's surprising that this monster didn't receive the presidential pardon like the 3 war criminals Trump pardoned and US media confidently called "accused" instead of convicted:

Trump issues pardons for 3 service members accused of war crimes

But let's not forget the only atrocity of American troops in Vietnam that received enough attention to force pentagon to sacrifice one of their own to save face and cover all the other 100s if not 1000s of other war crimes committed by the American invaders in Vietnam.

horrifying image of My Lai massacre

My Lai: 50 years after, American soldiers’ shocking crimes must be remembered

“The first time the Americans came, the children followed them. They gave the children sweets to eat. Then they smiled and left. We don’t know their language – they smiled and said OK and so we learned the word OK.”

“The second time they came, we poured them water to drink. They didn’t say anything.”

“The third time they killed everyone.”


#MyLai #WarCrime #History #Vietnam #NeverForget #Politics #Pentagon #VietnamWar #WilliamCalley


Can we charge her with accessory in committing war crimes?

Just like they are doing with those supplying weapons to Russia and North Korea?

Or is it out of the question? War crimes of Israel are all part of the sanctioned and supported rights of the "only democracy" in the world?

Her LinkedIn profile is:

Their company page is located at:

Her company haa now expanded to UAE to help set-up the same disgusting activities to hell the Sharia police of UAE and provide them with attack dogs.

#WarCrime #Netherland #Israel #Gaza #NeverForget #NeverForgive #MuhammadBhar #K9 #UAE #LinkedIn


One asshole said I keep posting antisemitic posts, so I don't want to disappoint him. I'm sure exposing the barbaric brutality of the Israeli army and their disgusting inhumanity is an unacceptable action in the eyes of those who just want to hear good news and comfortable lies about the world.

I just have lost my respect for the so called "civilized world", one, two, 3 such incidents can be ignored and justified by some weird ahit, but when it comes to a sanctioned policy and repeated behavior, then it's just the proof that those committing the crimes are no longer innocent, under pressure or fatigue soldiers, they are war criminals who willingly and intentionally commit these atrocities and even post funny videos and jokes about them on their social media, without risking to be charged, suspended or even condemned by the majority.

But we who have conscience, who thinks attacking an unarmed young man with down syndrome is wrong and letting him did in pain is nothing short of a crime of war. No matter who does it, what uniforms they wear, what language they speak, what imaginary god they worship and what excuse they use. This is simply wrong. And if you don't think so, then you are not much better than those who commit those atrocities.

#WarCrime #NeverForget #NeverForgive #Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


Dare we ask how many were murdered by IDF?

The image of the burned cars on October 7, showing clearly that they were bombed by a helicopter or a plane, and no way some Palestinians with light weapons and a few RPGs could have caused such massive damage seen on this picture and many other like that

burned cars on October 7

The videos shared late last year slowed IDF helicopters killing anyone moving, mostly unarmed civilians and possibly Israelis.

The full video was never released and Netanyahu and Ben-Gvir have put a gag order on any investigation of wrong doing by IDF during the hours after IDF helicopters and tanks were deployed to Sdeot and kibbutz where palestinians had entered.

ToI has a report with detailed information about how the police tried to take back control of the police station in the city before the interior ministry ordered the tanks to blow up the building with all the police, civilians and a few Palestinians inside.

CNN covered it completely different.


About 10 armed “terrorists” were “neutralized,” after the forces were ordered to carry out live fire “by all means” on the station where “the terrorists were entrenched,” the spokesperson said.

No mention of using tanks in "by all means" I'm that article.

But the ToI had the story covered differently:


The Sderot police station, overrun on October 7 by Hamas terrorists who killed 35 officers and civilians there, has suffered yet another sad ending.
Sderot police station after IDF tanks blew it up
After the terrorists barricaded themselves inside the police station and the site became the focus of fierce gun battles with Israeli forces for a number of hours, the order was given to demolish the building with tank fire and a military wheel loader and the attackers were eventually killed.

The IDF blow up the building, but the terrorists were the ones who killed the police and civilians.

Sounds perfectly logical, doesn't it?

If you think like me, then you will be target of personal attacks and called different nasty names.

#Gaza #Israel #News #October7 #Politics #StopTheLies #IDF #NeverForget #Netanyahu sBenGvir


All five daughters of the Hasanin family were killed in a bombing in December. Jaman, Maria, Yaman and Bisan in the picture, are no more. Fifth daughter and sister Yappa was not in the picture. All 5 dead.



Newly Resurfaced Video: Itamar #Ben-Gvir, Israeli Minister of National Security, protests & harasses Mordechai #Vanunu, calling him a "traitor" in front of TV cameras in 2004.

Who is Mordechai Vanunu? He is a former Israeli #nuclear technician who took photographs of israel's #Dimona nuclear reactor that were published in The Sunday Times of London in 1986. He also divulged other details proving the existence of israel's illegal nuclear weapons program. From the information he provided, experts were able to estimate that Israel has the world's 6th largest stockpile of nuclear weapons. Vanunu was later drugged & kidnapped by the #Mossad (in Greece) and spent about 20 years in solitary confinement. To this day, he's still not free. He can't leave Israel & he's not allowed to talk to foreigners.

Who was Itamar Ben-Gvir? Besides being the israeli Minister of National Security who presided over the events of October 7th (which many people suspect now to have been partly an inside job) he's a devout follower & fan of the jewish terrorist & mass murderer, Baruch Goldstein. Ben-Gvir & his wife-to-be visited the grave of #Goldstein on their first date. They hung a picture of Goldstein on the wall of their living room for several decades. Baruch Goldstein is their hero.

Who was Baruch Goldstein? He was a jewish #terrorist who, in 1994, dressed up in an israeli military uniform, entered a room in the Cave of the Patriarchs that was serving as a #mosque, & opened fire on 800 Palestinian Muslim worshippers who were kneeling in prayer. He killed 29 of them & wounded 125 more.

So who is Itamar Ben-Gvir? He's the man who idolizes the terrorist Baruch Goldstein who massacred innocent Palestinians, & villainizes the hero Mordechai Vanunu who exposed israel's illicit & illegal nuclear program to the world--a program that JFK was trying desperately to stop before he was assassinated. Ben-Gvir is the man running national security for the state of israel--which is holding the world hostage with its illegal nuclear weapons.

Christian zionists support this lunatic terrorist who's helping to hold the world hostage with israel's nuclear Samson option, while he continues the massacre of innocent Palestinians on a scale his terrorist hero Baruch Goldstein could only dream of.
(Not my text /Farhad)

Link to video available on telegram: https://t.me/newsvideofa/2627

#Israel #NuclearWeapons #Terrorism #JewishKKK #Kahanist #History #UN #IAEA #NPT #Polotics #NeverForget