

The #Chinese are #teasing.
They're a bit fed up with official Western visits, first with #European stooges, then with #American bosses. Who come to lecture them and even give them orders (!!!). But the Chinese are very polite, so they figure that since Western leaders are so stupid they might not understand, we'll politely let them know. To begin with, there's no protocol for welcoming Blinken at the airport, and no one to accompany him when he leaves. And to make matters worse, they're leaking a video taken at a trade show.
While waiting for #Blinken, Xi, who is obviously pissed off, asks his vice-president "When is he leaving?" Answer: "tonight", Xi: "so much the better". 😎😎😎
It's all going round the world, to the great glory of the Hegemon.
Cuckoo #Macron, cuckoo Séjourné, a little lesson in diplomatic subtlety?

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
from here
credit to @macouc@diaspora.psyco.fr and @wazoox@diasp.eu


Decriminalise abortion amendment: US groups push #anti-abortion agenda in UK

A right-wing political and media ecosystem pushing a US-style anti-abortion agenda is gaining traction in the UK

Their campaigns in the UK are based on strategies honed and perfected in the US.

They use language shaped over decades to seed anti-abortion #falsehoods that begin on social media before becoming talking points on conservative-friendly TV stations modelled on right-wing US news channels and far-right podcasts. Crucially, those behind the campaigns also invest millions of dollars to push their agenda in the UK.


#oppression #American #disinformation #FarRight #propaganda


Many #American #Conservatives might like to critique the #UK as being too #Socialist, many of those critiques may be valid, however, the #USA is not a #Capitalist economic system any more than the UK is, with the #GDP of both nations being comprised of around 40% #government spending.

The USA has been for decades a mixed Capitalist/Socialist economic system. What's most sad about both the UK and #US is that the kind of #Socialism being deployed is actually #corporate Socialism, wherein #taxes are forcibly redistributed to #corporations and the most wealthy. The worst aspects of both systems.

#corporatesocialism #redistribution #angloamerican #economics



Lancaster, Pa., 18th June, 1903.
Dear Sir: — We of the United States, in justice to Canadians and Mexicans, have no right to use the title "Americans" when referring to matters pertaining exclusively to ourselves. Every day is keenly felt the want of a correct name for our great, grand, glorious, independent country. #usonia #jamesdufflaw #usa #vsa #estadosunidos #étatsunis #canada #mexico #americalatina #brasil #argentina #america #american #gringo #yanqui #yankee ">

I believe I am familiar with all the suggestions that have been made in this direction from time to time, and have been inclined to give my vote to the writer that first suggested "Usona" which is formed from the initials of "United States of North America". The assonance of "Usonans", however, has always been distasteful, and nothing better could be made from the first appelation strictly following the constructive genius of our language.

A much more euphonious word is "Usonia", and as it represents in a similar way the "United States of Northern Independent America" (a most important qualifying and accurately descriptive adjective being added) I am inclined to think it makes a perfect word and a dignified name to designate our land, our people and our nation — "Usonia", "Usonian" and "Usonians" sounding equally well. It has also to us Scots the added merit of making a good rhyme to Caledonia, and thus knitting more closely together both Usonians and Caledonians.

May I ask what might be done to exploit such a suggestion, and how could such words be adopted and used popularly, literarily, officially, Usonially and universally?

Respectfully yours,

James D. Law



The American Host and the #Zionist #Parasite.


#AndrewJohnson discuss Greg Felton's book P1 of 4

A Planet Truth TV

On today's show Richard and Andrew Johnson discuss Greg Felton's book, The Host and the Parasite. An extraordinarily important book that traces America's slide into fascism and subservience to a foreign power. Felton argues persuasively that three groups have converged and come to dominate American policy for the benefit of Israel: the neoconservatives, the Republican evangelicals (Christian Zionists), and Jewish Zionists.

He backs up his analysis with over 800 footnoted references to government, scholarly and media sources. Felton refutes the traditional progressive view that Israel is merely a client state of America. If this is so, he asks, how has America come to pursue policies that are so utterly contrary to their own national interest while being so highly beneficial to its junior partner?

Felton also refutes the theory that 'it's all about oil,' arguing that the First Persian Gulf War was the last American oil war and that the Second Persian Gulf War ignored the interests of American oil companies, increased American oil costs and reduced American national security. How could this have happened? The Second War, he demonstrates, can only be adequately explained by the #take-over of #American foreign and domestic #policy for the #benefit of #Israel.



A nonprofit to cover Boston’s communities of color takes another step toward reality

..."Yawu Miller, formerly the senior editor of The Bay State Banner, announced on Twitter that the nascent organization he’s launching with Claudio Martinez will be called the #GreaterBostonNewsBureau “with the aim of supporting #local #news outlets that serve communities of color in and around Boston.” Martinez is the executive director of La Vida Scholars, “a community based organization that equips low-income, high-achieving Lynn students with the resources and preparation needed to enter great colleges.”
Miller and Martinez comprise one of four teams that were awarded #grants by the #American #Journalism Project last year as part of its local news incubator program. Each team was awarded a $400,000 grant. The other teams are based in Miami, Phoenix and Oregon. The Phoenix project is aimed at serving that area’s LGBTQ community. According to the AJP’s announcement from last July:

The local news incubator, launched by the American Journalism Project, with support from the Google News Initiative, aims to lower barriers to entry for prospective founders of local news organizations and diversify the field. By providing robust funding and council, this kind of program allows local news talent to go all-in on their ideas and draw on lessons learned from other nonprofit local news organizations across the country, with the runway that will provide them financial security to take an entrepreneur’s leap."...


About NATO Fails

UK aircraft carrier sidelined from largest NATO exercises since Cold War due to propeller problem



Why the Zumwalt-Class Destroyers Failed to Meet the Navy's Expectations



And in general about aircraft carriers: any aircraft carrier because of its size and clumsiness is a very easy target for any hypersonic missiles. Those who believe in the effectiveness of aircraft carriers are stuck in the past.

#britain #uk #USA #us #british #american #navy #military #nato #warmongers #fail



Could #American #Evangelicals Spot the #Antichrist? Here Are the #Biblical Predictions:
I've reviewed every prophecy on the Antichrist, and what I read blew my mind. (Updated with new signs, 6/10/2020)
Benjamin L. Corey

..."Here are the no-kidding-not-satire-prophecies and signs of the antichrist the Bible tells us to watch out for… and that blew my mind by the time I was done:

The Antichrist will be the leader of a nation that is a military superpower with the ability to trample and crush the entire earth.
“The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.”...


Lie about Pearl Harbor

Under Friedman’s direction, the SIS cryptanalysts, and primarily the people from the Rowlett team, by 1940 achieved, with the help of their mathematical “magic,” truly great success in deciphering Japan’s secret correspondence. The main success was the massive breaking of a system codenamed Purple, a new Japanese cipher machine for diplomatic correspondence. And although the corre- spondence of the Japanese armed forces was decoded much worse and slower, the volume and efficiency of decrypting the Japanese Foreign Ministry materials gave intelligence analysts every reason to believe that the U.S. authorities were fully aware of plans and intentions of a potential enemy.

In particular, shortly before the disaster at Pearl Harbor, such an episode took place. Here it is reconstructed according to the per- sonal testimony of its participant, military linguist John Hurt (John Hurt. “The Japanese Problem in the Signal Intelligence Service”. NSA William F. Friedman Collection, Document A58132. https://www.nsa.gov/news-features/declassified-documents/friedman-documents), who translated those encrypted telegrams from the Japanese For- eign Ministry that were decoded by Friedman’s analysts.

In November 1941, 10 days before the attack, while Hurt and Friedman were visiting a mutual friend in a sanatorium, the cryp- tographer asked the interpreter how he assessed the current state of relations between the United States and Japan from decrypted dis- patches. Hurt replied that the negotiations between Tokyo and Washington seemed to be over. In turn, he asked Friedman what, in his opinion, such an escalation of relations meant. Friedman an- swered very briefly it meant war. Shocked by these words, Hurt emotionally asked the cryptographer, who was much closer to the high authorities, whether the United States was ready for such an escalation of hostility. “I hope so,” Friedman replied…

About what happened to Friedman on the day of the disaster, on Sunday, December 7 1941, his wife Elizebeth told this (Ronald Clark. The Man Who Broke Purple: The Life of Colonel William F. Friedman,

Who Deciphered the Japanese Code in World War II. Boston, MA: Little Brown, 1977):

Friedman himself, hearing the news of the Pearl Harbor attack on the radio, at first found it difficult to believe. For some while, his wife recalls, he could do no more than pace back and forth across the room, muttering to himself over and over again: “But they knew, they knew, they knew.”

But the most striking thing about this dramatic story is that a decade and a half later, William Friedman managed to change his views on what happened literally exactly the opposite. He wrote an analytical work where he very competently, authoritatively and ar- gued began to prove that in fact “they did NOT know.” Because this matter, you see, is far from straightforward..


#USA #us #american #japan #history #war #WWII #WW2 #lie #cryptography #Friedman


Blood-flavored bananas


Blood-flavored bananas

Once upon a time, there was a company called United Fruit Company. It became famous for the fact that it began to import bananas to the U.S. en masse. Back in the mid-19th century, bananas were in America like black caviar - expensive, prestigious, and eaten only by millionaires. But "United Fruit" built a hundred ships with refrigerators, and flooded the entire American market with bananas that cost 2 cents. Behind the scenes of this action there were some pretty cool squabbles, and American buyers didn't know about them. For example, in 1911, the president of Honduras gave United Fruit all the best banana plantations. But competitors from the company "Cuyamel" (also Americans) did not slumber: they overthrew the president, replacing him with their puppet, who gave the banana plantations to them.

In 1928, Colombian banana pickers demanded that United Fruit give them at least one day off a week. The Colombian police, paid for with company money, were brought in to quell the strike, and they killed up to 2,000 people. The rest of them shut up and went quickly to pick bananas. In 1929, United Fruit bought its main competitor, Cuyamel, and began controlling 60% of banana exports to the US. They murdered union leaders in South America, bribed politicians and police, and paid almost no taxes anywhere. In some countries (like Costa Rica or Colombia) it was United Fruit that was the main power, not the local government.

In 1953, Guatemalan President Arbenz turned over United Fruit's unused banana plantations to local impoverished peasants, and offered compensation. The company demanded 25 times as much money; it was sent packing. Then United Fruit simply ordered a coup at a similar price: negotiated a deal with the CIA, and financed a military invasion of Guatemala. The main motivation was that bananas on the shelves for Americans should not rise in price, they have become a favorite treat of millions. CIA mercenaries overthrew Arbenz, and put dictator Armas on the throne. This led to a 36-year civil war and the subsequent deaths of 200,000 people to Guatemala. But bananas didn't go up in price for Americans. It was a successful democratization, one to behold.

Since then, all the presidents of Central and South America were afraid to make a sound, and gave bananas for nothing. "United Fruit paid the banana pickers a pittance and did not give a penny to the budgets of the banana republics. For the slightest dissatisfaction the pickers were killed and the corpses were dumped into the sea. The American public happily bought bananas at a discount. But times have changed. "United Fruit was told it had lost its fucking mind and was bribing officials in Honduras to lower taxes on banana exports. In 1975, the military overthrew the company's protégé in Guatemala, dictator Lopez Arellano. In the same year, the head of the company, Eli Black (the company was by then called United Brands), threw himself out of a skyscraper in New York.

The company was quietly renamed Chiquita. And I still see bananas from this company in our supermarkets. Somehow everything has already been forgotten: how this corporation overthrew presidents, introduced slave labor, and people died by the hundreds of thousands because of it: we owe it the valuable term "banana republic".

They're lucky here: bananas pumped full of blood don't taste like blood.

They are so nice and sweet.

© Zotov


#USA #us #America #history #american #anglo-saxons #capitalism #slavery #military #CIA #vassalage #war #civil-war #Guatemala #Honduras #fruits #bananas #Chiquita