

BREAKING REPORT: Germany REFUSED to extradite terrorist who mowed people down at Christmas market
We are quickly learning a lot about the terrorist who mowed down people at a Christmas market in Germany tonight, killing multiple people and injuring many.
His name is reported to be Talib Al-Abdulmohsen and he’s from Saudi Arabia. He is said to be a Saudi fugitive and was granted asylum in Germany as a political refugee.

#Germany #Refuse #Extradite #Terrorist #Mowed-People-Down



Categorization of Terrorist Groups in Syria

#Categorization of #Terrorist #Groups in #Syria

"Non-Takfiri Terrorist Groups: These groups are primarily composed of factions aligned with Turkey and operate under the umbrella of the Syrian National Army (SNA). They focus on territorial control under #NATO and #Turkey commands.

Syrian National Army ( #SNA ):

1. First Corps:
– Sultan Murad Division: Predominantly Foreign Turkmen fighters. Active in northern Syria, especially Aleppo and Afrin.
– Ninth Division: Composed of former Syrian army defectors. Operates in northern Aleppo countryside.
– Sultan Mehmed Fatih Division: Named after the Ottoman conqueror of Constantinople. Engaged in Turkish-led operations with Foriegn fighters.
– Sultan Suleiman Shah Brigade: Known as “Al-Amshat,” notorious for human rights abuses in Afrin.
– Hamza Division: Active in Afrin and Al-Bab. Focused on securing Turkish-controlled zones."




Originally posted by the Voice of America.
Voice of America content is produced by the Voice of America,
a United States federal government-sponsored entity, and is in
the public domain.

Envoy: 'Russian leadership' decides to delist Taliban as terrorist group

by Ayaz Gul


Russia reported Friday that a "principal decision" had already been
made to remove Afghanistan's ruling Taliban from Moscow's list of
terrorist organizations.

Zamir Kabulov, the Russian presidential envoy for the South Asian
nation, was quoted by state-run TASS news agency as saying that the
foreign ministry and national security agencies "are putting finishing
legal touches" on the Taliban's delisting in line with federal laws.

"A principal decision on this has already been made by the Russian
leadership," said Kabulov. "Hopefully, the final decision will be
announced soon."

The remarks were reported on the same day that Moscow hosted a
conference of regional countries to discuss Afghanistan, with Russian
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov presiding over the proceedings.

Lavrov later held bilateral talks with Taliban Foreign Minister Amir
Khan Muttaqi, who led his delegation at Friday's multilateral event in
the Russian capital, organized under the Moscow Format platform.

"We firmly believe in the importance of maintaining a pragmatic
dialogue with the current Afghan government," Lavrov said in his
inaugural speech to delegates from countries such as China, India,
Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, and Uzbekistan.

"Moscow will continue to develop political, trade, and economic ties
with Kabul," Lavrov pledged.

Russia launched the Moscow Format in 2017 and it has since become a
regular platform for discussing challenges facing impoverished,
war-torn Afghanistan.

Muttaqi, in his broadcast address to Friday's gathering, welcomed
Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan's recent announcements that they will remove
the Taliban from their lists of outlawed groups.

"We also appreciate the positive remarks [made] by the high-ranking
officials of the Russian Federation in this regard and hope to see more
effective steps soon," said the Taliban chief diplomat.

Russia's involvement in Afghanistan has been tumultuous. The Soviet
army entered the country in 1979 to help a pro-Moscow government in
Kabul but pulled out a decade later due to heavy losses inflicted by
U.S.-backed Afghan insurgents, or mujahideen.

Moscow has developed close informal ties with the Taliban since they
regained power in Afghanistan three years ago after the United States
and NATO forces withdrew ending 20 years of war.

President Vladimir Putin stated in July that Russia considered the
Taliban an ally in the fight against terrorism. The former Afghan
insurgent group has been on the Russian list of terrorist organizations
since 2003.

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov praised the Taliban for combating
narcotics in Afghanistan and fighting a regional Islamic State
affiliate known as IS-Khorasan (IS-K).

"We support the Afghan authorities' resolve to combat the terrorist
threat," he told the conference Friday.

Muttaqi called on all regional countries "to cooperate in preventing
the recruitment of their citizens by ISIS and then send them to
Afghanistan and other countries to carry out subversive operations." He
used an acronym for IS-K, which the United Nations describes as the
most significant terrorist regional threat emanating from Afghan soil.

The Taliban foreign minister did not name any country, but Kabul
formally alleged last week that the terrorist group is orchestrating
attacks from bases in Pakistan, charges officials in Islamabad have
refuted as unfounded.

No country has officially recognized the de facto Taliban government,
although China and the United Arab Emirates have formally accepted
Taliban-appointed ambassadors.

Washington remains opposed to any step toward easing sanctions or
moving toward recognition of the Taliban as Afghanistan's rightful
government, saying Kabul must improve its human rights record to win
international legitimacy and support.

"We will look for interest in any outcomes and deliverables from the
upcoming Moscow Format meeting, but we do not participate," Karen
Decker, the head of the Doha-based U.S. diplomatic mission for
Afghanistan, told reporters Thursday.

The U.S. has never attended a Moscow Format meeting because it is seen
as a regional conversation, said Decker, who has also been tasked with
overseeing Afghan diplomacy.

#russia #afghanistan #taliban #terrorists #terrorism #terrorist #putin #moscow-format #lavrov #is-k


Newly Resurfaced Video: Itamar #Ben-Gvir, Israeli Minister of National Security, protests & harasses Mordechai #Vanunu, calling him a "traitor" in front of TV cameras in 2004.

Who is Mordechai Vanunu? He is a former Israeli #nuclear technician who took photographs of israel's #Dimona nuclear reactor that were published in The Sunday Times of London in 1986. He also divulged other details proving the existence of israel's illegal nuclear weapons program. From the information he provided, experts were able to estimate that Israel has the world's 6th largest stockpile of nuclear weapons. Vanunu was later drugged & kidnapped by the #Mossad (in Greece) and spent about 20 years in solitary confinement. To this day, he's still not free. He can't leave Israel & he's not allowed to talk to foreigners.

Who was Itamar Ben-Gvir? Besides being the israeli Minister of National Security who presided over the events of October 7th (which many people suspect now to have been partly an inside job) he's a devout follower & fan of the jewish terrorist & mass murderer, Baruch Goldstein. Ben-Gvir & his wife-to-be visited the grave of #Goldstein on their first date. They hung a picture of Goldstein on the wall of their living room for several decades. Baruch Goldstein is their hero.

Who was Baruch Goldstein? He was a jewish #terrorist who, in 1994, dressed up in an israeli military uniform, entered a room in the Cave of the Patriarchs that was serving as a #mosque, & opened fire on 800 Palestinian Muslim worshippers who were kneeling in prayer. He killed 29 of them & wounded 125 more.

So who is Itamar Ben-Gvir? He's the man who idolizes the terrorist Baruch Goldstein who massacred innocent Palestinians, & villainizes the hero Mordechai Vanunu who exposed israel's illicit & illegal nuclear program to the world--a program that JFK was trying desperately to stop before he was assassinated. Ben-Gvir is the man running national security for the state of israel--which is holding the world hostage with its illegal nuclear weapons.

Christian zionists support this lunatic terrorist who's helping to hold the world hostage with israel's nuclear Samson option, while he continues the massacre of innocent Palestinians on a scale his terrorist hero Baruch Goldstein could only dream of.
(Not my text /Farhad)

Link to video available on telegram: https://t.me/newsvideofa/2627

#Israel #NuclearWeapons #Terrorism #JewishKKK #Kahanist #History #UN #IAEA #NPT #Polotics #NeverForget


#usa #terrorist #groups
Terrorist Groups in America
ISIS: Alexander Mercurio, Self Radicalized, told the FBI’s confidential source the ISIS attack plan. He was arrested one day before he planned to carry out his attack on churches in Idaho, USA.


Tienduizenden Nederlanders met terrorismecode in politiesystemen: demonstreren kan al genoeg zijn

Follow the Money

Tienduizenden Nederlanders die nergens van verdacht zijn, staan vermeld in een terrorismeregister van de politie dat zijn oorsprong kent in de periode na de aanslagen op 11 september in 2001. Dat kunnen ook activisten en demonstranten zijn. ‘Het gaat om veel mensen die op geen enkele manier een bedreiging vormen voor onze rechtsstaat.’

(Tekst loopt door onder de afbeelding.)


Dit stuk in 1 minuut

  • Wat is het nieuws?
  • Tienduizenden mensen die nergens van verdacht zijn, blijken met hun naam voor te komen in een ‘terrorismeregister’ van de politie. Daaronder bevinden zich mogelijke terroristen, maar ook de mensen om hen heen, activisten en zelfs demonstranten. Met het zogeheten themaregister wordt informatie over potentieel terrorisme en extremisme in een zeer vroeg stadium verzameld, geanalyseerd en gedeeld.
  • Waarom is dit belangrijk?
  • Het idee voor het register ontstond na de aanslagen van 11 september 2001. De toenmalige privacytoezichthouder College Bescherming Persoonsgegevens was zeer kritisch over het wetsvoorstel en betwijfelde de noodzaak. Ze waarschuwde dat de waarborgen voor burgers onvoldoende waren en zelfs misbruik van antiterrorismemaatregelen in de hand zou kunnen werken.
  • Hoogleraar Jon Schilder maakt zich zorgen. Burgers hebben volgens hem ‘geen enkele controle op de registratie, weten ook niet wat er allemaal over hen wordt opgeslagen en gedeeld met anderen. Het blijkt dat het om erg grote getallen gaat en om gegevens van veel mensen die op geen enkele manier een bedreiging vormen voor onze rechtsstaat.’
  • Hoe heeft FTM dit onderzocht?
  • Follow the Money sprak met activisten die er met behulp van inzageverzoeken achter zijn gekomen dat de politie informatie over hun activiteiten verzamelde en heeft voorzien van een CTER-codering (Contraterrorisme, Extremisme en Radicalisering). Uit een Woo-verzoek komt naar voren dat de lat voor de registraties erg laag ligt en het totale aantal namen in het register in 2018 ‘enkele tienduizenden’ bedroeg. De politie bevestigt dat het huidige aantal nog steeds in dezelfde orde van grootte valt.

Hele artikel

Tags: #nederlands #nederland #surveillance #massasurveillance #terrorist #terrorisme #terrorismelijst #politie #activisten #demonstranten #rechtsstaat


#consider, my understanding of these two labels.

terrorist : one who causes terror for political gain.
freedom fighter : one who fights for their freedom and the freedom of a people from oppression.

" #or "? the two are not mutually exclusive. can be #both.
introspect #perception, for any #judgement.
and just because one side uses terror for their political gain (and thus are definitively "terrorist"), does not mean the other side do not and are not.

[(...can you see any examples of this type hypocrisy on the world stage? seen anyone "doth protest too much"?)]

#terror #terrorist #terrorists #terrorism #politics #terminology #psyop #falsedichotomy #opposame #notmutuallyexclusive (not to mention the added complexities of #falseflag operations, #managedopposition, #agentprovokateurs, etc., and the escalating horrors of #groupthink (all the way to the #atrocity of #genocide!), and #proxywars for #massdistraction and #polarising #divisive #problemreactionsolution #divideandconquer #ploys of #theoppressor... "THEY'RE USING YOU!", not just "both" " #sides ", but the puppet masters behind them. Many #innocent #lives, and it matters not to the power-focused #ruthless #sociopaths, #oligarchs, #bankers, #cultists, #aristocrats, #fascists, #barons, etc... ... #TheCorporation = #Psychopath. thanks, #racetothebottom and #tragedyofthecommons and #dogma and #fundamentalism. ... maybe we're #now #ready to say #WeAreNotDoingThatAnyMore ... #wecanstillmendthis. )


Terrorist attack at #Shahcheragh shrine in Shiraz, two people critically injured, one perpetrator arrested

Less than a year ago, in October 2022, another devastating massacre took place at the same location

This frequency of terrorism is highly unusual in Iran, which historically has been safe compared to neighouring countries.

ISIS-K threatened to take revenge against Iran about one month ago, for the execution of the two perpetrators of the Shahcharagh attack in 2022

It is very likely that this attack was comitted by ISIS or an ISIS-affiliated group, considering the available context.

#Shiraz #Police Department: We have managed to arrest one perpetrator, but another one is still on the loose

The arrested terrorist still had 8 full magazines of ammunition on him

According to the #IRGC, there is so far no evidence that there was more than one attacker involved

#ISIS has taken responsibility for the #terrorist attack
According to IRGC telegram channel, 1 person confirmed dead and 5 injured.

#politics #Terrorism

دقایقی پیش یک تروریست مسلح از درب باب‌المهدی حرم حضرت شاه چراغ قصد ورود به حرم را داشته است که با مقاومت و مواجهه نیروهای حفاظت از حرم مواجه می شود.

استاندار فارس : حادثه تیراندازی در حرم شاهچراغ(ع) تا این لحظه یک شهید و ۵ مجروح برجا گذاشت.

عامل حمله تروریستی شاهچراغ تکفیری بود/ ۸ نفر مجروح شدند

🔹 اسماعیل قزل سفلی: یک عامل تکفیری عصر امروز با سلاح گرم وارد حرم مطهر حضرت احمد بن موسی (ع) شد و از ورودی اقدام به تیراندازی به سمت زائران و خادمان کرد.

🔹 در این حادثه تا کنون یک نفر شهید و هشت نفر دیگر مجروح یا مصدوم شده اند که همه آنها به مراکز درمانی منتقل و تحت مداوا قرار دارند.

🔹 یک نفر عامل این حادثه تروریستی با ورود به موقع ماموران امنیتی و انتظامی دستگیر و در حال حاضر تحت بازجویی قرار دارد.

🔹 هم اکنون وضعیت حرم مطهر عادی است و مشکل خاصی وجود ندارد.

🔹 مردم اخبار موثق و درست را از طریق رسانه های رسمی دنبال کرده و به اخبار جعلی شبکه های مجازی توجه نکنند.