

NDR: "Urban Mining": Wenn alte Häuser als Rohstoff-Lager dienen

In der Regel werden alte Gebäude einfach abgerissen - und der Bauschutt wird entsorgt. Beim "Urban Mining" hingegen werden von Häusern viele Teile und Rohstoffe wiederverwendet. Ein Projekt in Heidelberg will zeigen, wie das im großen Stil funktionieren könnte... (weiter)

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#Klimaschutz #Bauen #Urban-Mining #Reuse #Rohstoffe #Bauschutt #Häuser #Gebäude #NDR #2024-12-05


Energy Company Converts Old Wind Turbine Into a Tiny Home

Vattenfall, a Swedish energy company, and Superuse, an international design studio based in Rotterdam, have teamed up to repurpose an old, decommissioned wind turbine into a tiny home.

In a new project on display for Dutch Design Week running from October 19-27, Vattenfall set out to showcase circular solutions in the wind energy sector. It worked with Superuse to convert an old wind turbine that had been operating for 20 years in Austria.

The house spans 4 meters wide, 10 meters long, and 3 meters tall, and as part of its mission to achieve a fossil fuel-free future, Vattenfall equipped this tiny home with eco-friendly components including solar panels, a heat pump and a solar water heater. The project was designed by Superuse and developed by Blade-Made, a spin-off of Superuse, and Woodwave.
#WindTurbines #Recycle #Reuse #TijyHomes #Sweden #Environment #Environment


I broke my old laptop and bought a similar one that came with the surprising touchscreen.

Tried to sell the old one for repair, but the highest bid I got was 70 euros

Decided to sell it in pieces, sold the NVME SSD, External battery, internal battery and french Azerty keyboard separately and they are all gone, I have got 78 euros and still have the screen and couple of other pieces for sale. So I am guessing I will end up going even and got my memory upgraded to 32GB and dual front camera and touchscreen as bonus.

It's amazing how happy people are buying them at "low cost" compared to new specially the guy who bought the international battery andi helped him replace the old one for free (got a cup of coffee for the work), he even sent me a tank you note after he left for family vacation with the my 2 old batteries that last about 6h on his laptop (compared to less than 2 that he was getting before.

And for me, I no longer feel bad about breaking my old computer:) I really wish the guy who bought the keyboard had a QWERTY keyboard so we could exchange. But his keyboard was German which is harder for me to use than the Azerty one I have right now.

#Recycle #Reuse #Laptop #France #Leboncoin


Bought 2 used solar panels for my apartment today.

The price was really cheap so I couldn't say no to itm going to set-up s system so they just sit by the wall for now (good for winter) and later on think of something more permanent.

They're 200W each and since they are a bit old I guess I might get something about 100-150W out of them in peak time. More than enough to power my hydroponic devices on the balcony.

#solarpanel #photovoltic #reuse #hyddoponics #antibes #France


De FSFE helpt een “internet van mensen” te bouwen
De Free Software Foundation Europe is partner van het Next Generation Internet Zero-consortium, dat tot doel heeft een veerkrachtiger, betrouwbaarder en open internet te bouwen dat eindgebruikers in staat stelt controle te hebben over de technologie.
#Juridisch #Reuse #EuropeseUnie #FSFE #VrijeSoftware


Turning an empty 2L juice box into a holder for plant seedlings.

The 2L juice boxes are pretty common in #Europe and #US and most of them come in similar shape to maximize shipping of them from distances.

I drink a #box every 3-4 weeks or so and had saved a few of them to see what I can do with them.

Decided to make a quick test to see if I can put 3 small plastic #containers that I use for growing plants into the and it was a good fit.

Marking 3 squares on the side of the box with the lid facing up in the size of the top inner section of the #plastic pots. Cut each square diagonally and bend up the triangles to fit the pot inside.

Because of their format, it is easy to add water to them and I keep the lid on to prevent mosquitoes and bugseti go in there.

It's not perfect, but it works to prepare the plants for their final home. And it doesn't cost anything. And when I am done, I cut and clean them before putting them in #recycling.

#Gardening #BalconyGarden #ContainerGarden #France #Hydroponics #GrowYourOwn #Plants #ReUse