

Slovak citizens raise $1.6 million for Czech ammunition initiative after government refuses to contribute

The organizers of the Slovak fundraising campaign said that they "refuse to accept" that their government did not join the initiative.

"Let's show that it's not just them who decide. We are convinced that the attitude of the government does not represent the majority of citizens. We are sure that we, the inhabitants of #Slovakia, want and know how to help," the #fundraising campaign's website says.


#RussiaInvadedUkraine #ammunition #StandWithUkraine


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#cryovolcanic #comet 12P/Pons-Brooks is passing by the #Andromeda #Galaxy in the western evening sky. Petr Horálek photographed the wide conjunction from Revúca, #Slovakia:

"This was wild," says Horálek. "On March 5th, I drove 300 km to Telgart, Slovakia, where the forecast predicted clear skies. But the forecast was wrong! When I reached Telgart, the sky was hopelessly cloudy. I almost gave up and was returning home through truly thick fog when, abruptly, the sky cleared. I pulled into a field where the comet was low over the horizon and blindly took this exposure."

It turned out pretty well.


25-матчевая безголевая серия со старта сезона позади


25-матчевая безголевая серия со старта сезона позади🎊

33-летний словак Томаш Татар забросил свою 1-ю шайбу за «Колорадо». Форвард «лавин» отличился в матче с «Калгари» (6:5).

В активе Татара стало 9 (1+8) очков в 26 играх за клуб из Денвера, полезность «-1». Он перешел в «Колорадо» в сентябре, подписав контракт на год и 1,5 миллиона долларов.

#TomasTatar #Slovakia #ColoradoAvalanche #NHL #Hockey 0:34 0:13

#tomastatar #slovakia #coloradoavalanche #nhl #hockey #lang_ru #хоккей #нхл #колорадоэвеланш #vk_colorado_avalanche


Happy birthday, Tuna #90 !


Happy birthday, Tuna 🇸🇰#90 !

🏔 🎊 🇸🇰 🎂

Сегодня, 01 декабря словацкому нападающему «Колорадо Эвеланш» — Томашу Татару, задрафтованному под №60 в 2009 году командой «Детройт Ред Уингз»; обладателю серебряной медали ЧМ-2012 в составе сб. Словакии и финалисту Кубка Мира-2016 в составе сб. Европы; победителю Кубка Колдера-2013 за команду «Гранд Рэпидс Гриффинс (АХЛ), а также MVP того плей-офф, — исполняется 33 года! 👏🏻

#TomasTatar #Slovakia #ColoradoAvalanche #NHL #Hockey Tomas Tatar at eliteprospects.com www.eliteprospects.com

#tomastatar #slovakia #coloradoavalanche #nhl #hockey #lang_ru #хоккей #нхл #колорадоэвеланш #vk_colorado_avalanche


Tuna swimming into his -th!


Tuna swimming into his ⃣⃣⃣-th!

#NHLstats 🇸🇰Словацкий нападающий «лавин» Томаш Татар провёл сегодня 800-ый матч за карьеру в рамках регулярного чемпионата НХЛ:

• «Детройт»: 407 матчей и 222 (115+107) очка, 2010-2018.

• «Вегас»️: 20 матчей и 6 (4+2) очков, 2018.

• «Монреаль»: 198 матчей и 149 (57+92) очков, 2018-2021.

• «Нью-Джерси»: 158 матчей и 78 (35+43) очков, 2021-2023.

• «Колорадо»: 17 матчей и 7 (0+7) очков, 2023 - по наст. вр.

Всего с начала карьеры 32-летний форвард набрал 462 (211+251) результативных балла в 800 матчах регулярки НХЛ при показателе полезности «+38».

Также он добавил 13 (7+6) очков в 52 матчах плей-офф, показатель полезности «-14».

Татар стал 13-ым словацким хоккеистом в истории НХЛ, который сумел провести минимум 800 матчей в регулярке. Больше всего игр у Здено Хара (1680).

#TomasTatar #Slovakia #ColoradoAvalanche #NHL #Hockey Tomas Tatar at eliteprospects.com www.eliteprospects.com

#nhlstats #tomastatar #slovakia #coloradoavalanche #nhl #hockey #lang_ru #хоккей #нхл #колорадоэвеланш #vk_colorado_avalanche


Fourth Love and Anarchy film festival day, two screenings.

Warning, spoilers!

The quiet migration (2023)

Farm equipment. Farm animals. Farm buildings. Perfectly positioned pretty cinematic shots of all those. This is "The quiet migration".

Carl is an orphan adopted from Korea into a family in rural Denmark. Growing up on the farm, he is constantly faced with a feeling of not belonging, reinforced by racist rhetoric in the small rural community.

An asteroid falls. Or is it something to indicate trouble to come, crisis of identity and past? I think if it was intended to be an asteroid maybe the film makers should have consulted someone on what kind of craters rocks that smash into the Earth leave. Or their likely composition and thus weight. But maybe asteroids don't float around in rooms anyway.

The whole film builds up to Carl needing to make a decision. Will he choose to inherit the family farm in the Danish countryside or possibly explore other possibilities in life. I think it was pretty clear which one he would be choosing, and it makes a good ending to the film. I just hope he talks to the girl.

Nightsiren (2022)

Slovakian forests sounds like a great setting for a film about witches. And there is a lot of beautiful forest scenery and small village charm. Like wife and kid beating men kind of charm. And enough superstition to burn people alive. Are there any witches though? The answer probably lies in whether there were any witches during the times when they were commonly burned alive, in the darkest times of European history.

This film does the rare thing of keeping you on your toes at all times throughout the film. Waiting for the spells to come out, waiting for the evil men to be turned into toads. Spoiler: this is not a fantasy film. Things get a bit magical at times, but we don't really get told whether it's the witches at play or not. There is beauty and horror going through the whole film, enough to keep one constantly focused on the screen. Not yawning and wondering when the film will end is always a good positive sign of a good production.

#hiff #denmark #farms #slovakia #witches #films #movies