USI 2024 : décryptons les enjeux de la souveraineté | #autonomie #hétéronomie #souveraineté #technologie #statistique #public #privé #économie #régulation #rÚglementation #infrastructure #sciencefiction #storytelling #sécurité #blockchain #sociologie #culture #fauré #siliconvalley #intelligenceartificielle #ia #travail #management #opensource #transparence #compétence #amatorat #investissement #usi2024
Joseph Marshall III on Season 1 of the Hochoka podcast
Episode 5: #Storytelling, Sense of #Community and Cultural Identity
Episode 6: #Language, Memory and Cultural Identity
Episode 7: #SittingBull's Vision and Cultural Identity
Episode 8: Bows, Arrows and #Authenticity in and Cultural Identity
Episode 9: #Stories as Seeds of Cultural Identity
Episode 10: Place, #Purpose and Cultural Identity
#JosephMarshal #CulturalIdentity #cuture #identity #Lakota #IndigenousPeoples #NativeAmerican #HochokaPodcast #Hochoka
JahresrĂŒckblick fĂŒr die Ohren
Die besten Podcasts des Jahres
Von âBoys Clubâ bis âTeurer Wohnenâ, von einem mysteriösen MĂ€dchen bis zu Long Covid: Hier sind die zehn besten Podcastproduktionen des Jahres.
Schwerpunkt: Podcast-Guide
Schwerpunkt: LesestĂŒck Recherche und Reportage
Palestinian storytellers bring joy to Gaza's children amid war
Hundreds of thousands of children in Gaza are experiencing psychological trauma as a result of Israeli attacks. To ease their suffering, a group of tradition...#Anxiety #Gaza #GazaBombardment #GazaChildren #GazaHumanitarianCrisis #GazaMentalHealthCrisis #GazaUnderAttack #GazaWar #Hakawati #Israel #IsraelGazaWar #IsraelHamasWar #IsraelPalestineWar #MentalHealth #PTSD #Palestine #Palestinianstorytellers #Trauma #alHakawatistorytellers #gazachildrenwelfare #storytelling #AlJazeera #AlJazeeraEnglish #alJazeera #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralive #aljazeeravideo #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralatest #aljazeeralive
Palestinian storytellers bring joy to Gaza's children amid war
Better get ready for the first of May
#Beataine #Fairy #Party #storytelling
Warum nur Menschen gute Geschichten erzÀhlen können | DW | 19.03.2023
Am Weltgeschichtentag spricht eine GeschichtenerzĂ€hlerin ĂŒber ihre Leidenschaft und darĂŒber, warum Bots wie ChatGPT den Menschen nicht das Wasser reichen können.#Weltgeschichtentag #Storytelling #GeschichtenerzĂ€hler #MĂ€rchen
Warum nur Menschen gute Geschichten erzÀhlen können | DW | 19.03.2023
Blood glacier and creative #climate #storytelling for an uncertain #future
source: https://phys.org/news/2021-12-blood-glacier-creative-climate-storytelling.html
Stories about climate change often lean on what Tegelberg called "icons" of climate change, like a lone polar bear balancing on a melting iceberg, which distances the public from this reality due to how often this image is shared in mainstream media. Using time-lapse photography, however, brings an audience up close to the real impacts of a warming world, showing how much geological time is eroded from just a few hundred years of human activity.
#science #politics #environment #story #movie #communication #nature #humanity #earth
Caught this in the car Saturday kind of by accident from This American Life. It is a pretty funny and somewhat typical Brooklyn, NY story.
Donât Chicken Out
Carmen Milito tells the story of a date she went on as a teenager, and the bird her mom brought to the occasion. ( #podcast 14 min )
#audio #story #storytelling #chicken #fun #lol
Alfred #Eisenstaedt, 'Waiters in the Grand Hotel Dining Room Lined Up at Window, S. Moritz, 1932
#photography #available-light #storytelling
The Photography of Alfred Eisenstaedt
13 Unforgettable Photos by Alfred Eisenstaedt
I played my first game from Top Ten Games you can play in your head this morning. The book is an intriguing concept, essentially a structured setup as you might get for a #storytelling #game but which is essentially a ruleless springboard for daydreaming about the situations described in the book.
The first one to grab me was about a dinner party where you are an assassin who is uncertain who they are meant to be killing at a Victorian dinner party. The setup just grabbed me and I did start thinking about what would happen next.
Generally I think roleplayers have these experiences all the time but seeing them as an inherently useful thing worthy of pursuit outside of standard gaming circles seems new to me. It also offers an interesting insight into when kickers work better than plots.
there must be #heaven, or.....
Hereâs some Information about the game
#art, #creative, #photo, #writing, #craft, #december, #end-of-the-year, #gimp, #international, #fun, #game, #storytelling,