The Life Of The Mother Surma - Photography by Svetlin Yosifov.
#SvetlinYosifov #mother #surma #ethiopia #tribe #portrait #photo #art
🇮🇩 To Make Fire
Photo by Pavol Stranak
#PavolStranak #fire #dani #tribe
#portrait #papua #indonesia #photo #art
Photography by Patrizio Di Renzo.
#PatrizioDiRenzo #desert #tribe #woman #portrait #afrofuturism #photo #art
Mursi girl (Omo Valley-Ethiopia).
Photo by Joxe Inazio Kuesta Garmendia
#mursi #ethiopia I #mundari #SouthSudan
#JoxeInazioKuestaGarmendia #tribe #portrait #photo #art
Mundari tribe child (South Sudan).
#ceylon #news
what is the #vitamin #psyop?
18.19 #health from tablets dose not exist
21.53 #supplements
22.56 #tampon #poison
23.36 tap vs bottled
24.36 what is causing insomnia
25.25 the #food pyramid
26.23 will the body heal its self
29.58 what cures cancer
30.29 stye remedy
31.51 #sun benefits
33.13 tensor rings
36.41 bug repellent
37.47 pine plant
39.05 pineapple peel tea
39.42 apples experiment
40.37 #cayane-pepper
41.52 charged water
42.45 cures
43.00 dandilion plantane sowthistle
43.54 #dandilion cures
47.30 alex jones before he was corrupted
49.01 #blood-pressure
49.49 Kyle Sicarius - #No #More #War - 7 - #Roots #Tribe
🇹🇿 https://vimeo.com/190553071
Snakes, Sculpture & Spectacle
A short documentary film by Gary Van Wyk & Lisa Brittan.
#GaryVanWyk #LisaBrittan #sukuma #tribe #rituals #culture #movie #film
#documentary #sculpture #snakes #music #dance #spectacle #tanzania #art
Dr. #ReinerFullmich interviews #Dr. Calin #Georgescu who is a true " #Mr. #Global" insider. Georgescu had high positions in both the #Club-of-Rome and the #UnitedNations before discovering something so horrific he had to get out.
He says the #WEF / Davos crowd = the oligarch system.
#Quote "The #world oligarch system has the control"
Quote "The UN is the bridge for the #Oligarch #system to run the world"
Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=ctwNUYShvL0
This guy really lays it all out here, I am shocked that this #interview is still available.
#Now here is #why
Georgescu is asked what made him finally leave the group.
He mentions that while working for the #UN in the #MarshalIslands they discovered a an #isolated #tribe of people whose average #age was 180-200 years old.
When he got back to #Geneva to write his report he had opposition and his press conference was canceled. He never mentions the year that this occurred, he does say that in #1960 the United States #completely #destroyed the #area where this tribe was found via " #nuclear testing"
I'm trying to better understand the timeline of all of this, and would like to find any corroborating information especially documentation that shows the UN was in the #Marshall-islands in the late 1950's.
#DMI3 ft. #4N4ÏS - OCARINA - #TeknoDimension
Welcome to Tekno Dimension, the #ultimate #portal for #techno and #tekno enthusiasts seeking the finest in Free Tekno, #Underground Tekno, Son de Teuf 2023, and Tekos. Here, you'll find a mesmerizing fusion of TEKNO, #ACID, #TRIBE, #MENTAL, #ACIDCORE, #HARDTEK, #TEUF, TECHNO, and #RAVE #TECHNO #MUSIC.
#boobsday in Omo Valley (Ethiopia)
🇪🇹 Photography : Suri girl by Randy Olson.
#suri #girl #ornamental #cuts #scars #breasts
#RandyOlson #tribe #OmoValley #ethiopia #photo #art
A half-moon of fresh, ornamental cuts ooze on a Suri girl in the village of Tulgit.
Made with a thorn and an old razor blade, this girl's wounds will heal in a raised pattern of scars, like those above her other breast.