Je suis #nouveauici
Je connais diaspora depuis ses débuts mais je suis infidèle ;)
Papa, Belge, 50 balais, traine sur les internet depuis 28 ans.( mais bon j’ai commencé par des passerelles fidonet quand j’étais co-sysop d’un bbs)
Circassien, actuellement je pratique surtout le funambulisme.
J’ai un humour de merde (et parfois de vieux con, blanc, hétéro, machin machin, … ) Mais c’est de l’humour, derrière, j’aime les gens même ceux que je n’aime pas mais il ne faut pas leur dire.
J’ai commencé sur ICQ IRC Infonie Parano.be Odigo
J’ai bossé au bureau mondial du scoutisme et à la fédé belge.
J’ai bossé 5 ans dans l’opensource (à l’unif )
J’ai bossé chez Skynet (mais je n’ai jamais rencontré terminator)
J’ai bossé pour le site d’enchère Delcampe,
Et depuis 10 ans à la RTBF (Télé Service Public Belge)
J’ai plein de synthés mais je joue que pour moi (et ca fait du plaisir autant à moi, qu’a ceux qui ne m’entendent pas jouer.
Je suis l’admin du forum Scrum Life, et un relecteur pour les traducteurs-agile.
Je participe à quasi tous les lives du jeudi.
J’ai fais 3 confs sur l’agilité (Lausanne et Belgique)
Et je parle trop, (j’écris pas mal aussi mais je fais des fôtes :)
Je vois que ça cause pas mal donc certain connaissent le site et le canal IRC que j’ai co administré (je n’étais pas le fondateur) #phpFrance.
JE vois que ca parle #inkTober, je fais de la facilitation graphique, je suis plus école #bikablo et je participe le plus souvent possible au Picto Challenge de Romain Couturier
Je fais un peu de #Généalogie.
J’ai surement plein d’autres trucs à dire mais c’est déjà trop long.
Ah oui depuis peux, je me lance avec ma femme dans la #vanlife (quel bonheur quand les enfants sont grands et autonomes)
Im Trend: Vanlife - Freiheit auf vier Rädern | DW | 01.09.2022
Warum ein teures Wohnmobil kaufen, wenn man seinen Kleinbus oder Kastenwagen auch selbst zu einem Campervan umbauen kann? Vanlife ist ein Lifestyle-Trend, der immer mehr Anhänger findet.#Reise #Vanlife #Camping #Europareise #Campingplätze #Caravan #DIY
Im Trend: Vanlife - Freiheit auf vier Rädern | DW | 01.09.2022
#vanlife #van-aménagé #humour #riennemarrete
Aménagement de mon vieux van.
Projet ambitieux.
Conseils bienvenus
Announce to your friends and family that you’re choosing to live in your vehicle and you’re likely to raise some concern.
The 2017 book “Nomadland: Surviving America in the Twenty-First Century” by Jessica Bruder – made into the 2020 film starring Frances McDormand – drew attention to the hundreds of thousands of Americans living itinerant lifestyles due to poverty and insecure employment.
But not everyone choosing to live in a van is doing so out of desperation.
Technology and changing workplace norms have helped make the option of trading an office cubicle for a rotating vista of beachfront and desert sunsets an attractive option for the affluent.
This attraction has been amplified by the power of social media, with an entire movement evolving around the hashtag #vanlife.
To be part of the movement, any old grey-nomad style camper will not do.
Explore #vanlife on social media and you’ll discover glamorous adult cubby houses on wheels fitted with Scandinavian-inspired kitchens, parquet wood flooring, and linen bed sheets with matching throw cushions.
It’s not all nomadland: how #vanlife made mobile living a middle-class aspiration
Hey everyone, I’m #newhere. I’m interested in #00snostalgia, #90snostalgia, #anarchocommunist, #anthropology, #css, #history, #html, #linguistics, #oldweb, #pixelart, #ubi, and #vanlife.
j'adore explorer les alternatives.
#raftlife #décroissance volontaire #tinyhouse #tentlife #vanlife #nomade #sdf #adventure of a lifetime
Hey everyone, I’m #newhere. I’m interested in #cryptocurrencies, #miningcryptocurrency, #retirement, #technology, and #vanlife.
Living in a van down by the river during global quarantine
Coronavirus hits vanlifers, as well as digital nomads and tiny-homers.
I'd been following the alternate lifestyle trend for some years. A review of YouTube shows many plans and lifestyles are being disrupted. Generally:
- Self-quarantine when your home is a van or tiny home means being confined to a very small space. The more so with partners, pets, or children.
- Limited storage -- for food, water (fresh, grey, black), fuel, clothes, laundry, gear -- means limited options.
- Services relied on, including shops, cafes, restaurants, laundries, gyms (frequently the preferred bathing option), and campgrounds, make life all the more uncertain.
- Alternatives including hotels are also often unavailable.
- There remain bills to pay, particularly telecoms, mobile data, fuel, food, campground fees, insurance, and taxes.
- Restrictions on casual camping are increasing, around the world.
- Supply-chain disruptions hit vanlifers too, and outlying areas my be harder hit / slower to resupply.
- Venturing from campsites either by vehicle or by foot is often restricted.
- Vehicle-repair issues become more pressing than even usual -- it's your car and your house.
- Expats are especially impacted, whether Americans in South America (as here), EU nationals within Europe, or abroad. Vans and boats are being abandoned or placed in storage. Travel regulations and limits (visa terms and length) emerge.
- Standard travel options, including bus, rail, air, and ship, are also in turmoil.
- The situation is evolving rapidly. Watching successive episodes of a given channel as awareness dawns or plans change is illuminating. Sometimes even a single episode.
- Vanlifers, generally already living Plan B, are rapidly cycling through successive plans C, D, E, etc.
There are a wealth of examples, with YouTube's suggestion engine the linked vid should be an entry point, though searching vanlife (covid|coronavirus|pandemic) should turn up more.