

Moxa is an important part of Acupuncture practice. Acupuncturists will often ask their patients to apply moxa at home between treatments. Rice grain moxa is just one of the many different types of moxa techniques. It is relatively easy to learn and can be applied in the home. This video was made to support acupuncturists in teaching their patients this simple technique. The location of 2 main points often used with rice grain are also included - Stomach 36 (ST36) and Spleen 6 (SP6).
#moxa #moxibustion #acupuncture #selfcare


University Hospitals pilot program offering #acupuncture for #fertility

It's estimated between 10%-15% of couples experience fertility issues. The reasons can cause stress and certainly impact well-being.
A year ago, University Hospitals Fertility Center surveyed patients about what they felt were their unmet psychosocial needs. The survey found that 80% of survey participants wanted to use acupuncture in their journey and 70% desired health, nutrition, stress, exercise, and supplement guidance.

"There's actually a lot of research around specifically acupuncture and IVF treatment. It's been studied for, I want to say, over 15 years now. And we continue to see success with adding acupuncture to IVF protocols. I take it a step further and also add the lifestyle medicine piece to the fertility journey, because I think it's important to focus on nutrition, stress management, sleep, exercise because we see a correlation to helping fertility as well in the research. So our our Vitamix group is really focused on learning all of those tools and then having the support of a health coach to implement those healthy habit changes that are often hard to do on your own. And incorporating that with other modalities like acupuncture, massage, chiropractic that we offer here as well," said Christine Kaiser, DACM, LAc, LCH, FABORM who is the Connor Endowed Director of Reproductive Well-being and Clinical Manager of Acupuncture at University Hospitals Connor Whole Health.


Consuming the placenta after giving birth, usually after encapsulation, is a nice practice that is nonetheless popular in some new age circles. Quite often, this is unfortunately promoted as if it is rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine, and that it would have beneficial properties for the new mother.

However, nothing could be further from the truth: eating the placenta is very clearly, documented, not part of Traditional Chinese medicine, or any other traditional practice, and it can even be harmful. These kinds of myths where modern invented "traditions" are falsely attributed harm the treasure trove that traditional medicine truly is.

(1) https://www.happygoatproductions.com/blog/2016/5/11/placentophagy-and-chinese-medicine
(2) https://www.happygoatproductions.com/blog/2017/9/6/a-lactation-consultants-perspective-on-placenta-encapsulation
(3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzIvjz-bhqw

#placenta #placentophagy #birth #TCM #FalseInformation #acupuncture


After Chiso brought acupuncture to Japan from Wu (China) in the sixth century, it has progressed in unique ways within the various historical milieus of the past 1500 years. Ishitsu-rei, the first medical law of Japan established in 701, explains the medical system of acupuncture in detail showing that acupuncture was being administered under the authorization of the national government. For the next 1200 years, acupuncture continued to be an important facet of public health in Japan.

#acupuncture #japan #hari #history


The latest study, which has been published in JAMA (formerly The Journal of the American Medical Association), represents one of the first times that a traditional Chinese medicine has been tested in a large-scale, Western-style clinical trial.

The authors of the study, who include researchers from several Chinese universities and hospitals, in collaboration with experts from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center (UTSW)—found that tongxinluo reduced the risk of heart attacks (known as myocardial infarctions), deaths and other major cardiovascular complications for at least a year after a first heart attack.

#acupuncture #tcm #research #jama #cardiovascular


Matthew Bauer on the #Acu-track podcast to discuss the evidence base of #acupuncture for peripheral neuropathy. Also don't miss Matthew's summary of the most important research ever done on acupuncture!

Matthew Bauer became interested in Chinese Medicine after becoming a student of a 74th generation Taoist Master and traditional Chinese Doctor in 1978. He became licensed as an Acupuncturist in 1986 and opened his Chinese Medicine practice in California that same year.

Matthew developed a passion for educating people about the benefits of acupuncture and became active in acupuncture/Chinese medicine organizations thinking those organizations would have public outreach as a primary goal. When that proved not to be the case, Matthew authored a book for the public exploring the roots and practice of acupuncture titled “The Healing Power of Acupressure and Acupuncture”. He later authored another book for acupuncturists on practice building titled “Making Acupuncture Pay”.


The first #acupuncture clinic dedicated to helping patients deal with the aftereffects of #cancer treatment opens in #London on 12 October 2023.

Beverley de Valois PhD, one of the foremost authorities in the western world on using acupuncture for cancer survivors, has spent the past 25 years researching how the treatment can manage aftereffects of cancer treatments including hot flushes, night sweats, fatigue, chronic pain, anxiety and dry mouth.
