I think Hurricane Helene has swirled southern pollens we don’t normally have up here.
Absolutely everyone I know with allergies is in misery…
hrmmm, rly? that extreme and absolute? 0.0% chance for so many conditions if unvaccinated? better investigate.
Playing: https://odysee.com/@Patent789:0/Comparing-the-Vaccinated-to-Unvaccinated--Steve-Kirsch-Paul-Thomas:f
surely the data has to be massaged to be that absolute...
#realdata #controlgroup
#comorbidities #chronicdisease
#asthma #allergicrhinitis #eczema #sinusitis #gastroenteritis #respiratororyinfection #otitismedia #conjunctivitis #infections #breathingissues #behaviouralissues #adhd #allergies #earinfections #arthritis #heartdisease #diabetes #digestivedisorders #ibs #crohns #foodallergies #developmentaldisabilities #epilepsy #autismspectrumdisorder #seizures #learningdisabilities #sids #diedsuddenly
#comparing #vaccinated #unvaccinated
. . . mere #correlation ?
(Many of) Our Favorite Things are Aldehydes
#Food #History #Home #Health #aldehydes #allergies #almond
#banned #benzaldehyde #cinnamon #citrus #lemon #lily
#vanilla #vanillin
#Flutter #allergies #StatefulWidget #StatelessWidget #ValueNotifier #ValueListenableBuilder #tipoftheday #dartlang
Did you know that #Flutter is good for your #allergies? 😏 Specially if you're allergic to #StatefulWidget and would rather have #StatelessWidget 🤠 In many cases you can use #ValueNotifier and #ValueListenableBuilder to avoid making your widgets stateful!#tipoftheday #dartlang pic.twitter.com/P2yUFKyJdx
— Vandad Nahavandipoor (@vandadnp) December 23, 2021
NHS England to offer life-changing drug to children with peanut allergy | Allergies | The Guardian
Children in the UK will be the first in Europe to receive a life-changing treatment for peanut allergies, after NHS England secured a deal for a drug that decreases the severity of symptoms including anaphylaxis.
The oral treatment, Palforzia, will be available to up to 600 children aged four to 17 the first year and 2,000 the following year.
#science #medicine #health #anaphylaxis #allergies #PeanutAllergy
2021 Allergy Forecast: A Bad Year for Everyone?
Like taxes, allergy season is one of those things you just can’t avoid. In fact, due to climate change, it may be getting worse. Warmer temperatures lead to more pollen production, so 2021 may be the most intense allergy season yet. And due to COVID-19 quarantine, children may especially have a rough year.
My allergies are not happy. We have high allergy levels including early ragweed, ozone and smoke
We need rain to clear the air.