

it is cringe,
finding oneself,
on the same side,
as the stopped clocks,
who usually have views you find abhorrent.
but i remain unshook,
not going to lie to conform,
not going to lie to not appear as the abhorrent.
unswayed by that social pressure,
to groupthink, to clique,
to parrot in action,
the divide and conquer,
unthinking, sheeple shuffle,
side-eye, inner lie,
seeking truth in statistical probabilities,
within the confirmation bias silo,
not doing that.
not the epistemologically sound way,
not integrity to the search for truth.
got integrity in the search for truth.
find an epistemologically sound way,
yes doing that.
outside the confirmation bias silo.
seeking truth beyond prejudicial presumptions,
look straight, look around,
think in, think out, think all about,
connect and rediscover,
re-harkening alter-view,
another perception, to click,
unswayed by that social pressure,
not going to lie to not appear as the abhorrent.
honoring free considerately,
none forsook,
not even those with views abhorrent.
sympathy for stopped clocks,
same side or not,
wherever found,
beyond first cringe.

#DigitsPoems #DigitsRaps #DigitsLyrics
#epistemology #sociology #anthropology #opinions #confirmationbias #openmind #closedmind #grothmindset #fixedmindset #groupthink #integrity #thesearchfortruth #communication #nonviolentcommunication #rethink #considerateness #prejudice #expectations #assumptions #presumptions #enlaketch #sympathy #cringe #stoppedclocks #divideandconquer #transcendence #dontgetsuckedin


Markets, buyers & sellers, goods & services, and overall effectiveness

Markets do well with simple, uniform goods, with clearly-determinable, rapidly-ascertained effects, where buyers and sellers are each plentiful, the direct beneficiary, payor, and buy-side decisionmaker roles combined, the direct providor, payee, and sell-side decisionmaker roles combined, where individual recipient and contributor value is independent of systemic or environmental circumstances and factors, and external costs and benefits minimised.

Start relaxing or reversing any or multiple of those conditions and the market transactional fit wears exceeding poorly.

Adapted from a comment on @Joerg Fliege's post here.

#economics #markets #assumptions