

approximated re-enactment of a conversation among unknown number of voices...


What does that mean?
I know archy means ruled by...
By men?
So just by being a man, I rule?
I think it's more rule by fathers.
So I need to get someone pregnant, then I'm one of the rulers of society and you will all have to obey me.
I dont think it works like that.
I dont think it's patriarchy then.
Yeah, seems more like a divisive psyop.
Who rules more, the plutarchs or the patriarchs?
Money! Money rules. yeah. Way more.
But men have more money!
Each and all of us?
Bellcurve of wealth further into rulership than the the gender divide.
Like the princeton study!
Yeah, "Patriarchy" seems like an insidiously hateful divisive mislead.
Yeah, evokes and enflames misandry, making half the population objects to hate.
Are you sure? I still think we suffer under patriarchy?
We do, but only by a miniscule amount, and only as an aside to far greater archies.
Yeah, it's a mislead.
I think you guys still dont understand what it means.
I do indeed not understand Patriarchy.
I understand plutarchy... I have to. I can't afford not to.
So it has you think.
Yeah, money changes my thoughts and actions far more than the decrees of all men.
Just specific men!
Why then use a word that paints us each and all as the crooked archons?
Oh yeah.
Getting it.
Starting to.
Hey, but there's a double standard there.
Sure, not all men are the rulers,
By a long way.
But not all rich are rulers either.
Yeah, sure, maybe some billionaires care.

#patriarchy #etymology #epistemology #plutarchy #paternalism #psyop #archy #archies #awareness #consider #divideandconquer #naivety #curiosity #debate #manonthestreet #man #goodman #mankind #billionaires #billionaire #goodbillionaire


(aw, heck, i'm putting a #DigitsPoems tag on this too, so much of it created, rather than remembered faithfully, and it has a kind of interesting rhythm to it too)


when you find out how bad it is, don't kill yourself. we can still mend this.
if everybody wakes up to face the horror, and dont kill themselves.... we can still mend this.
balance how bad you discovered it is, with how much goodness persists. we can still mend this.
we are glad you care and are now aware. we can still mend this.



destroy more,
make shoddier,
replace sooner,
externalities, externalities, externalities,
rebrand the devil angelic,
keep telling the slaves they're free,
destroy the competition,
suppress the innovations that obsolete the rents.

look at all that churn.
look at all that wealth transfer.
pay no attention to the orders magnitude more wealth destroyed.
keep calling wealth extraction maximisation "profit".
keep calling poverty a virtue to the impoverished.
keep saying the churn is progress and riches.
trot out worshippers of the Gross Domestic Product.

dont you just love capitalism?
maybe capitalist barons care.
maybe this psycho is best.
believe harder. the lies are true.
buy more.

stay dependent,
on your abuser,
because they took everything.
dont you just love capitalism?

#digitspoems #capitalism #churn #GDP #TheCorporation #ThePsychopath #wealthextractionmaximisation #poverty #marketing #advertising #plannedobsolescence #dependence #austerity #rentierism #rents #barons #bigbaron #buy #buybuybuy #consumerism #economics #freedom #deception #emancipation #oppression #orwellianism