

You see, my Western friends read stories like this, and then they go back to obsessing over the Kardashians or Wonder Woman or #JohnnyDepp or #Batman. They don’t understand yet. Because this is beyond the limits of what homo sapiens can really comprehend, the Event. That world is coming for them, too.
The analogy is often used to describe “climate change” of frogs in a boiling pot. It’s useful, but only to a certain degree. When the pot boils, they’re taken out and eaten. We were in a boiling pot, and now we’re at the stage where we’re about to get taken out and eaten. This is when things start to get really, really bad — really, really fast.
The way that I’ve come to think of the Event — a species that’s been around for 300,000 years now having altered the #climate in ways that haven’t happened for millions of years, triggering an Extinction Event — is this.

https://eand.co/the-age-of-extinction-is-here-some-of-us-just-dont-know-it-yet-7001f5e0c79a #heatwave #india #environment #spain #europe #fascism #crisis #pakistan #bangladesh #srilanka #war


Warum sich Juristen für Batman interessieren sollten

Die Figur des Batmans ist offenkundig hoch problematisch, da sie im Graubereich zwischen Rache, Selbstjustiz und zivilgesellschaftlichem Engagement operiert. Eine wirkliche demokratische Legitimation kann Batman nicht vorweisen. Es handelt sich zwar nur um Filme, aber immerhin um Filme, die ein Millionen- und Milliardenpublikum erreichen. Auch Filme können in der Bevölkerung Rechtsvorstellungen erzeugen, die langfristig das Rechtsbewusstsein prägen.

#batman #jura #recht
