

#pharyngula #biology #birds #whiteneckedJacobins #nonsexualSocialSelection

How to tell if the males of your species are assholes

Easy. Their harassing behavior affects the evolution of females. This isn’t sexual selection, it’s just that the juvenile females are disguising themselves with male plumage to escape harassment. These birds, white-necked jacobins, are typically sexually dimorphic, but juvenile females maintain a male-like coloration, because females with adult female coloration face more aggressive assaults from males. Adopting the male coloration allows them to feed uninterrupted, while putting on the sexy female green coat brings on a plague of annoying, obnoxious males…



#health #biology #FatAndBrain
Scientists Discover a Secret Messenger Between Fat And The Brain
Glowing signals between two synapse ends. (KTSDESIGN/Science Photo Library)
Scientists thought they understood how our brains kept tabs on the levels of fat in our bodies: by monitoring fat-associated hormones in our bloodstreams.
But in a new study, researchers now discovered an entire additional messaging system.


#biology #greatapes #gorillas #uniqueVocalization

Gorillas Have Invented a Unique Vocalization to Get Zookeeper's Attention

In a fascinating discovery, western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) at Zoo Atlanta have been caught summoning their keepers using a strange cough-sneeze hybrid.
Only two other species have displayed this ability to create new vocalizations to attract our attention: zoo-housed chimpanzees and orangutans. Now, we can add gorillas to that list.



Why Do We Get Old, and Can Aging Be Reversed?

Everybody gets older, although not everyone ages in the same way. For many people, late life includes a deterioration of health brought on by age-related disease. Yet there are also people who retain a more youthful vigor, and around the world, women typically live longer than men. Why is that? In this episode, Steven Strogatz speaks with Judith Campisi and Dena Dubal...


#health #biology #insects #locusts #cancer #smell

Locusts Can Smell Cancer, And It Could Give Us a Brilliant New Way to Save Lives
Scientists have demonstrated that locusts are adept at differentiating healthy human cells from cancerous cells using their sense of smell – and that could open opportunities for detecting the disease earlier, improving the chances of recovery.



Why Do We Get Old, and Can Aging Be Reversed?

Everybody gets older, although not everyone ages in the same way. For many people, late life includes a deterioration of health brought on by age-related disease. Yet there are also people who retain a more youthful vigor, and around the world, women typically live longer than men. Why is that? In this episode, Steven Strogatz speaks with Judith Campisi and Dena Dubal...


#biology #genetics #evolution #rna #dna

There's Growing Evidence Life on Earth Started With More Than Just RNA

How life originated on Earth continues to fascinate scientists, but it's not easy peering back billions of years into the past. Now, evidence is growing for a relatively new hypothesis of how life began: with a very precise mix of RNA and DNA.
