

DNA says you’re related to a Viking, a medieval German Jew or a 1700s enslaved African? What a genetic match really means

Mathematical research demonstrates the following surprising fact. In any given population, the number of lines in your family tree that reach any specific medieval person is about the same between you and everyone else who belongs to the same population you do. In other words, everyone alive today is equally related, genealogically, to all medieval people from that population.

The next step is to understand how many ancestors you actually inherit DNA from. Surprisingly again, very few.

#dna #geneaology



#DNA can be used to make #nanomachines
Kiyoshi Takahase Segundo/Alamy

#Nanoscale#robots” made of DNA that rapidly self-replicate could be harnessed to manufacture drugs or other chemicals inside the body, say researchers.


"Genetic Harvesting — The Globalists Push for Collecting Your DNA to Target and Control Your Behaviour

This begs the question, where is that money coming from and how has a charity managed to raise such a significant amount?"'CHARITY' OFFERS £10 TO HARVEST YOUR DNAhttps://www.notonthebeeb.co.uk/post/charity-offers-10-to-harvest-your-dna • However, if 21 million letters have gone out, each with a £10 voucher for redemption, that adds up to a potential spend of £210 million from what is being stated as a charity. This begs the question, where is that money coming from and how has a charity managed to raise such a significant amount? Image #Globalism #news #DNA #Mind-control

via Diaspora* Publisher -


Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=05uZ3QIDRlU

00:15 #Tourmaline #crystals, emitting negative ions, are believed to promote happiness, drawing parallels to Nikola Tesla's views on crystals and life principles.
02:32 Negative ions emitted by crystals like tourmaline, #amethyst, #citrine, and #clear #quartz are associated with enhancing mood and well-being.
04:10 X-ray #crystallography revolutionized the understanding of crystals, unveiling their ordered structures and properties, including table salt, #diamonds, and #DNA.
08:47 #NikolaTesla explored crystals, particularly quartz, for amplifying and transmitting energy, laying the groundwork for modern electronics.
10:52 Quartz's #piezoelectric effect makes it crucial in technology, regulating frequency in watches, clocks, computers, and aiding in radio frequency transmission.
12:14 Masaru Emoto's water experiments resonate with crystal healing beliefs, suggesting water's responsiveness to energy, extending to infusing water with crystal properties.
14:31 Crystals like aventurine and celestite may influence water alkalinity, potentially offering health benefits and emotional balance.
16:23 "Purple plates," inspired by Nikola Tesla's theories, are believed to harness cosmic energy for metaphysical benefits, despite lacking scientific evidence.
@falconbritt5461 quote: "This may sound crazy, but I've collected stones from around the world for decades, and I know my stones extremely well - which has revealed that they evolve over time. I handle them often and look them over carefully. Imagine my shock to discover that somehow some of them have grown and changed over the years. Just sitting in my house, not under pressure or underwater or exposed to anything in common. Studying my large and complex crystals - such as quartz in particular - I had to admit that several of them absolutely have continued to grow/reshape themselves. (Where can they get the silicon with which to do this, just sitting on the table??) In some cases they seem to be "healing" themselves, while in other cases they are actually growing new crystal points or faces. Life around the planet seems to be in a phase of "spontaneous mutation" (accelerated evolution), and perhaps the stones are evolving as well. Trippy. (And no, I don't do drugs, I'm a retired high school teacher.)". unqoute
