

Here's something I've been working on since 2020. Well, 2011 to be strictly accurate, but this recoding of the original started in 2020 so let's start from there. It's an astronomical data visualisation package for Blender, for viewing 3D data sets in, well, 3D. Does real time multi-volume rendering, plots contours and isosurfaces, makes it easy to visually catalogue data, exports to virtual reality displays, and generally does all of the things.

Today, I finally ran out of checks to do for looking for bugs, so I'm calling it done. 20,000+ lines of Python code, an exhaustive wiki (might restructure this and split it into smaller pages though), 80+ minutes of video tutorials, next month a live training session for the ALMA I-TRAIN program... that's quite enough of that for the foreseeable future.

(Of course, I'm not stupid enough to think that because I ran out of checks there are definitely no more bugs, but there really shouldn't be any show-stopping fatal errors at this point)




2023-09-02: Hausrunde mit dem Rennrad: Drachenfels und Remagen in der Abendsonne

Drachenburg und Drachenfels

Ich fahre nicht am Rhein lang von Bonn nach Remagen (andere Geschichte ...), sondern sozusagen über die Dörfer, durch den Kottenforst, Villip, Gimmersdorf, Birresdorf, via L79 nach Remagen runter, an der Straßenfarm vorbei nach Fritzdorf und von da aus zurück. Da ich wieder mal durch Gimmersdorf fuhr, obligatorischer Hinweis auf -> Cycling 101, roundabouts.

Zuletzt bin ich genau diese Runde vor zwei Monaten gefahren, davor aber lange nicht mehr, zuletzt 2021. Leider ist der Artikel dazu mit Pluspora untergegangen. Deswegen zeigt ich weiter unten die damals mit #Blender angefertigte Karte.

Von unterhalb der Appollinariskirche aus fotografiert, Blick rheinaufwärts

Die Reste der Brücke von Remagen, vom Aussichtspunkt auf halber Höhe

Wieder oben auf der Platte, von der aus man einen schönen Blick auf die Landschaft und über den Rhein hat

Hausrunde aus dem Februar 2021

Einen Teil waren wir hier gemeinsam gefahren, dann fuhr meine Frau die rote Runde, meine Runde von Bonn nach Remagen zeigt die blaue Track. Letzten Freitag, also vor zwei Tagen bin ich mehr oder weniger dieselbe Strecke gefahren.

Höhenprofil der Fahrt vom Freitag

#hausrunde #fahrrad #radfahren #radtour #rennrad #muskelmotor #remagen


L'Association Beauvais Cathédrale cherche des bénévoles pour nous aider à refaire une vidéo 3D de l'histoire de la cathédrale de Beauvais. Nous avons pas mal de fichiers... mais pas les compétences en interne !
C'est un projet pour les 800 ans qui auront lieu en 2025.
Me contacter si vous êtes intéressé(e)s !

L'association est reconnue d'intérêt général et est laïc ! Nous existons notament pour l'entretien et la restauration de l'horloge astronomique (12m de haut, 53 cadrans, 90 000 pièces...).

notre site : https://cathedrale-beauvais.fr/
la vidéo que nous aimerions mettre à jour (car pleine d'erreurs !!) : https://www.myleszhang.org/2021/12/25/beauvais-cathedral/

#blender #bénévolat #beauvais #cathedrale


Remember those halcyon days when I'd spend my evenings making stuff ? No, neither do I. :P

But here at last is a BRAND NEW CGI project, the ALMA radio telescope, which will eventually be available in VR. This is orders of magnitude less complex than Arecibo. There are, I believe, four unique telescope designs (one each for the 12m antennas from Europe, America and Japan, and one for the 7m dishes), all of which are relatively simple to model and can simply be duplicated to make up the full array of 66. Then, the compact array covers a small, flat site, which is naught but what bare rock can tell.

The big problem is finding good reference images. For Arecibo I had the original schematics. For ALMA these are currently modelled just by eye from reference images, so this is really just a very quick proof of concept. But perhaps if I ask nicely, the powers that be can supply me with suitable imagery...



"BlenderGPT: This addon allows you to use Blender with natural language commands using OpenAI's GPT-3.5/GPT-4"."

For those of you who do 3D modeling with Blender.

"Features: Generate Blender Python code from natural language commands, integrated with Blender's UI for easy usage, and supports Blender version 3.1 and above."


#solidstatelife #ai #generativemodels #nlp #llms #gpt #3dmodeling #blender


Resurrecting Arecibo in Virtual Reality

This one's taken up many an evening of late but I'm calling it done. Here's a complete walkthrough of the Arecibo telescope platform in Steam VR Environments, which I'll upload in the next few days. Should be accessible to anyone with a VR headset who can run Steam VR. For those without, the video is pretty complete (which it should be, as it's by some margin the longest video on my channel). Finally the dream of being able to chuck stuff (like, a Skyrim helmet and a bathtub, among other things) off the top of the ~140 m high platform can be realised ! Don't tell me you've seen that before, because you haven't, you lying liar.

