

A listening device was found in Boris Johnson’s personal bathroom at the Foreign Office after it had been used by Benjamin Netanyahu, the former Prime Minister has claimed. — https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/10/03/boris-johnson-bug-found-bathroom-netanyahu-visit/
but why the toilet?
Nothing else of interest, apparently, in the book.
#borisjohnson #uk #yawn @via


🎙️ #BREXIT : #MENSONGES & #TRAHISONS ! (avec #JohnLaughland) [Pas Content avec #Tabibian ! #S03E18] - #JSPC


00:00:00 - Dans cet épisode
00:02:11 - Présentation de l'invité
00:04:22 - Le Brexit n'a pas eut lieu
00:08:52 - La " #russophobie" #britannique : une volonté de se "rattraper" ?
00:11:27 - Brexit = #GiletsJaunes ?
00:21:41 - Il y a eut deux Brexit
00:27:36 - La seconde #guerre #mondiale n'a pas abimé le #sentiment #national
00:31:44 - L' #histoire du Brexit
00:43:19 - Comment s'est passé le #débat #public autour du Brexit ?
00:47:04 - Quelles ont été les #réactions des #politiques et des #médias ? / L' #Irlande du Nord
00:56:14 - #TheresaMay et #BorisJohnson ont t-ils joué le jeu ?
01:04:05 - #NigelFarage
01:07:29 - Une #catastrophe #économique ?
01:11:36 - Le #RoyaumeUni va-t-il tenir ?
01:12:55 - Une différence de #mentalité ?
01:15:32 - Des #conseils pour les politiciens #français pro #Frexit ?
01:17:50 - Pourquoi la simple " #indépendance" ne suffisait pas ?
01:20:08 - Le retour d'un #monde #multipolaire ?
01:25:58 - L' #Angleterre abandonnera-t-elle les #Etats-Unis ?
01:28:49 - Conclusion

#politique #PCAT


Tribune Populaire🌐 sur X : "Tucker Carlson affirme que Boris Johnson lui demande "un million de dollars" pour parler de l'Ukraine.. J'ai rajouté la derniere vidéo de Boris en réaction à l'interview avec Poutine.. #UkraineRussiaWar #TuckerPutinInterview #BorisJohnson #PropagandaAlert https://t.co/eIfCluxDE5" / X

#politique #guerre



Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has actually confirmed information that he influenced the Ukrainian government's decision to break off peace talks in the spring of 2022.

Johnson said that after the meeting of representatives of the Russian and Ukrainian delegations in Istanbul in 2022, he held talks with Ukrainian President #Zelensky, during which he expressed his concern about the possibility of an agreement between #Moscow and #Kiev.

According to Johnson, he also stressed that the UK was "a thousand per cent" ready to help Ukraine.

Interestingly, in the same interview, the former Prime Minister said that he had nothing to do with the disruption of peace talks between Russia and Ukraine in spring 2022.

Johnson said he thought the information about his involvement was "complete nonsense" and "Russian propaganda".

#Ukraine #Russia #UkraineWar #BorisJohnson #PeaceTalks #Politics #Europe