

Sunday baking done!

I love this lazy man's baking of no kneed bread recipe.

Takes a long time, but very little work to make.

Starting with cup flour, one cup of warn water, one table spoon of dry yeast, 1-2 teaspoons of salt, 1-2 table spoon of sugar, 2 table spoon of olive oil.

Mix all with a fork until it's all mixed well (it's very liquid so it's no wok at all).

Let it sit for about 40min to 1h until it doubles in size.

Add 2 cups of whole wheat flour (or normal flour if you don't have any) , 1 cup of body warm water and mix it with a spoon until it's smooth.

Let it sit for about an hour, or until it doubles in volume.

Just stear it with a spoon until all the air has gone out of the dough.

Por it into a large form or the baking sheet of the oven with silicone or oiled baking paper.

Add sesame seeds, or any other seeds you like (I used sunflowers). And spray with olive oil or cooking oil.

Let it sit for about 40min to 1h and warm up the oven to 200°C (400°F).

When it's warm enough, put the baking plate in the middle of the oven and let it bake until the top changes color (about 30-40 minutes).

Take it out, let it cool off for a while before cutting it into small pieces for either freezing it or eating it fresh.

#Baking #Bread #Cooking #Food #Receipt #NoKneedBread #LazyBaking


#rye #bread #baking intensifies!
Got meself a cast iron to make the process a bit easier, and, whoohoo, this time it's finally almost perfect.
Much less fuss with timing needed, seems easy to get the sweet spot between the crust and softness, and it's a nice practical shape (finally).
Also, 𝖒𝖊𝖙𝖆𝖑🤘 ofc.


Finally got meself a stable routine for #baking #bread ^____^

In the past I've tried growing a "wild" starter on whole-grain rye flour but failed time and time again, but yay now I can just make rye #sourdough from fresh #kefir in a day, quite happy with that.


Fermat's Library on Twitter: "If you put a spherical loaf of bread through a bread slicer, then each slice comes out with equal crust https://t.co/Zz0mGJVF02" / Twitter

#math #bread



American woman who moved to Netherlands was surprised to know bread gets moldy after 3 days!

I don't like the stupid posts by people who move to another country and share about their culture shocks like "tap water is drinkable" or they don't have cloth dryers here.

But some of them are funny and shows how terrible some things are in different countries.

Like this woman who did now know that bread can get moldy if you keep it for roo long. Since most of bread in US is so full of chemicals that they last days if not weeks before going bad, but in most places in Europe, food is fresh and doesn't have much chemicals (at least for now).

#food #bread #mold #culureshock #Nerherlands #US #TikTok #Chemicals


Salvador Dalí - La cistella de pa

The Basket of Bread
Gemälde, Öl auf Holzklotz, 33 x 38 cm, 1945

Wilhelm Busch - Das Brot

Zu guter Letzt, 1904

Er saß beim Frühstück äußerst grämlich,
Da sprach ein Krümchen Brot vernehmlich:

Aha, so ist es mit dem Orden
Für diesmal wieder nichts geworden.

Ja Freund, wer seinen Blick erweitert
Und schaut nach hinten und nach vorn,
Der preist den Kummer, denn er läutert.
Ich selber war ein Weizenkorn.
Mit vielen, die mir anverwandt,

Lag ich im rauhen Ackerland.
Bedrückt von einem Erdenkloß,
Macht ich mich mutig strebend los.
Gleich kam ein alter Has gehupft
Und hat mich an der Nas gezupft,

Und als es Winter ward, verfror,
Was peinlich ist, mein linkes Ohr,
Und als ich reif mit meiner Sippe,
O weh, da hat mit seiner Hippe
Der Hans uns rutschweg abgesäbelt

Und zum Ersticken festgeknebelt
Und auf die Tenne fortgeschafft,
Wo ihrer vier mit voller Kraft
In regelrechtem Flegeltakte
Uns klopften, daß die Schwarte knackte.

Ein Esel trug uns nach der Mühle.
Ich sage dir, das sind Gefühle,
Wenn man, zerrieben und gedrillt
Zum allerfeinsten Staubgebild,
Sich kaum besinnt und fast vergißt,

Ob Sonntag oder Montag ist.
Und schließlich schob der Bäckermeister,
Nachdem wir erst als zäher Kleister
In seinem Troge baß gehudelt,
Vermengt, geknetet und vernudelt,

Uns in des Ofens höchste Glut.
Jetzt sind wir Brot. Ist das nicht gut?
Frischauf, du hast genug, mein Lieber,
Greif zu und schneide nicht zu knapp
Und streiche tüchtig Butter drüber

Und gib den andern auch was ab.

#food #bread #Brot
#SalvadorDalí #realism #malerei #Kunst #art #paintings #gemälde #peinture
#WilhelmBusch #Poesie #Gedichte


Every week I say I have to start baking earlier and every Sunday finishing way past midnight!

But the results look really good, well worth waiting for it.

The second batch is in the oven and will be done in 30-40 minutes.

#baking #bread #cooking #france


Late Sunday night baking.

Ran out of whole wheat so I made this batch whit white flour instead. Added some seeds on top to make it more healthy.
Waiting a while before putting it in the oven to give it time to rise a bit.

#baking #food #france #bread