

Einfallstor für den europäischen Markt: China trumpft mit Türkei-Deal auf

Einfallstor für EU-Markt: China trumpft mit Türkei-Deal auf

Der weltgrößte Elektroautobauer BYD will südlich von Bursa eine Fabrik bauen. Damit würde er die geplanten EU-Einfuhrzölle umgehen können.#Elektromobilität #Türkei #China #Klimawandel #Verkehr #Öko #Schwerpunkt
Einfallstor für den europäischen Markt: China trumpft mit Türkei-Deal auf


From the Russian telegram channel: What will Iran's foreign policy look like under new president #Pezeshkian?

Masoud Pezeshkian, Iran's newly elected president, shared the main priorities of Iran's foreign policy with Sputnik just before the election:

Pezeshkian emphasized his intention to strengthen ties with Russia and China and to ensure Iran's active presence in BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).

💬"Russia is a friend and partner of Iran, and I consider the deepening and expansion of relations with Russia and China a top priority, as well as increasing foreign policy activities in the Asian region as a whole. We will undoubtedly continue efforts at all levels—bilateral, regional, and international—to enhance interaction with Russia."

He further elaborated on his views regarding the SCO and BRICS, asserting their importance in his foreign policy strategy.

💬 "Iran opposes unilateral policies and supports the principle of multipolarity. Additionally, one of the priorities of my foreign policy program is regional cooperation. To this end, Iran will expand its presence in #BRICS and SCO, and seek more active cooperation with the EAEU to fully realize the trade and economic potential with the member countries of this organization."

He also expressed hope that #Russia and #China would assist Iran in revitalizing the #JCPOA and lifting sanctions.

💬 "The JCPOA is an international agreement approved by the UN. The US's unilateral withdrawal from this agreement caused significant harm to Iran and the Iranian people. As Russia has emphasized multiple times, Iran has fulfilled its obligations, and we see our task as getting the other participants to return to this agreement as soon as possible and achieving the lifting of sanctions. I am confident that the friendly governments of Russia and China will support Iran and assist in resolving this issue."

#Iram #Election #Politics #President


Meaningful Follow-Up Needed as China’s UN Rights Review Concludes

UN Member States Should Press Beijing on Recommendations


Throughout its Universal Periodic Review – a state-to-state rights review process at the United Nations Human Rights Council that concluded today – the Chinese government issued blanket denials in the face of well-documented and egregious rights violations in Xinjiang, Tibet, Hong Kong, and across mainland China and dismissed recommendations on ending such abuses.

#hrw #human-rights-watch #human-rights #human-rights-violations #china #tibet #xinjiang #hong-kong #中国 #香港 #西藏 #新疆 #un #united-nations #human-rights-council


EU führt vorläufige Strafzölle auf E-Autos aus China ein

Handelsstreit - EU führt vorläufige Strafzölle auf E-Autos aus China ein

Die EU hat vorläufig zusätzliche Einfuhrzölle auf den Import von E-Autos aus China verhängt. Die Aufschläge betragen zwischen 17,4 und 37,6 Prozent.#EU #China #E-Auto #Strafzölle
EU führt vorläufige Strafzölle auf E-Autos aus China ein


One phone call from President Xi would end Russia's war

Russia's reliance on #China has developed to the point where Beijing could end a war with one phone call, Finnish President Alexander Stubb said in an interview with Bloomberg published on July 3.

"Russia is so dependent on China right now," Stubb told Bloomberg.

"One phone call from President Xi Jinping would solve this crisis."


#Imperialism #RussiaInvadedUkraine #RussianAggression #StandWithUkraine


Gasturbinen von MAN: Bund stoppt Verkauf an China

Die Gasturbinen von MAN sind auch militärisch nutzbar. Ein chinesischer Käufer wäre deshalb zu riskant. Nun bleibt die Firma auf der Sparte sitzen.#fossileEnergien #China #Militär #Ökonomie #Öko
Gasturbinen von MAN: Bund stoppt Verkauf an China


BYD demonstrated its advanced automated driving functionality

27 sec video w/sound

Sales : Let it go
Sales : See, it is self driving
Driver : please dont crash into the white car
Sales : it wont, dont worry, just let it go
Driver : ok i dont dont press anything
Driver : i thought you said dont need to press anything?

#selfdrive #china