

The city of #Tainan was celebrating #Christmas on Saturday and someone invited me to have a look. First of all, they had a relatively long (four intersections?) Christmas market, occupying a split road..
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Of course there were food stalls and I made the mistake to buy takoyaki here. They were not really through and although I had selected wasabi, I didn't really notice any. It did look good though.
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At one point, Santa, his clones and his friends arrived on heavy bikes. Unfortunately it was already a little bit dark and I my hands were not fully free, so of the few photos I took of that caravan, this is the one least shaken. (OIS, where were you?)
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And then hell froze over and it snowed in Tainan.
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Almost got you there, didn't I? For a short time I too thought that someone had actually installed two small snow cannons, but this was just foam. Nevertheless, children just loved it.
Location change, but this being Taiwan, there can't possibly be an event without something to eat. In the centre you may be able to spot two sections of bamboo. Inside is sticky rice and I just love that. Of course I got one.
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The main attraction there was (after the children's event on a close-by stage had ended) an open air concert. And it was an open open air concert, meaning that the city of Tainan had arranged and paid everything and everyone could just come and go as they pleased, no ticket required.
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Among the artists performing there was a Dutch person named "Martin". Is there any Netherlander who may know him?
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Listening to so much music that I don't like very much makes hungry, so let's go for a stroll through the culinary support section.
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OK, this wasn't limited to eating (and drinking), there were also people selling toys, usually with many LEDs and mostly made out of plastic, plastic, plastic. Yes, sadly.
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Duck rolls are not bad, but I was not very hungry then. To be honest, I wasn't hungry at all, but with all those delicacies...
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Living near a fishing harbour I am pretty immune to these, because we have plenty of them, but these were so nicely arranged, I had to take a photo.
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And finally there were steamed yeast buns, but not the regular kind. I wish I was half as good as that, my attempts at this were rather clumsy.
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After that I had to get back to Kaohsiung, so the photos end here.
#Taiwan #myphoto


Erwachen hinter offenen Fenstern. Der Duft von Weihnachtstauwetter liegt über allem, ohne dass es vorher Schnee gegeben hätte. In den Höfen singt, raschelt, klappert alles, was sich dem böigen Wind zugänglich zeigt. Darüber hinaus hallt das Stille der Nacht immer noch nach in den leeren Straßen. Heute blieben alle Lichter erleuchtet, der neue Tag lässt das Fortschreiten aller Zeit einschließlich der eigenen wieder sehr nah kommen, aber im frühen ungetrübten Glanz lebt auch eine alte ursprüngliche Faszination, die dem Moment etwas Besonderes, Intensives verleiht, einen berührt und erdet. (Habt einen glücklichen und friedvollen Weihnachtstag, ganz gleich, wie Ihr ihn verbringt und was er für Euch bedeutet.)

#outerworld #the_waking_city #christmas

#the waking city