

How will hundreds of thousands in Gaza survive this winter? | The Stream

People carrying the bodies of loved ones through floodwaters, children drenched and barefoot, families huddled around campfires struggling to stay warm. Thes...#AlJazeera #AlJazeeraEnglish #Gaza #Israel #Palestine #War #WaronGaza #Winter #alJazeera #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralive #aljazeeravideo #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralatest #aljazeeralive #aljazeeralivenews #cold #latestnews #newsheadlines
How will hundreds of thousands in Gaza survive this winter? | The Stream


Anders als die Träume blieb der erwachende Morgen eisig und klar. Mond und Venus am erblauenden Himmel, einige wenige Wolken über dem Osthorizont in Erwartung des Sonnenaufganges. Büromittwoch. Stoßlüften, nur kurz, bis Gänsehaut selbst unter das Hoodie kriecht und die Maschinen und Bildschirme knacken. Einige Etagen weiter unten ziehen sich die Radfahrer am Fenster um, hier und da flackern unruhige Monitore. Der Baum neben dem Springbrunnen trägt noch immer einige goldene Blätter, der Rest liegt überfroren auf ruhendem Wasser. Übergangsgefühle an einer weiteren Jahreszeitenkante. Und noch ein Kaffee für den Tag, seine Wünsche und Forderungen. Habt es mild heute!

#outerworld #early_office_hours #cold_days_cold_city #where_we_do_what_we_do

#early office hours #cold days cold city #where we do what we do


My teeth are chattering now, here in the (sometime) semi-tropics... Brrrr.... Yes, it sure feels...

Cold, Cold, Cold!

Cold, cold, cold
Cold, cold, cold
Freezing, it was freezing in that hotel
I had no money, my special friend was gone
The TV set was busted so she went along
I called room, room service,
I'm down here on my knees
A peach or a pear, or some Charlie
But they was cold

Or a dime to make a call
'Cause it passed me up, or it passed me by,
Or I couldn't decide at all
And I'm mixed up, I'm so mixed up
Don't you know I'm lonely
And I wish the world would get off of my case
And get on one of its own

Cold, cold, cold
Cold, cold, cold
That woman was freezing, freezing cold
Well I tried everything to warm her up
Now I'm living in this cold hotel
'Cause she passed me, up or she passed me by,
Or I couldn't decide at all

Oh I'm mixed up, yes I'm mixed up
Don't you know I'm lonely
Of all the things I had to do
I had to fall in love
You know she's cold

Turn your clock back woman when you see me comin' round
My feet don't, feet don't even touch the ground
don't be cold, don't be cold
don't be cold, don't be cold

#LittleFeat #Cold #ColdColdCold #RockLegends #music #musica #musik #musique


10pm and on. Stepping out of tune for a moment. Listening to the rain on flat roofs, watching the streetlights flicker from here to the hills where the village ends and narrow paths dissappear in the darkness between the trees. Unsure whether anyone else is still awake. Unsure what to dream, out here.

#outerworld #the_village_and_the_hills #where_we_are_we_are #cold_evenings_cold_nights

#the village and the hills #where we are we are #cold evenings cold nights


Circling 10pm again. Eventually, it's all about returning home, leaving bulkier luggage behind those doors supposed to hide away all that belongs to the bright hours, wrapping up some half-baked thoughts and notions. Cold showers, to get rid of all that dust imaginary and real. Some systems disconnect, some hints end up in a fragmented and clueless mood, some constellation of data don't feel like revealing its meaning anytime soon. (Consulting the model for explanations far beyond its boundaries once more. Trying to align personal and global history for a moment. Quickly giving up on both.)

#outerworld #later_that_day #cold_evenings_cold_nights #where_we_are_we_are

#later that day #cold evenings cold nights #where we are we are


Closing in on 10pm. Yet again. Hands still to the wrists in loose ends. Wondering whether these are todays or actually yesterdays loose ends and the mind managed to just emulate a whole twenty-four hours. Then again, neighours across still seem to move in, the night feels colder already with skies more open, and the 'hood gets louder as week moves on. (Opening and closing windows in five minutes intervals. Somewhat tired. Somehow looking for sleep. And in an odd way being enticed by the idea to have breakfast.)

#outerworld #cold_evenings_cold_nights #late_days_sleepy_minds #the_darkness_of_cities

#cold evenings cold nights #late days sleepy minds #the darkness of cities


(Dann muss doch noch kalte Nachtluft in die Räume, und sei es, dem matten späten Gefühl zwischen den Dämmerungen etwas frostige Klarheit entgegenzuhalten. Musik von irgendwoher, ein zurückhaltender Dialog unklaren Ursprungs; nicht ausgeschlossen, dass er nicht einmal in der Realität außerhalb der Gedanken stattfindet. Bunte Fäden, die die Stunden durchzogen haben, verlieren sich im Ungewissen, und die wortlosen Lücken im Beschriebenen und Gedachten werden immer größer, wenn die Konzentration verfliegt und der Geist in Schläfrigkeit versinkt. Katze schläft auf dem Sofa, Nachbar schließt die Wohnungstür ab. Der Abend versiegt.)

#outerworld #later_that_day #cold_evenings_cold_nights #close_to_sleep

#later that day #cold evenings cold nights #close to sleep


9pm and on. Still. Feeling the first late cold day in bones and soul. Sorting thoughts, words and topics, today, tomorrow, and a distant yesterday washed into reality by old TV news. The more things change, the more they stay same as insane. Windows closed, neighbourhood feels further away than in mild summer evenings. Not sure whether just a temporary impression or something to stay this way for the weeks to come.

#outerworld #later_that_day #cold_evenings_cold_nights #where_we_are_we_are

#later that day #cold evenings cold nights #where we are we are