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00:01:32 Recalbox #RGB #JAMMA - https://swll.to/Lrotwc
00:04:10 30 ans #SamuraiShodown - https://swll.to/byCwA
00:05:00 La #disparition des #jeuxvidéo #classiques - https://swll.to/WBxgH
00:14:18 Arrêter de soufflez dans votre #Switch - https://swll.to/rEjEqr1
00:15:46 #Nintendo bloquerait le remake de #F-Zero - https://swll.to/4hhAF
00:17:02 Nouvelle #8BitDo #NEOGEO - https://swll.to/0gYsv
00:19:34 #YujiNaka condamné - https://swll.to/uYoIdD
00:20:27 #Nouveau #jeu de #PeterMolyneux - https://swll.to/0FLGl
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00:24:53 Un grosse #collection archivée - https://swll.to/agGbL
00:26:20 Fin de #Sega Channel Revival - https://swll.to/GrRADR
00:27:57 De #nouveaux #jeux Raiden - https://swll.to/wu93K
00:28:51 Banjo-Kazooie une franchise désirée - https://swll.to/nyI5uZ
00:30:19 Un Zapper #NES inhabituel - https://swll.to/YJfgaL
00:31:36 #Découverte d'un #prototype #Nec - https://swll.to/0U9ZqcG


00:32:54 Énorme #trésor de #documents Sega - https://swll.to/9CrEl
00:34:12 #Documentaire 'First-Person Shooter' - https://swll.to/TOg9nIY
00:36:35 La #techno qui a failli tuer l’ #industrie de l’ #arcade - https://swll.to/I8iFI
00:37:32 #Interview de Cyrille - Moulinex - Baron - https://swll.to/jUy2lZ
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00:39:18 Meilleurs #ROM #Hacks et #Mods de 2023 - https://swll.to/ArUWH
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00:43:42 Meilleurs jeux #Jaguar - https://swll.to/mGOKP5
00:45:27 #Homebrew #Games Summer #Showcase 2023 - https://swll.to/uSsrE


00:46:27 #Flashback 2 - https://swll.to/P4D3rk
00:50:37 Tevi Battle System - https://swll.to/Bmk7A3H
00:52:18 Garlic - https://swll.to/mkPwJ
00:54:05 Dying Breed - https://swll.to/ZAora0
00:57:00 River City : Rival Showdown - https://swll.to/C4SAd
00:59:18 Abathor - https://swll.to/wFoDdW
01:00:23 Quartet - https://swll.to/KMfnTf
01:03:15 Epic Party Quest - https://swll.to/RuBQaWt
01:05:00 Ingression - https://swll.to/IvZLwy


01:06:51 #RetroLazer 17 - https://swll.to/cBRN0s
01:08:07 Nolife Story Legacy - https://swll.to/SE72I
01:09:02 AHL - Tu le crois ça ? - https://swll.to/57Tku
01:10:10 Nouveau #BOING #Magazine - https://swll.to/YOSwuj
01:11:08 L' #album hommage à #Flashback - https://swll.to/6P29Uj
01:12:34 Un album #vinyle #Pokémon - https://swll.to/Pj29Gaw
01:13:41 #Coleco Revival: Mini Arcade - https://swll.to/gQISnk
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01:18:37 #Ghostbusters: #Special #Edition #Hack - https://swll.to/G0iBafC
01:19:22 Coque NES - https://swll.to/JLmHj4
01:20:20 Cease To Breathe - https://swll.to/ugrpra9
01:21:31 Alterium Shift - https://swll.to/uiucww6
01:23:07 Ravva and the Phantom Library - https://swll.to/tYguW
01:25:33 The #Settlers: New Allies - https://swll.to/C1dzd
01:27:31 Gimmick! - https://swll.to/jwQp9I
01:29:12 Sword & Bones 2 - https://swll.to/A44inbW
01:30:27 Fallen leaf - https://swll.to/aDavC6


01:32:46 At0mium lance un Duck Hunt inversé ! - https://swll.to/i7cBH
01:35:34 #Doom - #Atari XL/XE - https://swll.to/npa3Rk
01:38:00 #Bulbmaster sur #Amiga - https://swll.to/zD35EFa
01:39:50 Absolute Zero° - sur Amiga - https://swll.to/7UPDcLx
01:42:26 Ninja Turtle sur #MasterSystem - https://swll.to/rJ4IPwm
01:44:28 Smash Bros. Mod 'Smash Remix' N64 - https://swll.to/shWbQUc
01:46:54 Super Mario / Celeste ROM Hack - https://swll.to/AHHWw
01:49:37 Nights Into Dreams en 60FPS - https://swll.to/wtxRT
01:51:31 Un bonus Doom sur N64 - https://swll.to/umk5JDZ
01:52:56 Super Mario Bros DX - https://swll.to/HJz7Le
01:54:56 Spyro 3 Hack sur #Playstation - https://swll.to/IC9ulo


01:57:07 La claque entre la NES et la Super NES - https://swll.to/et78d
01:59:30 Pi Terminal : un design pour le Pi 4 - https://swll.to/RYjqE8
02:02:14 La première Snake manette - https://swll.to/8btWXMS
02:03:13 Des #CRT découverts dans une grange - https://swll.to/blkcg5B
02:04:39 Une #GameBoy Advance devient switch - https://swll.to/LiYHe
02:06:07 Un mod Super #MarioBros. sur une NES - https://swll.to/5lsP9
02:08:03 Dark Souls x Tony Hawk Pro Skater - https://swll.to/WWOIA


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#retrocomputer #videogames


#WVHS: #HD Wasn't Always #Digital - #CathodeRayDude [ #CRD]


I travel hither and yon to bring you the crunchiest images of the most in-between HD #video #format. I was so thrilled to actually get this working, you have no idea.

Don't take the #videos of the #screen itself all that literally - #CRT's are notoriously hard to record, and like I said, pixel peeping flies in the face of this whole format. To the naked eye the output looks simply outstanding, and I didn't find out how it "really" looked until I was editing the closeups.

As I said in the video, if you have any WVHS #tapes, I would love to borrow them to rip now that I have a working process.

Metamorphosis: Sony's Metamorphosis (1990 Analog HDTV HDVS High-Definition Dolby Surround Demonstration Videodisc)

#retro #technology #VHS #1080p #analog #HDTV #HDVS