

Almost 19000 people lose their lives due to road accidents in Iran.

The low quality of domestically produced cars and disregard to rules and regulations are the biggest issues attributing to one of the highest number of people killed in car accidents per 100k inhabitants.

Only Siera Leone has a higher number than Iran!

#Iran #DeathRate #RoadAccidents #Statistics



[2023-03-22 12:53:40] <@Digit> hrmm... where was that conversation where scotland's right to roam came up? ... just heard norway have similar, and further, the right to camp anywhere. :)
[2023-03-22 12:55:21] <@Digit> i imagine both of those, the right to roam, and right to camp anywhere, are a startling world appart for those from places with trespass laws, and the right to shoot trespassers. n_n

#righttoroam #righttocampanywhere #vs #trespass


anyway... not really what that video is about. n_n #myocarditis #statistics #allcausedeathrate #fakecine #vaccine #notavaccine #genocide #deathrate #stronglysignificant #correlation #allcausemortality



Snapshot of data from Cambridge University tracking the death rate attributed to Covid-19 in England from July 2020 to July 2021, with added percentage recovery rates & probabilities of death based on this & the population of each age group.

#covid #covid19 #coronavirus #UK #ukdata #ukdatareveals #statistics #biostatistics #mrcbiostatisticsunit #cambridge #covidstatistics #mrna #mrnavaccines #information #graphs #charts #data #analysis #deathrate #deathbyagegroup #probability #recoveryrate #plandemic #ade #antibodydependentenhancement