

Correlative Trend Between Percentage of National Irreligiousness & National Mean IQ for 241 Countries & Dependencies, plus Pearson Sample Correlation Coefficient demonstrating a 0.64 (strong) correlation.

Given the etymology of the word 'religion' being 'the repeated process of gathering & transitionally binding' minds to ideology, it seems to me that the higher the mean intelligence quotient expressed by a population, the less susceptible its minds are to being gathered & bound to ideology.

#correlation #intelligencequotient #ideology #religion #irreligion #irreligiousness #stats #data #analysis #pearsoncorrelation #usa #uk #abrahamism #judaism #christianity #islam #hinduism #buddhism #folkreligion #etymology #ontology #anthropology #un #religiousideology #info


GDP Per Capita & National Mean IQ for 240 Countries & Dependencies, using Pearson Sample Correlation Coefficient, 2023.

This demonstrates that as mean IQ goes down, GDP Per Capita also goes down, or conversely, as mean IQ goes UP, GDP Per Capita also goes up, with a 0.63 (strong) correlation.

This is in relationship to the graph provided at the following link: https://iviv.hu/posts/1527586

#gdp #gdppercapita #iq #nationalmeaniq #intelligence #intelligencequotient #trend #correlation #data #research #analysis #uk #usa #economics #statistics #civilization #wealth #society #anthropology #genetics #genotypes #neurology #systems #un #eu #europe #asia #africa #middleeast #gnp #wealthcreation #societalsystems #growth #development #competency #mentalability


Pearson’s #correlation coefficient is the #test that measures the #statistical relationship between two continuous #variables. It is known as the best method of measuring the #association between variables because it is based on the #covariance #method. The PCC gives #information about the #magnitude of the correlation as well as the direction of the #relationship.

If the #coefficient value lies between ±0.50 & ±1, then it is said to be a #strong correlation.

If the #value lies between ±0.30 & ±0.49, then it is said to be a #medium correlation.

If the value #lies below +0.29, then it is said to be a #small correlation.



Correlative Trend Between GDP Per Capita & National Mean IQ for 240 Countries and Dependencies, 2023.

Logic suggests that the higher the mean IQ a people-group exhibits, the more capable they will be to discover, invent, implement, maintain, grow & iterate the complex, interacting societal systems that support economic development & wealth creation.

#gdp #gdppercapita #iq #nationalmeaniq #intelligence #intelligencequotient #trend #correlation #data #research #analysis #uk #usa #economics #statistics #civilization #wealth #society #anthropology #genetics #genotypes #neurology #systems #un #eu #europe #asia #africa #middleeast #gnp #wealthcreation #societalsystems #growth #development #competency #mentalability


#Analysis of #correlation between percentage of non-'White #British#population & total #crime rate per 100,000 of population in 287 localities in #England & #Wales using Estimated Pearson Sample Correlation Coefficient, 2023.

There is a 0.74 (strong) correlation #coefficient between the percentage of non-'#White British' within a population & the total rate of crime per 100,000 of population.

#criminality #ons #whitebritish #migration #multiculturalism #ethnography #diversity #multiracialism #demography #globalism #racism #empiricism #mathematics #data #officeofnationalstatistics #statistics #uk #crimerate #law #justice #policing #usa #propaganda #socialengineering #ethnicity #anthropology #pearsonsamplecorrelation #crimeandethnicity #academicfraud #un #europeans


#Trends between total crime rate per 100,000 of population in 287 localities in #England and #Wales and percentage of locality population that is not '#White #British' in those 287 localities, 2023.

This is an #analysis of official #UK #government #ONS #data that shows quite clearly that as the #percentage of population that is not 'White British' goes down, so does the total rate of #crime per 100k of #population.

In other words, as the percentage of 'non-White-British' within the population of a locality goes up, the total crime rate per 100k of population also goes up.

#ethnography #correlation #statistics #un #globalism #immigration #massmigration #criminality #truth #facts #empiricism #usa #anthropology #sociology #ukgovernment #demographics #law #tories


Is listening to #country #music going to #kill you?

Source: https://medium.com/@Turtle_Things/is-listening-to-country-music-going-to-kill-you-bc6e41aaef70

The authors of this study analyzed the #suicide rates of white males in 49 large metropolitan areas of the #USA and bid them against the proportion of #radio airtime devoted to country music, as opposed to any other genre. What they found is that there exists a significant correlation between these proportions (p<0.05).

#study #correlation #problem #society



[2023-03-22 12:53:40] <@Digit> hrmm... where was that conversation where scotland's right to roam came up? ... just heard norway have similar, and further, the right to camp anywhere. :)
[2023-03-22 12:55:21] <@Digit> i imagine both of those, the right to roam, and right to camp anywhere, are a startling world appart for those from places with trespass laws, and the right to shoot trespassers. n_n

#righttoroam #righttocampanywhere #vs #trespass


anyway... not really what that video is about. n_n #myocarditis #statistics #allcausedeathrate #fakecine #vaccine #notavaccine #genocide #deathrate #stronglysignificant #correlation #allcausemortality



remembering conversations had in 2020, (in which someone (of identical iq to me) was reflexively scoffing at an idea and dismissing it without any apparent further investigation, and my, knowing i do not know, exploring at least some surface claims/hypothesis of (for want of better terminology) method of action (e.g. receptor site attenuation)), i did a little websearch for 5G and COVID19 correlation...

a plethora of corporate news websites simply stating outright there's no correlation, and using the scrutiny-disuading adhominem terminology of "conspiracy theories" / "conspiracy theorists" and the even more orwellianised "conspiracy" redefined as meaning some kind of laughable falsehood.

so then i took a different tact, and separately looked up maps of 5G deployment, and then also maps of covid19...

... then the claims, from those news corporations (who, incidentally, get their advertising funding from those who profit from the uptake of the so called vaccines under terror), starts to look undermining of their credibility, to have stated it so absolutely.

similar to how those news sites would state things in absolute certainty, contrary to all prior established best practices in science, where known margin of error and uncertainty would also be presented, back at the start of the scare. ... which, even if one knew nothing of event201, nor operation lockstep, should in itself have been enough to raise alarm bells of something being seriously wrong. but then, once terror is induced, rational cognition is impared and ocluded, with the survival brain's fright-mode activated loudly to the fore.

now i dont kow if there's a causal relationship between 5G deployments and the "COVID19" (which appeared, by that name, on government documents listing diseases of concern, at least as early as 2015), but there does seem to be a temporal and geographic correlation, far more pronounced than is claimed in the corporate news propaganda [(which i think is fair to call it propaganda, rather than journalistic service)]. and as such, it gets one wondering again about the assertions of some doctors, researchers, historians, of the correlations (even aledged causations) from past new electro-magnetic frequency technology deployments and widespread breakouts of disease. various radio and flu correlations for example.

but i do know you're not in the realm of science if you just bark adhominems dismissively at ideas. science requires an enquiring open mind. if you're presuming to already know, and shout down any who utter an idea that conflicts with your convictions, on the basis of their character, without entertaining the idea and exploring it further, then perhaps you're opperating from a more limbic place, than a more considerate contemplative explorative cognitive curious place. more scientism's dogma, than science. more identification with convictions, than curiousity to explore evidence. more presumption, stubbornly clung to, than ideas put to the test. more hate, than education. more official doctrine of the doubleplus goodthink to be obeyed, than true egalitarian pedagogy.

i considered adding various versions of the maps here, so you could see the correlations yourself, but then realised, if you're already habituated to being spoonfed out of your active curiousity, i might not be helping, by becoming the next truthsayer for you to unquestioningly lap up the new truth from. lool. so... i'll leave it for you to go explore some websearches on that yourself. see how much you think, from the results you find after even a couple minutes websearching, that the assertions of the corporate media and its conflicts of interest, are rightly absolute in their certainty of no correlation, or, if a correlation vividly jumps out at you, or somewhere in between, more inconclusive (which still would undermine the assertive absolute certainty of no correlation).

and then doesnt it get you wondering about all the s.m.a.r.t. technology, the patents for "warfare" and population control, and the various announced plans of the billionaire clique...

i dont know. but it seems the certainty presented is not only unfounded, but in error, from what i see when looking outside their well curated overton window.

#overtonwindow #conflictofinterest #patents #lookup #correlation #causation #certainty #unfounded #overcertainty #thecorporation #forprofitmedicine #deskillers #eugenics #thebillionaireclique #covid19 #5G #curious #consider #claims #corporations #credibility #contrary #science #scare #terror #terrorism #event201 #operationlockstep #cognition #causal #convinced #claimed #claims #convictions #contradictions #maps #journalism #epistemology #logic #adhominem #doubleplusgoodthink #hourofhate #obey #censorship #smart #control #controlgrid #iq #inteligence #arrogance #presumption #identification #conviction #arewelearningyet #counterargument #covidiacy #complicity #concentrationcamps #cowards #complicit #corruption #catastrophecapitalism #catastrophecuration #catastrophecreation #corporatism #culls #curiousity #Cwords

. . .

not to mention they have patents on the viral lines, and a string of aledged frauds on those virus patents at least as early as 2002, and there being leaked quips from middling insiders asserting things like "when the terrorist thing wears off, we're going to have people running scared of a disease without symptoms", and all this being outlined in the #ProjectforaNewAmericanCentury ( #PNAC ) and surrounding planning documents... just may be enough to consider, maybe it's not like the corporate news propaganda hymn sheet sings over and over to us. #cuibono just may be, maybe, worth consideration...

but, i dont know. i can imagine ways of error in this, and can imagine there are ways of error beyond my imagining. seems healthy to keep an #openmind.
as to do otherwise,
is to #totalitarianise.

it's just people.
we can still mend this.
#itsjustpeople #wecanstillmendthis #restorescience #restoredemocracy #endcensorship #freespeech


Analysis of UK 2007 to 2019 fertility #correlation between ethnic groups.

Something happens around 2012 that negatively influences all group's fertility, some more than others.

The fact that each ethnic group's fertility rate change is so very highly correlated despite significant differences in geographic distribution suggests to me an external, society-wide influence.

#uk #britain #ukpopulation #ethnicity #demographics #ukdemographics #socialengineering #ethnography #ukethnography #england #white #black #asian #indoeuropean #data #african #multiculturalism #chemical #endocrinedisruptors #analysis #usa #graphs #charts #mathematics #eu #statistics #stats #ukgovernment #britishgovernment #fertilityrates #multiracialism #demography #gb #ethnicgroups #populationdata