

Concerns about Wikipedia

I have been concerned about political articles on #Wikipedia and how they effect people reading them

From what i've seen the #bias in them is so obvious and common that i don't put any value in what they say at this point and i've stopped reading them. (In areas that are not connected with politics or economic interests i sometimes use Wikipedia though)

In my view wikipedia
* reflects #corporate/mainstream #western #narratives and #propaganda (which comes with problems described by #Chomsky and #Herman in their work on the #PropagandaModel)
* uses language that mixes #facts and #evaluations (ex using the term "conspiracy theory"), and in that way communicates to the user what they "should" believe

(The first issue is something that you would see in a normal encyclopedia, but the second issue is unique to Wikipedia in my experience. A normal #encyclopedia would be more objective in their descriptions)



Person protects himself from coming onslaught of AI-generated content by buying a physical encyclopedia. In related news: There is a physical encyclopedia still in print. Who knew? And it's not Brittanica, which went out of print in 2012 -- it's the World Book Encyclopedia.

I just bought the only physical encyclopedia still in print, and I regret nothing

#solidstatelife #genai #encyclopedia


Tech guru Jaron #Lanier: ‘The #danger isn’t that #AI destroys us. It’s that it drives us insane’

Source: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/mar/23/tech-guru-jaron-lanier-the-danger-isnt-that-ai-destroys-us-its-that-it-drives-us-insane

#Wikipedia is run by super-nice people who are my friends. But the thing is it’s like one #encyclopedia. Some of us might remember when on paper there was both an Encyclopedia Britannica and Encyclopedia Americana and they provided different perspectives. The notion of having the perfect encyclopedia is just weird.

#philosophy #truth #internet #world #wisdom #knowledge #mankind #technology #future #perfection