

I can't believe all that it is written in that article, but I will need to think about some of it and will try to find some evidence for those claims:

One of the primary faults in the way our societies function is that the systems in place have all been designed to operate under the assumption that the essential cogs behave both morally and ethically. This is true for both the micro and macro levels, and is a consequence of the general illusion—or self-deluded wishful thinking—that we all live in a relatively ‘high trust’ society.

When it comes to analyzing the actions of government, political, and bureaucratic figures, one must always prudently start from the position that they are acting in an unethical, conspiratorial way against the best interests of the populace. It is a kind of tautology: corporate and governmental figures are corrupt because their goals and objectives conflict with those of the people, forcing them to pursue those goals in underhanded fashion; and they invariably counterpose the people in such a way because they are corrupt.

We see time and time again a kind of ‘theater’ when corporate or governmental officials are called to task. Whether it’s a Congressional grilling of Dr. Fauci, where soft balls are pitched and his answers taken to record at face value, or like recently, Visa and Mastercard execs being raked by a ‘fiery’ Josh Hawley:

#moral #trust #ethics #illusion, #narratives and #theater #government #corporate #officials


I was just in a meeting with NoQ, a Swedish organization that aims to help #homeless people find shelter for the night. The sad truth about #Sweden is that #neoliberalism has destroyed (and is destroying) parts of our social services and care for each other, and is creating a #caste system. But people aren't talking about it because the #narratives is to a large extent controlled by the mainstream/corporate #media


The #propaganda in the west is so strong and insidious that i actively try to avoid taking it in, not letting these #narratives and false views into my mind. I see it as dangerous enough that i treat it in the same way that i do #commercials. If i happen to come in contact with it by accident i actively look away from images they present, and put my fingers in my ears when they are speaking. This is for my own safety.

How do i keep up to date on what is going on in the world? Someone here on diaspora suggested to me that we can follow individual journalists who we trust. But who can we trust and how to determine who to trust? One thing i look for is if a person has had opinions that have held up over time, for example people like Noam #Chomsky or John #Pilger (unfortunately he's now passed away).


The problem, however, is that the proponents of #Russophobia operate in a fact-free environment, where ideological hatred has replaced informed judgment, where actual knowledge about #Russia has been supplanted with fantasy-laced #fiction. They fear Tucker Carlson’s interview with Vladimir #Putin because, through this interview, ideas, #narratives, and #facts that have been ignored or suppressed by the political and media elites will be set forth in unfiltered fashion for the American public to consider free of the influence of those who seek to manipulate the population through narrative manipulation.



#ClaudiaDeLaCruz #Gaza #Palestine #imperialism #narratives #language



Concerns about Wikipedia

I have been concerned about political articles on #Wikipedia and how they effect people reading them

From what i've seen the #bias in them is so obvious and common that i don't put any value in what they say at this point and i've stopped reading them. (In areas that are not connected with politics or economic interests i sometimes use Wikipedia though)

In my view wikipedia
* reflects #corporate/mainstream #western #narratives and #propaganda (which comes with problems described by #Chomsky and #Herman in their work on the #PropagandaModel)
* uses language that mixes #facts and #evaluations (ex using the term "conspiracy theory"), and in that way communicates to the user what they "should" believe

(The first issue is something that you would see in a normal encyclopedia, but the second issue is unique to Wikipedia in my experience. A normal #encyclopedia would be more objective in their descriptions)



Times are changing, and so do #advertisements and #narratives.
In the USA, the #war in #Ukraine is not any longer on the front page, and the focus changes to:

Biden investigation: Grassley releases FBI document accusing Joe and Hunter #Biden of bribery scheme

But that is missing ...

The Blackmail Trap

On the eve of #NATO’s Vilnius summit, Joseph Biden stated clearly that he had consolidated the alliance’s members around the position that it will not offer Kiev #membership in NATO until after the war. Never mind that this #carrot was dangled over Ukraine for additional months as war raged and Ukrainians died by the tens of thousands at the West’s behest. More importantly, this ‘decision’ (actually a long ongoing policy) means that Ukraine cannot gain NATO membership without attaining victory in the war with Russia. Why? Because a defeated Ukraine cannot become a NATO member, not just from Washington’s and Brussels’ point of view but also from that of Moscow.

Guided to from


The #BBC use lies by omission, framing, tone, music, colour cast & linguistic manipulation as part of a strategy of social engineering #propaganda.

The BBC work with #MI5 & #Tavistock to manipulate the #British population using applied #psychology informed by mass domestic #surveillance collected by #GCHQ on behalf of technocratic societal managers masquerading as #politicians & puppeteered by elite #scions.

#socialengineering #massmedia #uk #appliedpsychology #theelite #elites #neoliberalglobalism #neoliberalism #elitism #technocracy #technocrats #bbcnews #usa #un #globalistelite #disenfranchisement #manipulation #socialengineeringpropaganda #eu #behaviouralnudges #narratives #freespeech #freeinquiry #truth #classicalliberalism #criticaltheory #hegeliandialectics


That can't be true! It is not happening to me!

The recent #G7 summit should be understood as firstly, the shaping of a battlespace in the ‘War of #Narratives’ whose principal ‘front’ today is the Team Biden insistence that only one ‘reality’ — the #US-led#Rules’ ideology (and it alone) – can predominate. And, secondly to underline pointedly that the West is ‘not losing’ in this war against the other ‘reality’. This other #reality is the multivalent ‘otherness’ that self-evidently is attracting more and more support around the world.


Two conflicting #narratives of the #Ukrainian crisis have been a major factor in preventing its resolution. One, promoted by Washington and the #US-backed government in #Kiev, blames only “aggression” by the Kremlin and specifically by Russian President #Putin. The other, promoted by #Moscow and rebel forces in eastern Ukraine, which it supports, blames “aggression” by the European Union and $NATO, both inspired by #Washington. Cohen sees enough bad intent, misconceptions, and misperceptions to go around, but on balance thinks Moscow’s narrative, almost entirely deleted from US mass media, is closer to the historical realities of 2013–2014:



Many #Narratives not much #evidence

The vessel used by the divers to plant the explosives on the pipelines was a Norwegian Alta class minesweeper – this is a new disclosure by Hersh at Min.11:31. In a search of NATO, Swedish, US Navy, Pentagon, and other reports of the BALTOPS [Baltic Operations] 2022 exercise between June 5 and June 16, no such vessel has been identified. Click for background on this vessel. If there is a record of such a Norwegian vessel sailing in the area when Hersh claims the explosive charges were laid, no evidence of maritime trace, military press release, or other open-source journalism has appeared yet; Hersh has jumped the gun.

#ns1 #ns2 #nordstream #hersh



#bias #behaviouralscience #psychology #groupthink #interesting #introspectioncueing

#confirmationbias #cognitiveillusions

#insuficientinformation #engagelogicalslowthinking #withholdprematureconclusion #tapthebreaks
#biastoeasyanswers #biastonarratives #narratives #inconsiderate #bullying #usvsthem #redvsblue
#cherrypicking #evidencecherrypicking #cherrypickingevidence
#seeingwhatyouwanttosee #usingreasoningtofitprejudice #illusions

#massformationpsychosis #howithappens
"We make many of our most important decisions based on what can only be called cognitive illusions. This is embarrassing for us to realise, but the evidence for it is undeniable."
so to that, i say:
"there is no shame in the truth." -- Minbari Religious Cast Elder to Student, Babylon5.
"head into the wave." -- me / old saying / unattributed
as in find your way to where you no longer defeat yourself with your subborn clinging to your self image as one who makes no such errors.
embrace the errors.
then you are on the path. then you are learning.
our confirmation bias, our cognitive illusions, are due eternal vigilance, to not succumb to their blinding arogance and mental/investigative/scrutinative sloth.

this is true whether stupid, or oh so much more clever.
especially if you are oh so much more clever.
because if you really are oh so much more clever, you will suffer more fuel on that fire.
and also, thinking you're oh so much more clever, is improbably true. not that i'm saying truth's always derivable, or even aproachable, through simple statistical analysis, but... since we're always going on a little information, and the dangerousness of how little that information is, can be worsened by how much littler we make it by our confirmation-biasing, cognitive illusions, our slothful lazy hastey grasp on shortcuts, we dont even realise, we're doing it, we dont even realise how little we have, and we tell ourselves we have a lot, we tell ourselves as much as we have, is a lot of what there is, even to the extreme, that it's all there is. unwittingly, we become know it alls, with next to nothing. and we think we're the smarty-est.

there's no shame in the truth.

we're not that smart.

we're not as smart as we think we are. no shame in the truth, that we think we're smart, and that we think that's smarter than we are.

knowing this,

helps us get smarter.


wise enough to continue learning.

wise enough to catch ourselves from short-handed thinking.

wise enough to see when we have, and wise enough eagerly accept that, and even point it out to others. wise enough to accept we'll likely never absolutely be beyond this, and even more likely are not beyond it right now, and so reapplies the humility introspective vigilance, not to identify as one who has risen above it, but to persist in plucking away and batting away all the times it has happened already, and all the times more oncoming.

"all i know is i know nothing, and sometimes i forget even that much." -- Me, often, but not often enough without vanity, not often enough really heeding what i (and socrates) mean by it.


still vulnerable to us-vs-them'ing. like you.

(ps, i forget where i got that link from, but thanks again to whoever shared it. ^ all that from merely first 20 minutes. .... lets see where it goes.)

#autopilotbiases #vulnerabletoattack #targetcues #pavlovsdog #socialmediacompanies #datamining #trolling #attentionseizing #mindcontrol #attentionplundering #sensationalism #cunninghamslaw #clickbait #fictionasfact #tabloids #attentionhacking #customerasproduct #attentionasproduct #theyareusingyou #polarisation #trustbuying #divideandconquer #uniteandconquer #familiariseandconquer #algorythm #algorythmicbias #algorythmicechochamber #echochamber #inducedignorance #comfortingignorance #ignorancesquared #arogance #appealmirror #insidetheappealmirrorball #othering #rippingappartthesocialfabric #nodiscourse #misinformation #mistruth #discourseevasion #discourseaversion #moralistic #outrage #hyperjudgementalism #hypernormalism #bonding #hypermoralism #hypermoralistic #witchhunt #redscare #introspectionevasion #introspectionaversion #disinformation #enflamingexistingbiases #existingbiases #biasmanufacturing #circularreasoning #falseflag #duped #outrage #outrageaddiction #fakenews #propaganda #hate #strengthasweakness #weaknessasstrength #irrational #irrationality #copiedirrelevancies #distraction #pantomime #monkeyseemonkeydo #smarterthanhumans #lackfilterforbadinformation #learningerrors #managedoppositions #economiccoercion #sockjocks #shockingestjockwins #clickbaitencouragement #usandthem #usandthemline #quickerthanwerealise #fearreflex #feartheother #they #cartoongeneralisation #generalisation #bigotry #poverty #unconsciousdistinctions #sympathy #iknow #autopilotprocesses #humanpotential #raisethebedrock #scarcitymindset #povertyprocupation #moneyimpoverishment #povertyiqreduction #povertystress #everybodysayingthesamethingjustdifferently #demagog #demagogs #demagoggery #conditioning #subconscious #mindhackers #sidelearnings #intentionalharms #unintentionalharms #fliesintheointment #FLYINTHEOINTMENT #hypocrisy #politicalcorrectness #freedomofspeech #makingourlivesbetter #freespeech #freethought #freewisdom
#cognitiveoverload #worry



Putin is a member of the unified global elite.

They are trying to transition us into a technocratic neofeudal socioeconomic system. They use geopolitical controlled opposition & fear-based manipulation to distract minds & control narratives.

We didn't vote for socioeconomic transition. Unelected elite scions are manipulating our societies through applied plutocracy & blackmail.

Putin has put the same technocratic systems in place in Russia, as Xi has in China & Western elites have & are putting into place in the West.

#structure #transition #neofeudal #system #geopolitical #manipulation #narratives #socioeconomic #elite #scions #plutocracy #blackmail #usa #putin #technocratic #russia #Xi #uk #china #west #global #unified #eu #nuclearwar #ukraine #propaganda


Politics is a philosophy, not a science.
Population management is a science.

Politics gives populations a tool for civilizational self-direction.

The science of population control gives Nietzschean elites a tool for their surrogates to manage populations.

#politics #philosophy #sovereignty #civilization #westerncivilization #nietzschean #nietzsche #theelite #rulebyelites #ubermensch #elites #science #scientism #scientocracy #socialengineering #socialengineers #societalmanagers #societalcontrol #civilizationalmanagement #control #manipulation #narratives #hegalian #fauxhegaliandielectic #propaganda


Study, study, #study. The deception, mendacity & falsehoods go back to the mid 19th century.

#WW1, #WW2, #Communism, the #USA, the #French #Revolution, the #British #Empire, the #NAZIs, the #Bolsheviks, the #Cold #War, the #EU, #multiculturalism, #globalism, the #NSA, the #CIA, #GCHQ, #MI6, the five eyes, Central #Banking, global #plutocracy, #surveillance #capitalism, smart devices, #endocrine #manipulation, applied #psychology, social #engineering, #education systems, historical #narratives, #information control, faux #Hegelian dialectics, #propaganda, manufacturing #consent, #eugenics, #perception management, #secret societies, #blackmail honeypots, puppet #politicians, societal #control mechanisms, #psychosocial reality formation.


WOMEN STANDS SHINING (Pat McCabe) on Humanity's Homecoming /251

In the fast-paced movement of today’s media, it’s easy to become entangled in narratives of extinction, loss, a lack of time, and a tremendous amount of misanthropy. However, when we pause to look within the ecosystems around us we can find examples of life pushing through the most difficult of circumstances. Our more than human kin continues in defiance, refusing to cease their own lineage under the current modern paradigm of exploitation and desecration. In this week’s episode, we look into a thriving life paradigm, which places a reverences for life at the center of all action, with guest Woman Stands Shining (Pat McCabe). In this expansive conversation, Woman Stands Shining coalesces topics of Indigenous sovereignty, land back, how gender and consent behave in different paradigms, and the vital importance of moving out of modernity’s obsession with intellectualism as the primary way of knowing, into a powerful call to choose a timeless paradigm that is life-affirming for us all.

Woman Stands Shining (Pat McCabe) is a Diné grandmother, activist, artist, and international speaker. Her primary work is proposing to the Five-Fingered-Ones, that paradigm is a choice, and pointing to Indigenous cultures as examples that we have evidence that human beings can participate in paradigms in which we can become beings capable of causing all life to thrive.

Music by The Range of Light Wilderness, Violet Bell, and Sea Stars.

Visit our website at forthewild.world for the full episode description, references, and action points.

#interview #Pat-McCabe #For-the-Wild #nature #Life #thriving #narratives