

A quotation from Coffin, William Sloane

Make love your aim, not biblical inerrancy, nor purity nor obedience to holiness codes. Make love your aim, for

“Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels” — musicians, poets, preachers, you are being addressed.
“and though I … understand all mysteries, and all knowledge” — professors, your turn,
“and though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor” — radicals take note;
“and though I give my body to be burned” — the very stuff of heroism;
“and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing.” (1 Cor. 13:1-3 KJV).

I doubt if any other scriptures of the world there is a more radical statement of ethics. If we fail in love, we fail in all things else.

William Sloane Coffin, Jr. (1924-2006) American minister, social activist
Credo, ch. 1 (2004)

#quote #quotes #quotation #aim #faith #love #purpose #religion
Sourcing / notes: https://wist.info/coffin-william-sloane/67202/


The Decline is Observable

It’s rapidly becoming readily apparent to everyone, not just me, #WangHunin, #Simplicius, and #AndreiMartyanov, that the decline of the #imperial #UnitedStates is both a) inevitable and b) observable.

The best indicator of #real #GDP per #capita is #energy usage per capita, because everything about a comfortable modern lifestyle takes a lot of energy, energy comes into everything people do and consume. This was rising exponentially to #1972, when the rise suddenly halted. It then started fall, slowly. And suddenly it has now started to fall rather more quickly and dramatically. It looks like three trend regimes: Exponential growth starting in the seventeenth century, then #stagnation and slow decline starting in 1972, and now it looks like the beginning of #dramatic #collapse, looks like the beginning of a sharp break in the trend of slow and gentle decline.

This reflects a #regime ever more #hostile to the #men who made it great, to the #faith that made it great, the #culture that made it great, and #race that made it great.

Notice that no matter what metric is used, 1972-1973 keeps appearing as the high water mark for the #USA. That’s not an accident. 1972 was, from an economic, industrial, and demographic perspective, the moment of Peak America.

Everything since then has been nothing but #decline #disguised by the #collapse of the #SovietUnion.