

The Decline is Observable

It’s rapidly becoming readily apparent to everyone, not just me, #WangHunin, #Simplicius, and #AndreiMartyanov, that the decline of the #imperial #UnitedStates is both a) inevitable and b) observable.

The best indicator of #real #GDP per #capita is #energy usage per capita, because everything about a comfortable modern lifestyle takes a lot of energy, energy comes into everything people do and consume. This was rising exponentially to #1972, when the rise suddenly halted. It then started fall, slowly. And suddenly it has now started to fall rather more quickly and dramatically. It looks like three trend regimes: Exponential growth starting in the seventeenth century, then #stagnation and slow decline starting in 1972, and now it looks like the beginning of #dramatic #collapse, looks like the beginning of a sharp break in the trend of slow and gentle decline.

This reflects a #regime ever more #hostile to the #men who made it great, to the #faith that made it great, the #culture that made it great, and #race that made it great.

Notice that no matter what metric is used, 1972-1973 keeps appearing as the high water mark for the #USA. That’s not an accident. 1972 was, from an economic, industrial, and demographic perspective, the moment of Peak America.

Everything since then has been nothing but #decline #disguised by the #collapse of the #SovietUnion.


#Splitting the #Sky - #Exposing the #Real #Criminals #Behind #911 and the #NWO #Agenda

On September 11th, #2008, #Mohawk leader Splitting the Sky ( #JohnBoncore Hill) spoke on Parliament Hill as the final speaker at the 'March on #Ottawa for 9/11 #Truth', and he began to name the names of those benefited financially from the attacks of 9/11/2001, and to expose them (companies, individuals, countries and agencies) as being the real perpetrators. He also made a call to action to apprehend the individuals, because the official authorities have failed to do so. Highlights of that speech are included at the beginning of this video.

A few days later, we went to Mohawk territory in #Khanawake, near #Montreal and we conducted an on-camera #interview (*) in which Splitting the Sky systematically went through his research, naming the names and exposing the agenda. He stated the risks which he faced for making these statements, but felt 100% certain about his conclusions, and stressed the importance of bringing out this information. He stated that attempts have been made on his life in the past, in his years of activism, and that he did not fear death.

Several times over the years, Splitting the Sky had said to several friends, "If someone tells you that I died from a slip and fall – don't believe it."

On March 13th, 2013, he was #found #dead in a secluded area of his hometown of Chase, BC. Media reports say that he likely slipped, fell, and died of a resulting head wound.

(*) This interview begins around the 11:45 mark. Poorly made, amateur quality, sound is not right at the beginning, information riveting.

Published 22nd March 2013 (1:55:18)

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=JN57CBOPAyw


The Negation of the Real | James Lindsay: The Secret Religions of the West, Session 1 of 3.
: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lk_w2-8snWk

Description here:
If you want to impose a #totalitarian #system, you have a #problem on your hands: reality. The real is in your way and will eventually veto your project. Far sooner, people who can perceive reality will step in and prevent you from taking society over a cliff. Therefore, the only way to install a totalitarian system is to #negate the #real in the minds of those over whom you would rule. This is accomplished by creating an interpretive frame that deliberately causes people to #misunderstand #reality, sometimes called a "second reality" or "pseudoreality," or even a "hyperreality," which loses all contact with reality through its images and constructions. The totalitarian system "works" and would only work in that false image of reality. In his first talk at the Mere Simulacrity conference in Phoenix, Arizona, in December 2022, James Lindsay presents the idea and mechanism of negating the real to replace it with a hyperreal simulation in which totalitarianism can be accomplished. This, he argues, enables the installation of the Esoteric cult religion needed to advance the tyranny. Join him to understand how the Secret Religions of the West have slowly brought us to the brink of this disaster.


time to #stop these evil ones is #now

You’ll Have No Privacy And Like It! Says W #EVIL F Head Klaus #NAZI SCUM #Schwab:

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=98SzcHejNLM

World Economic Felons head Klaus Schwab gets accused of sounding like a movie #real life #villain, and he does nothing to dispel the notion with his public statements. Most recently Schwab told an interviewer that privacy would soon be a thing of the past and that we should all embrace this bold future since, as long as we don’t have anything to hide we should have anything to worry about. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the brave new world people like Klaus Schwab say we should accept even if they won’t be subject to its dictates themselves.


La #Passionnante #histoire du #RealBook (et des #FakeBooks) - #Piano #Jazz #Concept


Tous les #musiciens de #jazz connaissent ou possèdent un #Real #Book. Mais savez-vous d'où vient cet #ouvrage ? Connaissez-vous leurs #auteurs et leurs #influences ? #Découvrez dans cette #vidéo la #rocambolesque #aventure du #livre ( #illégal) le plus #vendu dans l'histoire du jazz.

#music #musique


This may be a very #useful #resource:
On this site, there are many vaxx victims sharing their stories and advice and resources there. They even have a forum.

The Faces Of The #Vaccine #Injured | #Real, #Not #Rare

Real lives, real experiences of the covid-vaccine injured. Remember, these people all took the vaccine to help stop this pandemic! Now they are being marginalized, abandoned and ignored. Learn, Listen, Support, Believe, Help!
Well that made for harrowing reading.