

The US said today it has submitted a draft UN Security Council resolution to back an “immediate cease-fire of roughly six weeks in Gaza together with the release of all hostages.”

The proposed resolution comes following 3 vetos by the #US against resolutions calling for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in #Gaza. It also comes a few days before the month of Ramadan, which usually sees an escalation across Palestine due to Israel's restrictions on entry to #AlAqsa #mosque and violations against worshipers.

#Hypocricy #GenocideJoe
#SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


After 3 #UN vetoes, cutting fundings of #UNRWA, sending 25000 tons of weapons to Israel, standing by and letting Jewish Terrorists block entry of humanitarian aid and IDF killing 100s of starving palestinians, #GenocideJoe has the nerve to post this shit on social media.

Do they think we are stupid or blind like his stupid supporters who worship this pig?

#IDF #Gaza #Hypocrisy #FoodAsWeapon #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


#Biden: I will not let up pushing for a deal that secures the release of the remaining hostages held by #Hamas, brings an immediate #ceasefire to Gaza for at least six weeks, and allows for a surge of aid to the entire #Gaza Strip.

Guess what else happens during those 7 weeks? UU primaries.

Disgusting #GenocideJoe trying to use this to pretend he is impartial and a peaceful person while he is just fearful of losing the election to lunatic #Trump.

#SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


"Vote Biden or Trump will get in & bring fascism"
How far can Biden & Netanyahu go before these cowardly apologists say enough? Chemical weapons ? Extermination camps ?
This is beyond cynicism, its fucking grotesque
" What is being marketed as benevolent assistance amounts to humanitarian aid theater that does nothing to end the systematic and intentional campaign of starvation Israel and its American and European allies, with the complicity of regional regimes, are waging against Palestinians"
#GenocideJoe #FreePalestine #Gaza #StopTheKilling


All US media bragging about how great #GenocideJoe is for air dropping 38000 meals over Gaza.

Northern Gaza have over 300k people living there. That means about 12% of the starving palestinians get a meal from US.

One freaking meal per 10 person. And these freaking assholes think it's a great achievement and should be aplaused by people of the world.

#Hypocrisy #Gaza #FoodAsWeapon #SaveGaza #StopIsrael


The #US has blocked a statement, put forward by #Algeria and backed by all #UNSC’s 15 members except the US, to the #UN Security Council that would have condemned Israel for the killing of more than 100 Palestinians awaiting food aid in northern Gaza.

The US claimed it is trying to verify the “circumstances around how people died” to see if “we can find some language that everyone can agree on”.

This reminds me of the days after Saddam used chemical weapons against Halanbja in norther Iraq back in 1988, when US and UK used the EXACT same language to prevent the UN to condemn the attacks and blamed the "both sides" for the "loss of lives".

Back then the president was republican, now it's democract. So I guess, US foreign policy doesn't change much from the 2, when it comes to supporting "strategic" partners of US (at the time).

#Gaza #FlourMassacare #Genocide #StopIsrael #SaveGaza #GenocideJoe


They are proud of their soldiers comitting war crime.

And disgusting #GenocideJoe doesn't have the balls to condemn this outrageous crime that killed over 104 people and injured close to 800.

The stench of hypocrisy and inhumanity of the western leaders, is so strong and sickening that I just can't stand it.

Who remembers the "world" reaction to the story of the missile with cluster bombs that hit a train station in Ukraine, something that was blamed on Russia, despite the fact clear proof of trajectory of the missile showed that it was an Ukrainian missile that misfired.

Here we have a nation who proudly brag about their soldiers comitting a horrible war crime, we have 100s of videos and pictures plus testimony of Israeli military admitting that it was them who did it, but the hypocrites of the west can't have an ounce of decency to condemn it and call it for what it is.

#Gaza #BreadMassacare #WarCrime #Genocide #foodAsWeapon

#SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow