

"New blood types are often discovered following medical disasters." Wait, what? I thought there were just 4 blood types: A, B, AB, and O. Well, with the + or -, so multiply by 2 to get 8. Oh me of such little knowledge.

First a review of what the A, B, AB, and O and the +/- represent. It was discovered a little over 100 years ago that when combining blood from different people, sometimes the red blood cells would clump together, and sometimes they wouldn't. These were grouped into 4 categories. Eventually it was figured out that there were two antigens, which were designated anti-A and anti-B. In immunology, immune system cells are referred to as having special molecules, called antibodies, generally a large, Y-shaped protein, to identify pathogenic agents. A molecule that binds to an antibody is called an antigen. This is where the A, B, AB, and O designations come from. O simply means neither anti-A nor anti-B is present.

The +/- indicates presence or absence of anti-RhD. "Rh" originally stood for "Rhesus factor", but it was subsequently discovered that the antigen being studied was not the same between humans and rhesus monkeys, so the name doesn't make sense but has stuck anyway. The "Rh" system originally had 5 antigens, one of which was designated "D". This article refers to "the Rh antigen", but the "Rh" system has actually been expanded to 49 antigens.

"Scientists discovered the Vel and Langereis blood group systems after patients suffered hemolytic reactions following transfusions."

"In 1953, a child in Venezuela died of hemolytic disease three days after birth." A blood lab identified the antigen but knew of no other person with that antigen, so they named it after the family, "Diego". It was subsequently found that the reason they had no other people with that antigen in the database was because they didn't have native Americans -- 36% of the indigenous people of South America have the antigen.

"There are only ten clinically relevant blood typing systems, and if you were to expand your blood type to include them, it might look like ABO(A+B+), Rh(D+c+e+), MNS(M+N-S+s-), P1+, Lu(a+b+), Kell(K-k+), Le(a+b-), Fy(a+b-), Jk(a+b -- ). You don't need to remember all this because physicians will test them before you get a transfusion."

"The second reason you shouldn't be concerned about a surprising reaction is that physicians no longer rely entirely on blood types to determine if blood is compatible. Instead, they use a technique called crossmatching, which involves mixing donors' serum with recipients' blood cells in a test tube. If the two are incompatible, the blood will clump."

New blood types are often discovered following medical disasters

#discoveries #biology #immunology



a simple protective mask.

too simple, i fear.

i recall reading the instructions on the masks’ packaging, including the warning insisting it does not provide protection.

so… canny how you present that. wouldn’t want to lure people into false sense of security. dont need a bunch of typhoid marys magnanimously swanning around thinking they’re doing a good thing, wafting out spray from both sides of their incubation layer, rather than a single directable cone, not back across their flesh and into their hair and mucous membranes, as well as whoever’s either side of them and behind them, as well as whatever then rains down from being redirected like a plume upwards. … seems wise reason they have warnings on the instructions on the packaging, to say they do not provide protection… but… i imagine in the churn to produce so many, there was less and less regulation and such instructional advisory packaging going around. not a lot of seweing machine made masks coming with that established best medical/legal practice warnings about them not offering protection. nor about how isolating yourself weakens the immune system… like we’ve forgotten the lessons from history about that. live in a sterile bubble, lose your immune system. similarly, live with constant stress and fear, harm your biome and lose your immune balance that way too. so… to get people to do both… very lucrative, for the oxymoronic “for profit healthcare”. whole lot of repeat custom, atop their now captive market. dont have to wait for people to get sick. perfect to keep this business with its insane mark-up alive. and with “no liability” bought a while ago, they can do no wrong. stocks going up. but, of course these ruthless greedy eugenicist megalomaniacal mysanthropic ecocidal monopolists and oligarchs have our best interest at heart, they really care, so, we should just obey, and participate in the victim-co-perpetration corporate-state terrorism to help build totalitarianism, because, they really care. they’re not doing this for the massive gains in wealth, power, or for furthering their stated plans of depopulation, even though it does, no, it’s because they care. obey.

#DigitsRants #Triggered #Mislabelling #MissingInstructions #YOUAREDOINGITWRONG #OBEY #masks #immunesystem #PsyOpComplicity #InASeaOfMisinformationEverybodysAShill #consider #anotherperspective #forprofithealthcare #oxymoronic #falsesenseofsecurity #villainswhoclothethemselvesingooddeeds #flowdynamics #economics #sociology #immunology #anthropology #psychology #care #obey #doyourownthinking #questionmore #whenthewholeworldgoesmad #catharticrant #goodrant #sarcasm #satire


[this piece struck me strong throughout, no guarantees of great revelations for you, maybe you already know]



jaw dropping stuff, long before any mention of the topic in the title.

the spine stuff :O

the anxiety stuff :O

startlingly elucidating insights.
perspective shifting stuff. :)

the #autonomicnervoussystem became #disregulated
so it turns out
#anxiety #bipolar #depression #schizophrenia
are all #inflamatoryprocesses.

it's inflamatory.
it is #notpsychelogical.

jaw dropped yet? :)

#fascinating #perspective to entertain.

ther's far more in there than just that. well worth a watch. well worth paying attention to.


20,000,000 information bits in the subconscious, 40 information bits in the conscious.

:O why "mind over matter" and "willpower" struggles.

ps, [i add] the wim hof method, and cannabinoids, and natural sourced vitamins, and joyous laughter and relaxation, seem wise to deploy every day. :)

pps, that was also kinda astonishing (but should be already fully known and aknowledged), how, physicians/doctors/surgeons/etc dont get educated about diet in medical school.
... and we've been flipping out that they dont get educated about the endo-cannabinoid system (the main regulatory system of all the body's regulatory systems, with more receptors than any other system)!? they've far deeper problems yet. corporate capture, inducting "profitable" lies and lies of ommission.

#mercola #drdavidhanscom #spine #inflammation #anxiety #panic #panicattacks #stress #cytokines #susceptability #immunology #polyvagultheory #vagusnerve #cellbiology #pain #biochemsitry #time #chemicalcommunicators #enzymes #sympathetic #parasympathetic #gliolcells #threat #safety #chemical #viruses #bacteria #cancer #bully #difficultboss #thoughts #emotions #physical #neurodegenerative #neurodegenerativedisease #cardiacdisease #adultonsetdiabetes #obesity #parkinsons #altzheimers #inflammatorydissorder #fearless #chronicpain #glucose #carbohydrateexcess #diet #ocytocin #heartrate #restingheartrate #metabolism #humansocialise #coregulation #facialexpression #autonomicnervoussystem #cytokinestorm #stressmanagement #stressmanagementmisnomer #environment #environmentalstimulation #setting #physiological #calmdown #symptoms #remarkablejourney #mindfullness #bodyeffect #goodforyou #relaxation #inflamatorycytokines #responses #importantpieceofthepuzzle #stresschemicals #viralload #accademicperformance #expressivewriting #neuroplasticity #awareness #separation #meditation #sleep #forgiveness #anger #forgiveyourself #intermittantfasting #supplements #inflammatorymarkers #bmi #weight #metabolicflexibility #pinchednerves #humming #directedneuroplasticity #deepbreathing #directstimulationofthevagusnerve #mantras #feedback #psychelogical #slowbreathing #ketones #allcausemortality #vitamind #vitaminddeficiency #magnesium #zinc #disease #illness #wellness #notillness #lifestyle #lifestyles #autoimmunity #thrive #body #survive #train #heartdisease #suicide #pandemic #toxic #technocracy #toxiceconomy #fear #engineeredfear #lockdowns #masquerade #resources #brainwash #motive #worthyvampire #kleptarchy #revolution #wethepeople #play #gimmieback #spiritualjourney #oneconsciousnessexperiencingitselfsubjectively #resiliance #stubmytoe #normalresponse #psychologytoday #anxiety #anothernameforpain #unconsciouspowerfulcircuits #discover #nottrained #nutritionalinformation #outofpain #anxietydropstothefloor #reallythriveatalevelyneverknownexisted #remarkabletransition #healer #knowledgeablehealer #higherlevel #pronoia #deeplyappreciative #welcomechallenge #challenge #profound #profoundlybeneficial #massgrattitude #extremelyhonoured #painfree #wtfaredrsdoingthen #helping #helpingsomanypeople #example #thinkhard #why #conventional #failing #honest #objective #ntt #numbertotreat #preventive #preventative #profilactic #publicengagement #healthforward #technology #data #behaviour #ai #brainwashed #abusedtech #narrative #hypnosis #saturation #grateful #oportunity #issuereporting #welcome #psychology #psychologicalbenefit #directphysiologicalbenefits #positivity #mendwards #optimisinghealth #optimizinghealth #health #somaticwork #veryeffective #keepupthegoodwork #thegoodwork #goodwork #good #work #endeavor #play #playmore #hummore #sorryforsomanyhashtagsijustgottooenthusedbythiscontent #download #beforecensored #lol

might be worth a look... idk. make your own mind up. in a sea of misinformation, everybody's a shill.


I don't agree with everything said (nor the philosophy/epistemology behind it). I think it important to listen and consider more/all perspectives. I do think it vital to be wary of the one true "truth" we're not allowed to waver from.
~ "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend, to my death, your right to say it."

listening to this immunologist https://sp.rmbl.ws/s8/2/H/h/N/H/HhNHb.caa.1.mp4?u=0&b=0

reminds me of ... https://joindiaspora.com/posts/18175698 ... long before he mentioned the #nuremberg code.

#civilliberties #existential #humanrights #coercedmedicalproceedures #antivaxxers #anyvaxxers #neither #immunology #health #rights #logic #coercion #silence #duress #morality #moralconscience #moralcoward #selfcensorship #censorship #decide #freedom #noveltechnology #humantesting #plandemic #geneticengineering #fuseagenicprotien #warn #warning #worrying #coagulation #arrogance #stonewalling #denial #marketing #clots #thevaccineisnotavaccine #humancull #thinkaboutit #costriskanalysis #medicalethics #manslaughter #massmurder #softkill #eugenics #tyranny #vaccinepassport #digitalidentity #privelidgelevels #coerce #totalitariancontrol #behaviourcontrol #mindcontrol #obey #disobey #tonybliar #killbill #canttrustgovernment #corporateterrorism #epidemiology #topupvaccine #howstupidarewe #stultophobia #wealthextractionmaximisation #regulatorycapture #regulatoryskip #hippocraticoath #donoharm #depopulation #nocullnecessary #prisonplanet #unethical #toxicology #costbenefit #riskanalysis #doctorsmustknow #nursesmustknow #avoidabledeaths #hierarchy #massmedia #howthefewcontrolthemany #experimentaltreatment #treatment #mistreatment #nurembergcode #councilofeurope

frustrating how suppressed such messages have been getting... and more frustrating how many succumb to the danger of the little bit of information they're allowed, epistemologically missing that absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, and blundering into a dozen other fallacies and unquestioning group think, saturated in the propaganda parroted back, not even questioning who's making bank, who's got conflicts of interest, not following the money, not considering cui-bono. very disappointing, humanity, very disappointing, and all the more for all you keep quiet for the fear of what other people think. you would hand us all over to eugenicists and tyrants just to play play along for an easy life. ... "First they came..."

I don't agree with everything said (nor the philosophy behind it). I think it important to listen and consider more/all perspectives. I do think it vital to be wary of the one true "truth" we're not allowed to waver from.

Listen to those who seek the truth, run from those who claim to have found it.

yet, "no valid medical reason whatsoever" & "no chance, impossible" & "not viable, not plausible" surely needs give you pause for concern and consideration. and he can say "I don't know" often too, and consider possibilities and uncertainties. Sounds like someone who investigates rather than parrots unquestioningly. still some flies in his ointment still, but far less than the jar of flies-only on offer.

remember they already bought themselves #NoLiability ... :-[

achieve totalitarian domination, AND triple your billionaire wealth, risk-free? no-brainer for the #ruthless.

#wakethefuckup #weareinalotoftrouble

and still the words of that middling insider from years ago caught on audio recording scoffing something like "after the terrorist thing wears off, we're going to have people running scared of a disease without symptoms".

... and initiated at the end of the year with the biggest % of the world population protesting. and largely protesting the banker/corporate-polluter/politician class... same folks who promote #thegreatreset #geoengineering and ploys text-book copy of simulations like #event201 ... got enough smoking gun yet? got enough pieces in place to make a reasonable guess at the picture yet? or is it still as those who have most to gain and most to lose say to you?

we needn't have this bs, we needn't keep succumbing to their terrorising us into accepting, even pleading for, their toxic paternalism. we could have anarchism, and that would be a #good thing.

"hope will be ok" #positivityninnyism #no #wearenotdoingthatanymore

"They can't believe people can be that evil. I remind them, Pol Pot, Stalin, Hitler, they do exist."

#beliefism #denial #evil

"All it takes for evil to succeed is for good people to do nothing."

"One death is a tragedy; a million, a statistic." ... numb yet? :-/

"I don't believe anything I'm told anymore." YAY! non-belief. best protection to deceivers. #keepquestioning

#relax #keeplearning