

Well, here you have it, clear as can be. The “brain” of #TrumpVirus, the chief strategist, pre-pardoned, spells it out clearly:
The GQP #Cult (nee party) is in fact embracing the obvious: Welcome to America’s new, official 'party of Trump', AKA #Fascist Party

“There Isn’t Enough Fascism in the GOP”:

#### Bannon Explodes at RNC Over Republican Losses in Ohio, Kentucky and Virginia

#Fascism #RNC #Bannon #Jan6 #sedition #GQP #FascistParty #truth #psychopathy #psychopathology


Meanwhile, as the "Republican Debate" was swamping away in S Florida, nearby Lord #TrumpVirus managed to have a rally without any new evidence of brain spurs... As he deftly avoiding contempt of court by attacking the #GQP candidates, and the judge (a little).

Donald Trump accuses Republican judges of 'screwing' him during his court cases

All hail Emperor #TrumpVIrus the Stable Genius! Savior of the #GQP & MAGA Kingdom of alternative #truth

Psst... Check out the Emperor's New Cognitive Clothes... Don't others see the same thing? Why do so few speak?


GQP "Fake Debate" that is/was might be....

I'm done w/the #GQP "debate". Here's a thin-slice:...

#DeathSantis will make the US Florida, Haley will be rational & compassionate on the world stage, Swampy launched into an attack on the moderators/#Media (NBC) & said #MuskVirus & Tucker C. should be hosts to draw an audience.🤔.

(True, MAGATs are either in Hialeah cheering for #DeathSantis (as they've been doing, in response to his zinging every university and state other than in FL, where he has "cancelled" Palestinian groups. He goofed (not picked up) in saying he'd stop sending money to universities and have the government there defending them [um, with what money?]. Anyway, logic

Niki Haley is tearing Swarmy apart ... (the cheering caught my attention) - swiveled from Swarmy to "we need friends.... partnerships" and just tore Smarmy appoint on his attitudes towards Ukraine & Russa...

Not watching really, as at 10 all the news (MSNBC et al) will have their version of highlights and zingers. Christie now... he is definitely sounding sane and serious after Smarmy & the other guy spouting nonsense... Smarmy getting reprimanded demanding time to respond, now Ron on Putin: "When I'm President that is not going to happen..." Not going to Ukraine, shutting down the border....
🤢 "Money to process more illegal aliens... making it worse!" (So what would he do? Bomb the border? Defund that too, along with education?).

Onto international dynamics, China and Taiwan...

And onto dinner, before I lose my appetite.... In a way Smarmy is right that if the moderators were anti-extinctionist #MuskVirus and pro-looney-tunes #TuckerCarlson, they'd get some MAGAS to watch, and maybe peel off a few from Drumpf. Oh, if only....


Finally, in the weekly snapshot of #TrumpVirus #cult news, more from #GQP fangirl #Cannon ....

BREAKING: Florida Judge Aileen Cannon snaps at Special Counsel Jack Smith

Yin/yang, #justice in reality, vs a zealous #MAGA judge who might as well be part of #TrumpCrimeFamily
This was a 'breaking news' item from #Tribel. From its owner, who is the only one who can use a line break or paragraphs.
And thus is my impression of that platform, about to officially monetize/launch ... Fine for some things, not formatting...

#socialmedia #media news extra... :)

Happy weekend!

Below is the article in its entirety, for anyone for whom the link leads to nowhere (though it is 'public')


BREAKING: Florida Judge Aileen Cannon snaps at Special Counsel Jack Smith with a testy response to Smith’s filing warning Judge Cannon not to be “manipulated” by Donald Trump into delaying his trial until after the 2024 election.

Today, Judge Aileen Cannon fired back at Smith, shamelessly telling Smith that she’s didn’t even bother to read his filing because it is 19 words too long.

Judge Cannon told Special Counsel Smith that his filing “may not exceed 200 words” — and then put Smith on notice that if he submits any more filings that are too long for her liking, “it will be stricken without further notice."

Clearly, this is just another naked attempt by Judge Cannon to play dumb and help Trump delay his trial until after the election.

Instead of responding to the content of Smith’s filing, which attempted to warn her that Trump was doing everything in his power to delay Smith’s other trial in D.C., Judge Cannon decided to attack the messenger.

Her true intentions couldn’t by ANY clearer.

HEADS UP: 18% of the investors in Tribel’s equity crowdfunding campaign on WeFunder haven’t confirmed their investment yet — and the deadline is coming up. All of those who invested MUST confirm their investment by logging on to their account ...

bla bla bla


##### So ... "Who Is Mike Johnson?" - or "MAGA Mike" as he's now being called by his own #cult - as if that's a compliment ?!

I do hate to be the "bearer of the bad news", sky is falling etc. - on this 'place' where I know many who see my posts are not in the USA, and I apologize for my tendency to be US-centric in news headlines. In the context of a world rife with war, terror, climate disaster, etc. - and also with some good things happening! - things like mass shootings and my country's own Civil War and absurd government 'theater' in our House of Representatives....

GQP Crazies

#GQPcult - Cartoon by Clay Jones/Claytoonz

So I end my immediate reactions to, and warnings about, the new "Speaker", #MAGAMikeJohnson with this.
#Truth - I've never been able to watch more than 3 minutes or so of #Fox & Fiends without getting nauseous &/or angry at the spread of #disinformation, tribalism, and #TrumpVirus hate... And yet maybe 1/3 of Americans are now partial to their alternate-reality.
Especially the 'false gods' of reality and morality, like Hannity and Carlson. But it's worth a watch to truly see what we now have.

Speaker Johnson Sits Down with Sean Hannity


Here is an Interview with Mike Johnson, on Fox of course ('exclusively'), a full sit-down history.
I'm posting it for anyone who is truly interesting on "who he is" beyond the many summary lists and articles.
Here he is in his comfort zone, reiterating his positions of budget cutting, G-d, and the wonders of the #GQP 'party'/ #cult

I'm a psychologist, so I view this like an intake interview. Hannity pitches softballs, advances his own 'truths' as if they're a given, to which Johnson whole-heartedly agrees and expands.... To me this is the most revealing portrait of an incoming House Speaker I've ever seen, and I came across this by accident, as I'd never intentionally watch Fox or Hannity... But.... Want to know exactly how MAGA Mike views the world, the country, and his mission? This fills in some blanks and reinforces the 'big picture'.

## ⚠️

#MikeJohnson #HouseSpeaker


Last bit of processing, late-night after a day of TMI, none good....
A somber reflection about the latest mass shooting(s), and then top-notch #humor churned in a mixture of satire and #truth.

Stephen Colbert Calls Out Mike Johnson’s First Fail

The “Late Show” host chided the new House speaker for offering little more than thoughts and prayers to survivors of the Maine shooting on his first day in office.

#GQP #TrumpVirus #MAGAMikeJohnson #truth #TMI #violence #Jan6


Meanwhile, in "OUR House" (G-d Help us if they actually are 'representative' of America!)....
Donald #TrumpVirus celebrated his only "good news" of the day, proof he still owns the #GQP cult.

As they stay stuck on a sharp rusty post of anti-#democracy and assaults of basic rights.


Heeeeeere's Mikey! Or as Gaetz calls him, #MAGAMike

So who is this guy installed by Lord StableGenius with the enthusiastic support of #GymJordan, Gaetz, & other #Jan6 seditionists?

New Speaker Mike Johnson’s Long History With The Religious Right

"Come for the Noah's Ark theme park, stay for the relentless efforts to strip women's and LGBTQ+ rights."

#truth #democracy #MakeAmericaSane (ish)