Have bought a 5kg bag of corn to make popcorn upt to January 20th
It's going to be the grand opening of the biggest circus of our modern history.
It's like watching far and pathetic copy of #Berlusconi with a dumb copy of #Cicciolina aa the first lady!
Isn't america great or what?
#Trumpistan #USpol #USpolitics #Trunp #Circus #Clowns #Politics
Why the Circus travelled by train - Circus Trains
An interesting Look At Circus Trains
#Circus #Trains #TransitHistory #History #Barnum
Crowd Funding
Da haben Menschen eine Workshopreihe vorbereitet, und anderen leuten ist dann eingefallen dass sie doch kein #geld mehr haben. - deswegen fragen sie jetzt für geld from everyone.
Thema: Mentruierende Körper und Sport
Sidebenefit, die Workshopmaterialien werden veröffentlicht. :D
Wo Spenden? hier:
#circus #sport #science #crowdfunding #rotterdamm #dance #tanz #hilfe #spende #menstruation #education
Alan Watt: #How #Bread and #Circus #Distraction Are Used to #Misdirect the #Masses. Must See
Republican Strategist Predicts DOOM For House Republicans In 2024 Election
#Politics #GQP #GOP #MAGA #Republicans #Elections #Trump #Circus #Incompetence #Congress
The #Ukraine War is Fake - #Bread and #Circus for the #Masses..
These guys performed too last Sunday at the #Circus Show
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Today I saw these women perform, amongst many other #circus acts.
They were fantastic, so funny, so relaxed. All through the hilarious performance, they were quoting philosophers, quantum physics and debating the meaning of life. I laughed so hard I had tears steaming down my cheeks.
Certainly a whole new approach to the concept of circus & entertainment.