

#Ra #Ma #Da #Sa #healing #mantra #music to #heal the whole world of matter

no worries ,no fears just heart felt joy and gratitude to all of you`s

#om namah shivaya
#Aum Mani Padme Hum
What is Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung? - Definition from Yogapedia
20 May 2020 ... Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Se So Hang is translated to mean " #Sun, #Moon, #Earth, #Infinity: #All that is in infinity, I am Thee." This is a relatively modern ...


#egypt #ra #hatho

Hathor was goddess of many things: love, beauty, music, dancing, fertility, and pleasure. She was the protector of women, though men also worshiped her. She had priests as well as priestesses in her temples.
She was created by the Sun God, Ra. When Ra feared that mankind was plotting against him, he sent Hathor as an "Eye of Ra".
Even a Sun God can get depressed. Hathor danced naked in front of Ra until he laughed to cure him of a fit of sulking. When he was without Hathor, he fell into a state of deep depression.