

One of the most amazing building technology, sidestepped and forgotten because of our addiction to cementeand concrete is rammed earth.

Ancient civilizations, built huge buildings using nothing but earth, either reinforced with hay, or simply pressed to create bricks that lasted centuries.

Ancient city of Bam in south central Iran and Saana in Yemen are examples of such amazing building method that helps keeping the interior cool in summer and warm in winter while it's beauty and simplicity made it last generation after generation.

Bam was almost completely destroyed after the devastating earthquake of 2003 and Saana is partially destroyed by almost decade long brutal war by Saudi and UAE against the people of Yemen.

There are people now who are trying to spread the knowledge about this cheap, reliable and beautiful way of building houses in warm climates. Combined with modern technology to use concrete foundation and use barbeife to reinforce the layers, these buildings can be made at a fraction of the cost of those using concrete blocks or bricks. Plus they have almost 0 carbon footprint and do not need any energy to process them before being pressed by hand or machine to create such magnificent beautiful walls. They are so beautiful that they don't even need paint.

It is possible to make them last longer by adding an extra layer of water proof plaster on top or just simply leave them as they are and they will withstand the rain and wind for many decades without losing their strength or beauty.

#RammedEarth #Bulding #Clay #Bam #Saana #Iran #Yemen #GlobalWarming #ClimateChange #Techbology #Living #Construction #Housing


House in a skip: even tiny homes can’t address the privilege and insecurity of the housing market

Marshall has explained that converting a skip was the only way he could afford to live in London. Skip House reportedly cost £4,000 to build, and he pays £50 per month to an arts charity in rental fees for the land.

He has a portaloo onsite, but no running water, so showers at the gym or at work. This is not many people’s idea of luxury, but it is a creative solution.

Many see the idea of a tiny house as a counter-cultural statement against consumerism and the housing market – and the culture of overwork required to finance these two things. Tiny houses can act as a beacon highlighting a simpler, more sustainable way of life.

Marshall’s ability to find and come to an agreement with the arts charity that owns the land he is renting is made possible, in part, by what sociologists term his “social and cultural capital”, as a white, educated, man.

The tiny house movement embodies a complex mixture of counter-cultural ideals, economic pragmatism and the entrenched sheltering of privilege. They are not a fix-all, but neither should they be dismissed out of hand.


#TinyHomes #housing #social #culture #consumerism #CapitalismFails #CounterCultural #coop


There were attempts at ring building, in the USSR.

enter image description here
The diameter of the structure is 155 meters (around 500 feet). It has 26 entrances, 913 apartments and six big archways to enter the courtyard. The first floor of the building contained pharmacies, shops, hair salons, a laundry and tailor shop, also a children's club, and even a library. The isolated courtyard has its own park, with playgrounds for kids and feels like it is a long way away from the busy town. The rooms here are not rectangular but more like trapezoids, which makes it harder to place furniture.
Also the courtyard has bad acoustics – a small noise echoes a lot.
Critics complained that it used up too much land, compared to the typical rectilinear #housing projects.


NASA's Johnson Space Center on Twitter: "Could you live here for one year? A crew of four volunteers will spend one-year living and working inside this 1,700 square foot habitat located @NASAJohnson as part of a simulated journey to Mars. Learn more about the mission: https://t.co/x5chK7DEcG https://t.co/1Lx38Je6AF" / Twitter

It's like Big Brother, but for science! And I guess after staying home with Covid this isn't a bad idea either for some people...

#science #housing
