

China is planting Fields of Stones stuck to Metal Bars - No, Really

Hrmkay, i didn't follow serpentza and laowhy86 that close lately since they left china.

But this one made me curious:

China is planting Fields of Stones stuck to Metal Bars - No, Really



#serpentza #china #fields #stones #youtube #invidious #RandomShit ;)

TIL: If at times your instance cannot load the youtube data for a link, it may be able to embed a invidious one seamless anyway. ;)


https://calckey.social/notes/9el0v5d2do nyaa@calckey.social - #Google is starting to roll out ad blocker prevention on #YouTube, Google does phased rollouts, so it might take a bit for it to affect you.

But you have options still, here's a few of them:

Piped: #Piped is a website frontend to YouTube that you can make an account on and store watch history, subscriptions, and playlists and share them with others. It blocks ads, has SponsorBlock by default. The GitHub is here (https://github.com/TeamPiped/Piped). I recommend Adminforge (https://piped.adminforge.de) or Hostux (https://piped.hostux.net). You can use LibreTube (https://github.com/libre-tube/LibreTube) on Android to sync your playlists and subscriptions, and Yattee (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/yattee/id1595136629) on iOS to do the same.

Invidious: #Invidious is a website frontend to YouTube, I do not know much about this one, but it is similar to Piped with some technical differences. YewTube (https://yewtu.be/feed/popular) is one instance that I know, and here is the Invidious GitHub (https://github.com/iv-org/invidious)

NewPipe: #NewPipe is a client for Android that can load YouTube without ads, and works entirely locally. Despite the name, it is not affiliated with and can not connect to Piped. Here is the GitHub (https://github.com/TeamNewPipe/NewPipe), and it is also available on F-Droid (https://f-droid.org/packages/org.schabi.newpipe/)

FreeTube: #Freetube (https://freetubeapp.io/) is an ad-free desktop client for Windows, Mac, and Linux that can load YouTube and stores subscriptions and history locally.

For most of these options, you can export your YouTube subscriptions at https://takeout.google.com and can import them into them.


Da #Alternative/n zu #YouTube hier aus bekannten Gründen sehr beliebt sind, habe nochmal im #Kuketz-Blog geguckt: ➞ YouTube: Datenschutzfreundlich & ohne Werbung
Ok, um das #Video zu sehen, öffnet man einen neuen #Tab. Schade, aber könnte ich mit leben. Joa, mit #720p Auflösung vielleicht auch. Ich bin viel auf Künstlerseiten, etc. unterwegs. Wie sieht es aber mit der #Monetarisierung für #Künstler, #Influencer, etc. aus, wenn ich Alternativen zu YouTube nutze? #Frage: Weiß da jemand mehr? Finde ich persönlich nicht ganz unwichtig.

No YouTube

#noYouTube #PeerTube #Piped #Invidious #FreeTube #Datenschutz #Kuketz #Google #Diaspora #Question #Info


Music Labels Win Legal Battle Against Youtube-dl’s Hosting Provider


A German court has ordered hosting provider Uberspace to take the website of the open-source youtube-dl software offline. The ruling is the result of a copyright infringement lawsuit, filed by Sony, Warner and Universal last year. Uberspace will appeal the verdict and, meanwhile, youtube-dl's code remains available on GitHub.

You can download YouTube videos with https://invidious.baczek.me/ Just change the URL.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uSZwErdH3I -> https://invidious.baczek.me/watch?v=_uSZwErdH3I

Or you can just go to https://invidious.baczek.me/ and search for what you want.

#youtube #invidious #download #download-youtube-videos #copyright #youtube-dl #piracy #torrent-freak #torrentfreak #copyright #github #uberspace #germany #deutscheland


Intégrer des vidéos invidious

Message pour les membres de #TCB


Pour intégrer des #vidéos #invidious :

[zvideo poster='https://i.imgur.com/rdjWU24.png']https://yewtu.be/latest_version?id=ZXrjrr6ifME&itag=18[/zvideo]

Sont à changer :

- l'adresse de l'image (https://i.imgur.com/rdjWU24.png dans cet exemple)

- la référence de la vidéo (ZXrjrr6ifME dans cet exemple)

- le tag peut aussi varier (18 dans cet exemple) mais il peut être différent (22 ou autre) ; vérifier le code source le cas échéant :


#Vidéo support : Silent Short by Hans Richter - 1926

Un des premiers courts métrages du cinéaste dada Hans Richter. Beaucoup d'images aléatoires, y compris des globes oculaires flottants ! A l'origine, avec une partition musicale de Darius Milhaud. En savoir plus : https://thesilverscreensurfer.blogspot.com/2013/07/the-dada-films-of-hans-richter.html

#Astuces #Surréalisme #Art


#Bibliogram - un logiciel et une instance d' #anonymisation d' #instagram, façon #invidious - s'arrête mais son fondateur appelle à reprendre son projet.
The short version
Instagram is really annoying, and I've given enough, and I don't want to deal with it anymore. Bibliogram will remain mostly broken unless somebody steps up to fix it. The main instance, bibliogram.art, will shut down, unless somebody wants to take it over. If you want to try fixing Bibliogram, you should read through the rest of this post for helpful tips about the current situation.


#Appleseed #OAV VF [1988] - #Invidious


La quatrième #guerre #mondiale (1999-2026) a ravagée une partie de la #Terre, bien que l' #arme #nucléaire n'ait pas été employée. Les #nations se reforment, tandis que des groupe épars d' #humains survivent dans des #villes en #ruine.
L' #histoire commence en 2127. #DunanNuts et #Briareos « Bri » Hechatonchires (devenu #cyborg après un grave accident) sont deux ex-commandos d'un de ces embryons de nation qui ont décidé de s'installer dans une #ville dévastée.

#film #animation #manga