

#culture #art #documenta #censorship #germany

"In its almost 70-year history, documenta has developed into the world's most important exhibition of modern art. Every five years, it creates a space for artistic perspectives on the central issues of the global world. This was and is only possible thanks to the complete refusal of politics to exert any influence on artistic issues and the strict preservation of artistic freedom. This finds its limits in the law, which is bindingly established by the courts, not in parliamentary resolutions, not in the opinions of politicians, not in reasons of state and also - as is now planned for documenta - in enforced voluntary commitments by curators and artists. This petition demands that artistic freedom, as enshrined in Article 5 of the German Basic Law, continues to be preserved and is not restricted by political or other external influences, which is why we at the #standwithdocumenta initiative are doing everything we can to support you in protecting this important platform for modern art and preserving its independence. Please sign this petition now!"


We at #standwithdocumenta are happy about any support! Sign the petition to save artistic freedom on our website https://standwithdocumenta.com//.


Twice a decade, for exactly 100 days, the world of culture turns its eyes to this midsize German city for #Documenta, a giant exhibition whose intellectual ambitions and hefty budgets have ensured its reputation as the world’s most prestigious show of contemporary #art. This year’s edition got off to a dreadful start in June, when its most prominent artwork, an agitprop mural incorporating unmistakable antisemitic caricatures, had to be withdrawn amid national outcry. The 15th Documenta now comes to a close on Sunday — not before another controversy that has seen artists, scholars and politicians trade accusations of #antisemitism and #racism, harassment and incompetence.
When an organizing committee nominated the Indonesian artist collective #ruangrupa to organize Documenta 15, we knew an old model was dying; we could not guess how fitfully the new would struggle to be born. This was the first time that artists themselves were tasked to organize what had been, until now, the ultimate curator-led, thesis-driven exhibition. And ruangrupa’s core members blew up their collective decision-making into a larger paradigm, inviting dozens of other art collectives to #Kassel, then allowing those collectives to invite participants of their own. The show came together on giant Zoom calls where everyone could forge a big, happy, distributed family they called a lumbung (meaning a rice barn, in Indonesian). This Documenta, unlike any before it, was not about art, or ideas, but about the friends we made along the way — the friends and, indeed, the enemies.

https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/23/arts/design/documenta-15.html #germany #indonesia #taringpadi #postcolonial


Wenige Tage vor dem Ende der Documenta fifteen in #Kassel hat sich die Auseinandersetzung über den #Antisemitismus bei der Kunstschau noch einmal zugespitzt. Fünf von acht Mitgliedern des Gremiums zur fachwissenschaftlichen Begleitung der Ausstellung, das von den Gesellschaftern der Documenta mit der Aufarbeitung der antisemitischen Inhalte betraut wurde, schrieben in einer Erklärung, »dass die gravierenden Probleme der #Documenta fifteen nicht nur in der Präsentation vereinzelter Werke mit antisemitischer Bildsprache und antisemitischen Aussagen bestehen, sondern auch in einem kuratorischen und organisationsstrukturellen Umfeld, das eine antizionistische, antisemitische und israelfeindliche Stimmung zugelassen hat«.

https://jungle.world/artikel/2022/38/das-kuenstlerische-argument #kunst #israel #antizionismus #indonesien #ruangrupa #apartheid #brasilien #grüne #shoah #holocaust #bds #mbembe