

destroy more,
make shoddier,
replace sooner,
externalities, externalities, externalities,
rebrand the devil angelic,
keep telling the slaves they're free,
destroy the competition,
suppress the innovations that obsolete the rents.

look at all that churn.
look at all that wealth transfer.
pay no attention to the orders magnitude more wealth destroyed.
keep calling wealth extraction maximisation "profit".
keep calling poverty a virtue to the impoverished.
keep saying the churn is progress and riches.
trot out worshippers of the Gross Domestic Product.

dont you just love capitalism?
maybe capitalist barons care.
maybe this psycho is best.
believe harder. the lies are true.
buy more.

stay dependent,
on your abuser,
because they took everything.
dont you just love capitalism?

#digitspoems #capitalism #churn #GDP #TheCorporation #ThePsychopath #wealthextractionmaximisation #poverty #marketing #advertising #plannedobsolescence #dependence #austerity #rentierism #rents #barons #bigbaron #buy #buybuybuy #consumerism #economics #freedom #deception #emancipation #oppression #orwellianism


Seems legit!

anonymiss - 2023-02-04 13:55:00 GMT

#Microsoft 365 #trial offer blocks access to #Windows 10 desktops

Source: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/microsoft/microsoft-365-trial-offer-blocks-access-to-windows-10-desktops/

After clicking "No, thanks," the user gets sent to a "Confirm your payment option" screen where the only option left is to "Start trial, buy later."

#software #fail #bug #desktop #economy #news #problem #money #buy #office #wtf #omg


Accelerating Downfall
I am so fucking #angry all the time. Everything is getting worse, and the rate is accelerating. The #price of #everything I #buy to live has gone up more than 100% in the last two years. The #pricegouging and #profiteering is #endless. #Inflation is 7%, not 50%, and everyone else is… I have always been human fucking garbage. I always will be. My life is getting worse every year. It's unrelenting. I have to fucking commit #suicide. There is no way out. It's all getting worse and accelerating. I am already behind. I am already a loser piece of shit. I am #fat. I am #old. I am #ugly. I am #poor. I am #worthless. And there is NO WAY OUT. I have to commit suicide. I #hate my life more and more every day. I hate everyone around me. I hate myself. There is no path away from this. Don't respond saying that there is a path, but it's not an easy path. All that is saying is that I could get out, but I am #lazy. And I have already established that I am #fucking #worthless #human #garbage who should kill himself. But I am too much of a #coward to kill myself. I have to go on pointlessly suffering for some reason. I just hope someone kills me. If you know who I am, please kill me. I deserve a slow, painful death, but I ask for #mercy, and that you please make my #death #quick and #painless. I won't fight. I mean, I won't fight if I don't know what's coming. Shoot me in the back of the head or something. I #hope you get away with it. But ultimately I don't fucking care (See? Worthless Human Garbage). There is no point to your fucking worthless life either. But for what it's worth I hope you succeed and evade #legal #problems for my #murder, which I #deserve, I assure you. Kill me, please. There is no point in this going on.